- Inisiativa Lejizlativa kona-ba Adosaun iha Timor-Leste(13-02-2025).
- Prokuradór no juis sira kontinua la utiliza artigu apropriadu iha kazu sira ho natureza violénsia doméstika (07-Fevereiru-2025).
- Prosecutors judges still don’t use appropriate articles in cases characterized as domestic violence (08-Fevereiru-2025).
- Prosesu Eviksaun Tenke tuir lei no kontinua promove diálogu hodi hetan entendimentu no solusaun ida-ne’ebé apropriadu no pasífiku (13/01/2025).
- JSMP aprezenta no diskute deskobrimentu iha setór justisa ho Ministru Justisa no esplora posibilidade atu reforsa kooperasaun Institusionál iha Futuru(21-01-2025).
- JSMP presents and discusses findings regarding the justice sector with the Minister of Justice and explores the possibility of strengthening institutional cooperation cooperation in the future(22-01-2025).
- JSMP lansa rezultadu survei finál kona-ba Persepsaun no Satisfasaun hosi Parte Sira ho Atendimentu Justisa Iha Kazu VBJ iha TL (31-Dezembru-2024)
- Partisipante feto ba formasaun iha “Lideransa transformativa” Munisípiu Aileu husu JSMP organiza formasaun ba líder partidu polítiku sira hotu no ezije ukun na’in sira atu labele partidariza serbisu públiku (20-12-2024).
- Autór Judisiáriu Tribunál Dili aseita atu aplika Lena traballu afavor ba Komunidade iha kazu violénsia doméstika maibé rekere lejislasaun komplementar atu asegura kolaborasaun serbisu ho MSSI no Ministériu Públiku iha implementasaun (20-12-2024).
- Judicial actors at the Dili Court agree to apply the penalty of community service in cases of domestic violence. However, complementary legislation is required to ensure collaboration with the Ministry of Social Solidarity and inclusion (MSSI) and the Public Prosecution Service to Implement this type of penalty (20-12-2024).
- JSMP fahe informasaun ba membru Konsellu Suku no Komunidade Suku Malere kona-ba asesu ba justisa formál, krime violénsia bazeia ba Jéneru, kanak autór judisiáriu sira, direitu labarik no rede referral (14-12-2024).
- Xefe Suku Cairui husu ba JSMP atu kontinua halo treinamentu ba to’o iha nível aldeia (14-12-2024).
- Intalasaun Edifísiu foun Tribunál Judisiál Primeira Instánsia Dili responde ona kestaun seguransa no Protesaun ba ofendida no testemuña sira ninia ezijénsia (11-12-2024).
- The Installation of a new building at the Dili Court of First Instance has responded to issues of security and protection regarding the needs of injured parties and witnesses (11-12-2024).
- Polítika Rekonsiliasaun tenke reflete prinsípiu justisa no respeita abordem konstitusionál (27-11-2024).
- A policy of reconciliation must reflect principles of justice and respect for the constitutional order (28-11-2024).
- Tribunál Judisiál Primeira Instánsia Oekusi kondena pena efetiva Tinan rua (2) ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstika: JSMP konsidéra desizaun ne’e hanesan avansu pozitivu (27-11-2024).
- The Oecusse Court of First Instance imposes effective prison sentence of two (2) years against the defendant in a case of domestic violence : JSMP considers this decision to be a positive step forward (04-12-2024).
- JSMP husu autóridade kompetente atu halo diseminasaun informasaun ba kazu violénsia doméstika liga ho prosesu justisa formál (26-11-2024).
- Autór Judisiáriu sira Juridisaun Tribunál Baukau admite pena traballu favor ba komunidade nu’udar alternativa maibé presiza mekanizmu kontrolu atu asegura ninia funsionamentu ( 26-11-2024).
- Judicial actors from the Baukau Court acknowledge the penalty of community service is an alternative, however a mechanism of supervision is required to ensure its functioning (26-11-2024).
- JSMP ezije Tribunál avalia no konsidera faktu no sikurtánsia relevante sira iha kazu ho natureza seksuál antes halo desizaun (21-11-2024).
- JSMP demands for the courts to assess and consider the relevant facts and circumstances in cases of a sexual nature before making a decision(22-11-2024).
- Autór judisiáriu iha Juridisaun Tribunál Suai rekere lejislasaun komplementár atu aplika pena traballu afavor ba Komunidade (18-11-2024).
- Judicial actors at the Suai Court have made a request for complementary legislation to apply the penalty of community service (21-11-2024)
- JSMP aprezenta no diskuti opsaun pena ne’ebé relevante ba kazu violénsia doméstika ho autór judisiáriu sira iha Tribunál RAEOA (11-11-2024).
- JSMP presents and discusses relevant sentencing options in cases of domestic violence with judicial actors at the Special Administrative Region of Oekusi-Ambeno Court (13-11-2024)
- Tribunál Judisiál Baukau kondena pena efetiva tinan 2 ba arguidu kazu maus-tratus ba kónjuje (9-11-2024).
- The Baucau Court of First Instance hands down an effective penalty of 2 years in prison against the defendant in a case of mistreatment of a spouse (13-11-2024).
- Aplikasaun artigu 215 Kódigu Prosesu Penál kona-ba iha kazu Violénsia Doméstika (08-11-2024)
- Application of article 215 of the Criminal Procedure Code on the right to complain is not relevant in cases of Domestic Violence (08-11-2024).
- Partisipante feto formasaun “Lideransa transformativa” RAEOA husu JSMP organiza formasaun ba líder partidu polítiku sira no presiza halo regularmente (07-11-2024).
- JSMP kongratula selebrasaun Loron Nasionál ba Feto Timor-Leste no ezije entidade hotu atu asegura Protesaun no liberta feto hosi kualker forma violénsia hasoru feto (04-11-2024).
- JSMP wishes to celebrate the National Women’s Day in Timor-Leste and demands for all entities to ensure protection and to free women from all forms of violence against women (04-11-2024).
- Tribunál Judisiál Primeira Instánsia Oekusi Primeiravés aplika dever adisionál ba kondenada ilha krime aktu seksuál ho adolexente(24-Outubru-2024)
- For the first time the Oecusse Court of First Instance applies additional obligations against a convicted person in a case involving the crime of sexual acts with an adolescent (28-Ourubru-2024).
- Autoridade Judisiáriu sira tenke garante protesaun adekuada ba vítima sira durante prosesu iha tribunál (04-10-24). Judicial authorities need to guarantee adequate protection for victims witnesses during court proceedings (07-10-24).
- Membru komunidade Suku Maudemu husu JSMP fahe informasaun sira iha treinamentu ba iha komunidade sira iha baze tanba importante tebes (27-09-24).
- Setór saúde iha pontu krítiku maibé Parlamentu Nasionál falla atu estabelese Komisaun Inkéritu Parlamentar (27-09-24)
- Kuadru Partidu Polítiku Munisípiu Baukau husu ba lideransa nasionál sira atu halakon ódiu no vingansa hodi lori Timor ba futuru ida prósperu (19-09-2024).
- Members of political parties in Baukau Municipality urge national leaders to eliminate hatred and revenge to bring Timor-Leste towards a prosperous future (09-10-2024).
- JSMP kondena makaas atuasaun ekipa SEATOU ne’ebé ho brutalidade destroi sasan negoisante dalan ninia sira no husu vítima sira aprezenta denunsia ba Ministériu Públiku (05-09-2024).
- JSMP holds second consultation on the preparation of draft Tara-Bandu rules in Naimeko Village (29-08-2024)
- JSMP holds First consultation on the preparation of draft Tara-Bandu rules in Naimeko Village (29-08-2024).
- JSMP holds second consultation on the preparation of draft Tara-Bandu rules in Lalisuk Village(29-08-2024).
- JSMP holds First consultation on the preparation of draft Tara-Bandu rules in Lalisuk Village (29-08-2024).
- Estrutura suku Bobocasse foin permeraves partisipa treinamentu asesu ba justisa formál no Direitu Labarik (26-08-2024).
- JSMP Fasilita Formasaun kona-ba Lideransa Transformativa ba Kuadru Partidu Polítiku sira iha RAEOA- Oekusi (21-08-2024).
- JSMP Facilitates training on Transformative Leadership for Political Party members in the Special Administrative region of Oecusse-Ambeno (08-10-2024).
- Tribunál Judisiál Primeira Instánsia Dili hamonu pena úniku tinan 25 prizaun ba aman ne’ebé komete krime VS (insestu) hasoru nia oan feto (15-08-2024).
- The Dili Court of First Instance imposes a single penalty of 25 years in prison against a father who committed the crime of rape (incest) against his daughter- 17-08-2024.
- Tribunál tama fériadu judisiál Prokuradór no ofisíal justisa sira tribunál utiliza tempu fériadu tuir formasaun (09-8-2024).
- JSMP konsidera absolvisaun ba arguidu LRTM iha krime arma proibida la reflete faktu, la justu no viola prinsipiu sentensa iha Kódigu Penál (7-8-2024)
- JSMP Considers that the acquittal of the defendant LRMT in a case of prohibited weapons does not reflect the facts, is unjust and violates the principles of sentencing in the Penal Code (7-8-2024).
- Suku-Lifau- JSMP asina no lansa regra tara-bandu alteradu Partisipante sira : regra tara-bandu alteradu hatan duna preokupasaun Komunidade nian-29-Jully-2024.
- Lifau Village – JSMP signs and launches amended Tara-Bandu rules The participants : amended Tara-Bandu rules really respond to community concerns-29-Jully-2024.
Juñu/ June
- Komisáriu Eleitu tenke hatudu ninia independénsia no imparsialidade durante hala’o knaar tuir lei haruka-27-Juñu 2024.
- Komunidade Suku Triloca, Munisipiu Baukau preokupa ho labarik sira abandonadu nia-direitu-26-Juñu-2024.
- Nomeasaun Komisáriu CAC iha poténsia viola artigu 8 pontu 2 Lei Nù. 8/2009 ne’ebé ezije kandidatura tenke personalidade independente-20-06-2024.
- Xefe Aldeia Usapibela Oekusi rekoñese ninia komunidade menus informasaun kona-ba asesu ba justisa formál nune’e dalabarak halo sira la hato’o keixa 11-Juñu 2024.
- The Usapibela Sub-Village Chief in Oecusse acknowledges that community members lack information on access to formal justice and therefore they often don’t make a complain 11-Juñu-2024
- Komemorasaun loron Internasionál ba Labarik : JSMP husu atu asegura protesaun adekuadu ba labarik sira-1-juñu-2024
Abril| April
- JSMP lansa relatóriu anuál 2023 tolu iha selebrasaun aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XXIII 28-Abril-2024
- Informasaun hosi JSMP kona-ba asesu ba justisa ajuda tebes komunidade Aldeia Eraulu, Ermera atu kanaliza problema no oinsa halo prosesu -09-Abril-2024
Information from JSMP about access to justice realy helps community members in Eraulu Sub-Village, Ermera to channel their problems and Understand the procces-09-Abril-2024. - Partisipante sira treinamentu foin hatene kona-ba lala’ok krime públiku no krime semi públiku-04-Abril-2024.
Participants in the training gained an understanding of public crimes and semi-public crimes after receiving information from JSMP - JSMP apresia Tribunál Rekursu reativa filafali Programa Tribunál Movel ho regularmente iha tribunál primeira instánsia sira-02-Abril-2024
JSMP appreciates that the Court of Appeal has reactivated the Mobile Court Program that is operating regularly through court of firts instance-02-April-2024
Marsu| March
- Abandona oan no feen, adopsaun no desputa rai sai preokupasaun partisipante sira iha Aldeia Bonuk, Suku Labarai, Covalima-25-Marsu-2024
- The neglect of children and wives, adoption and land disputes are concerns raised by participants in Bonuk Sub-Village, Labarai Village, Covalima
- JSMP fahe informasaun kona-ba Asesu ba Justisa Formál ba iha estrutura no komunidade Aldeia Camalpun, Suku Lihu, Ermera-21-Marsu-2024
- Estrutura Aldeia Oemolo, Oekusi, simu informasaun kona-ba Prosesu Justisa Formál hosi JSMP-18-Marsu-2024
The administrative structure of Oemolo Sub-Village, Oecusse, receives information from JSMP about the Formal Justice Process-18-March-2024
- Problema abandona família sai preokupasaun komunidade Aldeia Lebudu, Ermera, iha atividade dezamina informasaun JSMP nian-18-Marsu-2024
Community members in Lebudu Sub-Village, Ermera, raise the issue of family neglect during a JSMP information dissemination activity-18-March-2024
- JSMP fahe informasaun kona-ba Asesu ba Justisa Formál ba iha Estrutura Aldeia no Komunidade iha Aldeia Tulaika, Suku Lifau, Oekusi-12-Marsu-2024
JSMP disseminates information about Access to Formal Justice to the Sub- Village Administrative Structure and Community Members in Tulaika Sub-Village, Lifau Village, Oecusse-12-March-2024
- Loron Feto Internasionál JSMP kontinua enkoraza ema hotu atu hamutuk hakotu korente violénsia no diskriminasaun hasoru feto-08-Marsu-2024
International Women’s Day JSMP continues to encourage everyone to come together to break the chain of violence and discrimination against women-08-Marsu-2024 - JSMP ho Estrutura Suku Lalisuk asina Nota Entendimentu ba serbisu hamutuk liuhosi Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu-07-Marsu-2024
JSMP and the administrative structure of Lalisuk Village sign a Memorandum of Understanding for collaboration through the Community Security Support Program-07-March-2024 - JSMP Kontinua nia atividade PASK iha Suku Lifau-05-Marsu-2024
- JSMP kontinua haluan Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK) iha Suku Labarai liuhosi asina Nota Entendimentu-Marsu-2024
- JSMP no Estrutura Suku Delesu asina Nota Entendimentu ba Apoiu Seguransa Komintariu-01-Marsu-2024
Fevereiru | February
- JSMP kontinua estende Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu iha Suku Ogues liuhosi asina Nota Entedimentu-28-Fevereiru-2024
JSMP extends the Community Security Support Program in Ogues Village by signing a Memorandum of Understanding-28-February-2024
- JSMP haluan Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK) iha Suku Maudemu-27-Fevereiru-2024
JSMP expands the Community Security Support Program (PASK) in Maudemu Village-27-February-2024 - Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitάriu (PASK) habelar iha Suku Fatulia-23-Fevereiru-2024
- JSMP kontinua haluan/haboot nia programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK) iha Suku Uma-Ana-Iku-23-Marsu-2024
- JSMP kontinua hanaruk Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK) ho Suku Uma-Ana-Ulu liuhosi asina Nota Entendimentu-23-Fevereiru-2024
- JSMP liuhosi semináriu rejionál aprezenta rezultadu survei “Persepsaun no Satisfasaun Utilizadór no Fornesidór Serbisu iha Sistema Justisa Formál iha Kazu VBJ”-12-Fevereiru-2024
Through a regional seminar JSMP presented results of a survey on “Perceptions and Satisfaction of Users and Service Providers in the Formal Justice System relating to Cases of GBV”-12-February-2024
Janeiru | January
- JSMP Monitoriza Maioria Kazu VD iha Julgamentu Móvel Iha Munisípiu Bobonaro Presiza esforsu koletivu no imediata atu proteje feto no labarik sira hosi violénsia-29-Janeiru-2024
- JSMP lamenta ho funsionamentu reuniaun plenária Parlamentu Nasionál no husu ba deputadu sira atu kumpri Rejimentu Parlamentu nian-25-Janeiru-2024
- Suku Ogues realiza serimónia re-tara-bandu Xefe Suku rekomenda JSMP kontinua hakbesik justisa ba komunidade Suku Oques no apoia implementasaun regra tara-bandu-15-Janeiru-2024
- JSMP liuhosi semináriu rejionál aprezenta rezultadu survei “Persepsaun no Satisfasaun Utilizadór no Fornesidór Serbisu iha Sistema Justisa Formál iha Kazu VBJ”-12-Fevereiru-2024
- Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK) kontinua haluan iha Suku Lihu JSMP Asina Nota Entendimentu ho Suku Lihu-12-Fevereiru-2024
- JSMP kontinua asina Nota Entendimentu ho Suku Samalete ba Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK)-9-Fevereiru-2024
Dezembru | December
- Pesoál sira hosi instituisaun liña frente sira hetan formasaun kona-ba tráfiku
umanu iha Delta Nova, Komoro, Dili-Dezembru-2023 - Pesoál sira hosi instituisaun liña frente sira hetan formasaun kona-ba tráfiku umanu iha Delta Nova, Komoro, Dili-18-Dezembru-2023
- Pesoál liña frente sira iha fronteira Batugade foin hatene kona-ba saida mak tráfiku umanu depoisde hetan formasaun hosi JSMP-15-Dezembru-2023
- Lia-nain suku sanirin konsidera treinamentu ne’ebé JSMP fo bele ajuda no haforsa membru estrutura suku hala’o nia knaar ho di’ak no tuir lei- 12- Dezembru- 2023
JSMP continues to facilitate training on human trafficking to frontline staff at the Mota Masin border-11-December-2023 - JSMP kontinua fasilita treinamentu kona-ba tráfiku umanu ba liña frente sira iha fronteira Mota Masin-11-Dezembru-2023
- JSMP Realiza Kampaña Tráfiku Umanu iha Salaun Auditórium Liceu, UNTL Hetan Reazen Pozitivu hosi Parte Interesadu Xave Sira-06-Dezembru 2023
Novembru | November
- Membru komunidade no estrutura suku Lalisuc preokupa ho prosesu justisa
formál ne’ebé la’o kle’ur liu-22-Novembru-2023
Community members and members of the village administrative structure in Lalisuc Village raised concerns about the formal justice process which involves lengthy delays-22-November-2023
- JSMP fasilita treinamentu kona-ba demokrasia, partisipasaun públiku iha prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formál iha Suku Labarai-27-Novembru-2023
- JSMP akompaña treinadór sira Suku Batugade iha fasilita treinamentu kona-ba igualdade jéneru, tráfiku umanu no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru ba membru komunidade sira seluk-06-Novembru-2023
JSMP accompanies trainers from Batugade Village to facilitate training on gender equality, human trafficking and gender based violence for other community members-06-November-2023
Outubru | October
- JSMP hahú halo kampaña dahuluk ba prevensaun Tráfiku Umanu no Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru (VBJ) iha área fronteira Batugade-24-Outubru2023
JSMP starts the first campaign to prevent Human Trafficking and Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the Batugade border area-24-October-2023 - JSMP akompaña treinadór sira Suku Beiseuc iha fasilita treinamentu kona-ba igualdade jéneru, tráfiku umanu no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru ba membru komunidade sira selu-24-Outubru-2023
JSMP accompanies trainers from Beiseuc Village to facilitate training on gender equality, human trafficking and gender based violence for other community members-24-October-2023
- JSMP akompaña treinadór sira Suku Comoro iha fasilita treinamentu kona-ba igualdade jéneru, tráfiku umanu no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru ba membru komunidade sira seluk-24-Outubru-2023
JSMP accompanies trainers from Comoro Village to facilitate training on gender equality, human trafficking and gender based violence for other community members-24-October-2023
Setembru | September
- Xefe suku Nipane agradese tebes ba JSMP tanba kontinua hakbiit estrutura suku hodi transmite informasaun ba membru komunidade sira seluk-30-Setembru-2023
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba treinadór ka “Training of Trainers (TOT) ba lideransa suku no komunidade sira iha Suku Batugade-29-Setembru-2023
JSMP conducts “Training of Trainers’ (TOT) for village leaders and community members in Batugade Village-29-September-2023
- JSMP kontinua fasilita TOT ho matéria violénsia bazeia ba jéneru no tráfiku umanu ba lideransa transformativa iha suku Beiseuc-25-Setembru-2023
JSMP continues to facilitate TOT with materials on gender based violence and human trafficking for transformative leadership in Beiseuc Village-25-September-2023 - JSMP fasilita treinamentu tráfiku umanu no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru iha Suku Nipane, Postu Administrativu Pante-Makasar, Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oecusi Ambeno(RAEOA)-20-setembru-2023
JSMP facilitates training on human trafficking and gender based violence in Nipane Village, Pante-Makasar Administrative Post, Special Administrative Region of Oecusse-Ambeno (RAEOA)-20-September-2023 - JSMP akompaña Lia-nain uma lisan no estrutura Suku Ogues iha prosesu halo konsultasaun ba revizaun regra Tara-Bandu-13-Setembru-2023
JSMP accompanies Customary Elders from sacred houses and members of the administrative structure of Ogues Village during the process of consultation to review the rules on Tara-Bandu (traditional prohibition)-13-September-2023
- Asuntu Tráfiku Umanu nu’udar informasaun foun ba komunidade Suku Beiseuc – Munisípiu Covalima-01-Setembru-2023
Human Trafficking is a new issue for community members in Beiseuc Village – Covalima Municipality-01-September-2023
Agostu | August
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba mobilizadór ba Tráfiku Umanu no Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru iha Suku Batugade-Munisípiu Bobonaro-31-Agostu-2023
JSMP holds training for mobilizers on Human Trafficking and Gender Based Violence in Batugede Village, Bobonaro Municipality-2023
- JSMP dezamina informasaun kona-ba prosesu justisa formál ba Autoridade Lokál no Komunidade iha Aldeia Nefobai, suku Lifau-11-Augustu-2023
- Membru estrutura suku no komunidade Suku Lalawa, konsidera sistema lista proporsionál iha eleisaun nasionál parlamentár la justu-07-Agostu-2023
Members of the village administrative structure and community members in Lalawa Village consider the proportional list system for national parliamentary elections to be unfair-07-August-2023
- JSMP fahe informasaun kona-ba asesu ba justisa formál iha aldeia iha suku pilotu ba projetu PASK iha Munisípiu Baukau no Ermera-07-Agostu-2023
JSMP disseminates information on access to formal justice in sub-villages in a pilot village for the Community Security Support Program (PASK) project in Baucau and Ermera Municipalities-August-2023 - Tribunál hahú tama ba feriadu judisiáriu Autór tribunál sira simu formasaun kona-ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru-03-Agostu-2023
Courts start judicial recess Court actors receive training on Gender Based Violence-03-August-2023
Jullu | July
- Loron Internasionál ba Luta Hasoru Tráfiku Umanu:JSMP husu ba parte hotu-hotu atu hamutuk hodi prevene no kombate tráfiku umanu-31-Jullu-2023
- JSMP aprezenta nia deskobrimentu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionáliha Lejizlatura V:Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál husu atu JSMP kontinua kontribui hadi’ak serbisu Parlamentu nian-18-Jullu-2023
JSMP presents its findings at the National Parliament on the V Legislature:President of the National Parliament requests for JSMP to continue contributing towards improving the work of the Parliament-18-July-2023 - Estrutura Suku Samalete haksolok ho JSMP ninia prezensa hodi ajuda informa ba komunidade sira kona-ba andamentu kazu iha justisa formál-14-Jullu-2023
The authorities in Samalete Village were happy with a visit by JSMP to help provide information to community members about how cases are dealt with in the formal justice system-14-July-2023
Junu | June
- Selebra loron Internasionál Labarik: JSMP kongratula labarik sira no Ejije Estadu Fornese Kondisaun ne’ebé adekuadu ba labarik sira-02-Junu-2023
Celebrating International Children’s Day:JSMP congratulates children and demands for the State to provide adequate conditions for children-02-June-2023
Maiu | May
- JSMP dezamina informasaun kona-ba prosesu justisa formál no fasilita dialogu entre estrutura suku no komunidade suku Ogues ho autór judisiáriu-18-Maiu-2023
JSMP disseminates information about the formal justice process and facilitates dialogue between village authorities and community members from Ogues Village with judicial actors-18-May-2023 - Estrutura Suku Uma Ana Ulu foin kompriende katak feto no mane iha direitu hanesan ba fahe eransa-08-Maiu-2023
The administrative structure in Uma Ana Ulu Village only recently came to understand that women and men have the same inheritance rights-08-May-2023
Abril | April
- JSMP lansa relatóriu Anuál Setór Justisa, Lejislativu, Institusionál 2022 no relatóriu temátiku kona-ba Rekoñesimentu ba Kazamentu tuir Kódigu Sivíl, Labarik Joven Konflitu ho Lei no Direitu sira Ema ho Defisiénsia iha âmbitu Selebrasaun Aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XXII-27-Abril-2023
JSMP launches 2022 Annual Reports on the Justice Sector, Legislative Sector, and Institutional Sector and thematic reports on the Recognition of Marriage according to the Civil Code, Young Persons in Conflict with the Law and the Rights of Disabled Persons as part of the celebration of JSMP’s 22nd Anniversary-27-April-2023 - JSMP kontribui ba revizaun Regra Tara-Bandu iha Suku Samalete antes realiza seremonia re-tara-bandu-19-Abril-2023
JSMP contributes to the revision of Rules regarding Tara-Bandu (Traditional
Prohibition) in Samalete Village before holding a ceremony to reactivate Tara Bandu rules - JSMP no autór tirbunál hala’o sesaun dezaminsaun informasaun ba autoridade lokál nomós komunidade iha suku Lifau no Suku Samalete-17-Abril-2023
JSMP and court actors disseminate information to local authorities and community members in Lifau Village and Samalete Village-17-April-2023
Marsu | March
- JSMP rekomenda ba Prokuradór no Tribunál atu molok presinde depoimentu testemuña sira tenke asegura prova sufisiente ona-14-Marsu-2023
JSMP recommends for Prosecutors and the Court to ensure there is sufficient evidence before dispensing with witness testimony-14-March-2023 - Partisipante Suku Uma Quic primeiravés simu treinamentu kona-ba asesu ba justisa no prevensaun ba violénsia bazeia ba jéneru-10-Marsu-2023
Participants from Uma Quic Village received training for the first time about access to justice and the prevention of gender based violence-10-Marsu-2023 - Komemora loron feto Internasionál: JSMP ejize atu fó importansia ba feto iha lideransa no elemina diskriminasaun hasoru feto-08-Marsu-2023
Commemorating International Women’s Day: JSMP demands that importance should be given to women in terms of leadership and also to eliminate discrimination against women-08-March-2023 - JSMP ninia prezensa hodi fahe informasaun kona-ba asesu ba justisa formál: Responde ona komunidade Suku Saburai ninia preokupasaun kona-ba oinsa atu asesu ba justisa formál-02-Marsu-2023
JSMP makes a visit to disseminate information about access to formal justice: Responds to the concerns of the community in Saburai Village about how to access formal justice-02-March-2023
Fevereiru | February
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba estrutura suku no estudante husi Universidade da Paz kona-ba prevensaun tráfiku umanu:Partisipante sira agradese tanba konsidera informasaun sira ne’e foun no tulun tebes sira hodi bele hases-an husi krime sira ho tipu tráfiku umanu-23-Fevereiru-2023
JSMP holds training on the prevention of human trafficking: The participants found this new information to be very helpful so that they can avoid crimes categorised as human trafficking-23-Fevereiru-2023 - JSMP no Defensoria Públiku fahe informasaun ba estrutura suku no komunidade iha Suku Lauala kona-ba Justisa Formál Estrutura suku apresia ho prezensa Defensora Públiku-20-Fevereiru-2023
JSMP and the Office of the Public Defender disseminated information to village authorities and community members in Lauala Village about Formal Justice The village authorities appreciated the visit by a public defender-20-February-2023
- JSMP Konsidera deputadu sira la konsistente no sériu hodi fó prioridade ba Eleisaun Komisáriu KAK foun-16-Fevereiru-2023
- JSMP Asina MoU ho estrutura Suku Lifau, RAEOA no Suku Ogues, Covalima ba Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK)-13 Fevereiru-2023
JSMP signs MoUs with leaders of Lifau Village, Special Administrative Region of Oecusse-Ambeno and Ogues Village, Covalima for the Community Security Support Program (PASK)-13-January-2023
Janeiru | January
- JSMP konsidera alegasaun no aplikasaun suspensaun ba pena prizaun ba krime pekulatu no falsifikasaun dokumentu iha natureza krime korrupsaun la refleta ho gravidade krime-25-Janeiru-2023
- JSMP asina MoU ho Estrutura Suku Uma Ana-Ulu ba Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK)-25-Janeiru-2023
JSMP signs an MoU with Village Authorities in Uma Ana-Ulu Village for the Community Security Support Program (PASK)-25-January-2023 - JSMP asina MoU ho Lideransa Suku Samalete ba Programa Apoiu Seguransa Komunitáriu (PASK)-11 Janeiru-2023
JSMP signs an MoU with leaders from Samalete Village for the Community Security Support Program (PASK)-11-January-2023
Dezembru | December
- JSMP Rekomenda ba Provedór Eleitu atu tau Prioporidade ba Promove Direitu Umanu no Governasaun Di’ak iha Timor-Leste-20-Dezembru-2022
- Preokupa ho konstitusionalidade Lei Organizasaun Judisiária:JSMP rekomenda ba Prezidente Repúblika atu husu fiskalizasaun preventiva no abstrata ba lei refere-15-Dezembru-2022
- JSMP husu ba Instituisaun Estadu sira atu Ezekuta Orsamentu 2023 ho Responsabilidade no Transparánsia-23-November-2022
- JSMP husu PN aprova proposta orsamentu adisionál husi MP, DP, PSIK, KAK, SFJJ no PDHJ iha OJE 2023
- Ministériu Interiór no UNDP fornese fasilidade ba VPU JSMP apresia no rekomenda atu kontinua tau-matan ba VPU iha teritóriu tomak-24-Outubru-2022
The Ministry of the Interior and UNDP have provided facilities to the VPUs JSMP appreciates and recommends that ongoing attention be given to the VPUs across the entire territory
- JSMP lamenta membru Governu ho polítiku sira halo intervensaun direta ba iha serbisu investigasaun judisiál-11-Outubru-2022
- JSMP apresia ho Inisiativa Parlamentu Nasionál halo alterarasaun ba Lei Organizasaun Judisiária-30-Setembru-2022
- JSMP husu Governu atu implementa polítika subsídiu $200 ba uma kain tuir objetivu Dekretu-Lei Nú 37/2022 kona-ba Subsídiu ba Uma Kain-28-Setembru-2022
- Vizita Prezidente Repúblika iha JSMP: Diskute hodi promove serbisu no funsionamentu setór Justisa no Lejislativu-14-Setembru-2022
Visit of the President of the Republic to JSMP:Discussion to promote the work and functioning of the justice and legislative sector-14-September-2022 - JSMP realiza treinamentu ba estrutura suku kona-ba prevensaun tráfiku umanu iha Munisípiu Covalima no Bobonaro-12-Setembru-2022
JSMP holds training for members of the village administrative structure on the prevention of human trafficking in Covalima Municipality and Bobonaro Municipality-12-September-22
- Tribunal sira hahu tama ba Feriadu Judisiariu-Agostu-2022
- Inspesaun ba lokál-du-krime no rekonstituisaun ba faktu iha kazu omisídiu importante tebes hodi bele asegura prova sira-08-Agostu-2022
- Progresu pozitivu iha akuzasaun ba kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór ho natureza violénsia doméstika ne’ebè inklui kedas ho indemnizasaun sivíl-05-Agostu-2022
- Primeiravés Tribunál kondena arguidu kazu VD ho suspensaun ba pena prizaun ho kondisaun tenke fó alimentasaun kada fulan ba nia oan na’in rua-04-Agostu-2022
For the first time the court convicts a defendant in a case of Domestic Violence with a suspended sentence and a condition that he must provide alimony every month for his two children-04-August-2022 - JSMP preokupa ho efetividade no efisiénsia implementasaun Lei Organizasaun Investigasaun Kriminál liuliu iha kazu Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru (VBJ)-02-Agostu-2022
JSMP is concerned with the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the Law on Criminal Investigations Organizations especially in cases of gender based violence (GBVH)-02-August-2022
- JSMP konsidera Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonómika, Sanitária no Alimentár (AIFAESA) viola prinsípiu normativa sira Dekretu-Lei Nú. 26/2016-18-Jullu-20222
- JSMP konkorda ho hanoin distintu deputadu Asanami nian kona-ba sidadaun australianu ne’ebé halo manifestasaun iha Dili no husu Estadu atu tetu didi’ak molok fó solusaun-18-Jullu-2022
- JSMP apresia vontade di’ak Governu Timor-Leste hodi ratifika Konvensaun Internasionál kona-ba Direitu Ema ho Defisiénsia-05-Jullu-2022
JSMP appreciates the good will of the Government of Timor-Leste to ratify the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities-05-July-2022
- JSMP husu ba Parlamentu Nasionál, Governu no Instituisuan Relevante sira atu konsidera rekomendasaun Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (KAK)-06-Junu-2022
JSMP urges the National Parliament, Government and relevant institutions to consider the recommendations of the Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK)-06June-2022 - Loron Internasionál Labarik JSMP kontinua ejize ba Komisaun F Parlamentu Nasionál atu aselera Lei Protesaun Labarik no Foin Sa’e iha Perigu-01-Junu-2022
International Children’s Day JSMP continues to demand for Committee F of the National Parliament to accelerate the Law on Protection for Children and Young Persons who are in Danger-01-June-2022
- JSMP fahe informasaun kona-ba prevensaun tráfiku umanu iha Timor-Leste:estudante barak rekoñese nunka hetan informasaun antes ne’e-12-Maiu-2022
- Ofisiál Justisa Tribunál Distritál Baukau la kumpri despaisu tribunál nian Julgamentu tenke adia-06-Maiu-2022
Court Clerk from the Baucau District Court did not comply with court instruction Trial had to be adjourned-06-May-2022
- Selebra Aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XXI:JSMP sei lansa relatóriu Anuál Setór Justisa, Lejislativu no Institusionál 2021-Abril-2022
Celebrating the 21st Anniversary of JSMP:JSMP launches its annual reports on the Justice, Legislative and Institutional Sectors for 2022 - JSMP husu atu evita diskursu inflamatória no provokativu iha kampaña eleisaun prezidensiál ba segunda volta nian-01-Abril-2022
JSMP requests that inflammatory and provocative speeches be avoided during the second round of the presidential election campaign-01-April-2022
- Komunidade suku Casabauk foin primeiravés hatene informasaun kona-ba prosesu justisa formál hasoru aman ka inan abandona oan-23-Marsu-2022
- Tribunál Distritál Baukau kontinua aplika pena prizaun efetiva iha krime violénsia doméstika-15-Marsu-2022
The Baucau District Court continues to apply effective prison sentences for crimes of domestic violence-15-March-2022 - Timor-Leste komemora Loron Internasionál ba Feto: Igualdade Jéneru no mudansa klimátika-08-Marsu-2022
Timor-Leste commemorates International Women’s Day: Gender Equality and climate change-08-March-2022 - JSMP husu ba deputadu Parlamentu Nasionál atu la revoga Lei Nú. 07/2009 kona-ba Kria Funsaun Públiku maibé adapta tan norma balun ne’ebé seidauk regula iha lei ne’e-02-Marsu-2022
- Tribunál revoga suspensaun ba pena prizaun iha krime VD no kondena pena prizaun efetiva tinan ida ba arguidu AdP ne’ebé repete ninia hahalok-01-Marsu-2022
The court revokes suspended prison sentence for the crime of domestic violence and imposes an effective prison sentence of 1 year against the defendant AdP who reoffended-01-March-2022
- Komisaun A PN inklui hanoin balun JSMP nian iha Lei Kria Orden ba Advogadu Timor-Leste no aprova nia Estatutu: JSMP apresia aas tebes serbisu Komisaun A hodi finaliza lei ne’e-28-Fevereiru-2022
Committee A of the National Parliament includes some considerations from JSMP in the Law on the Creation of a Timor-Leste Bar Association and Approval of its Statute: JSMP strongly praises the work of Committee A in finalizing this law-28-February-2022 - Ema ho defisiénsia la asesu ba kartaun eleitorál sai kestaun iha Semináriu Rejionál ne’ebé JSMP organiza iha Rejiaun Otónomu Oekusi-28-Fevereiru-2022
The issue of persons with a disability not having access to electoral cards was raised in a Regional Seminar organised by JSMP in the Autonomous Region of Oecusse-28-February-2022
- JSMP realiza formasaun ba membru konsellu suku no komunidade feto iha suku Lalisuc Prosesu kazu sivíl, krime, violasaun seksuál no lei sira sai kestaun husi partisipante sira-28-February-2022
JSMP holds training for members of the village council and female residents in Lalisuc Village Participants raise issues about civil cases, crimes, rape and the law-28-February-2022
- Uza Portugés hodi sukat kapasidade kandidatu ba Prezidente Repúblika la justu no kria bareira ba sidadaun ne’ebé la domina Portugés hodi konkorre ba Prezidente Repúblika-25-Fevereiru-2022
Using Portuguese to evaluate the capacity of candidates for the position of President of the Republic is unfair and creates a barrier for those citizens who don’t understand Portuguese to compete in the election of the President of the Republic-25-February-2022 - JSMP konsidera revogasaun ba Artigu 4 Lei Nú. 5/2016 kona-ba krime insusetível ba indultu no komutasaun pena sei hafraku sistema justisa iha Timor-Leste-18-Fevereiru-2022
JSMP believes that the revocation of Article 4 of Law No. 5/2016 on crimes that are not subject to pardons and commutations of sentences will undermine the justice system in Timor-Leste-18-February-2022 - TDS kondena arguidu ho pena úniku tinan 28 prizaun tanba provadu komete krime VS ho agravasaun (insestu) no omisídiu agravadu hasoru nia oan feto no nia feen-10-Feveireiru-2022
- Disolusaun Parlamentu no Eleisaun Antesipada tenke kumpri rekizitu sira no norma Konstitusionál-02-Fevereiru-2022
Janeiru | January
- Disolusaun Parlamentu no Eleisaun Antesipada tenke kumpri rekizitu sira no norma Konstitusionál-02-Janeiru-2022
Dissolution of Parliament and Early Elections must adhere to Constitutional requirements and norms-02-January-2022 - JSMP apresia ho esforsu deputadu proponente sira ne’ebé inisia ona esbosu alterasaun Estatutu DP no Lei ba SFJJ atu sai instituisaun independente-25-Janeiru-2021
JSMP praises the efforts of MPs for initiating draft amendments to the Statute of the Office of the Public Defender and the Law for the Legal and Judicial Training Centre for these institutions to become independent institutions-25-January-2022
Dezembru | December
- JSMP husu ba Instituisaun Estadu sira atu Ezekuta Orsamentu 2022 ho Responsabilidade, Transparánsia no Akontabilidade-22-Dezembru-2021
JSMP urges State Institutions to execute the 2022 Budget with Responsibility, Transparency and Accountability-22-December-2021 - JSMP realiza Planu Revizaun Anuál hodi avalia programa, polítika no situasaun finanseira 2021 no dezenvolve Planu Estratéjiku 2021-2025-20 Dezembru-2021
JSMP conducts an Annual Review Plan to evaluate programs, policies and finances in 2021 and to develop the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan-20-December-2021 - JSMP konsidera desizaun Prezidente PN hodi la admite proposta deputada Maria Gorumali Barreto la tuir Konstituisaun RDTL no Rejimentu PN-16-Dezembru-2021
JSMP considers the decision of the President of the National Parliament not to admit the proposal of MP Maria Gorumali Barreto to be against the Timor-Leste Constitution and Parliamentary Rules of Procedure-16-December-2021 - Parlamentu Nasionál aprova orsamentu adisionál ba Defensória Públiku JSMP apresia vontade di’ak deputadu sira-13 Dezembru 2021
National Parliament approves additional budget for the Office of the Public Defender JSMP praises the good will of the members of parliament-13-December-2021 - JSMP apresia ho serbisu Komisaun A PN ne’ebé konsege finaliza ona Lei Estatutu Ministériu Públiku iha diskusaun no aprovasaun espesialidade-06-Dezembru-2021
JSMP praises the work of Committee A of the National Parliament for managing to finalise the Statute of the Public Prosecution Service via specific discussion and approval-06-Dezembru-2021
- Komemorasaun loron internasionál ba ema ho defisiénsia JSMP lansa relatóriu temátiku:“Ema ho Defisiénsia ho nia Dezafiu sira: Estatutu Ratifikasaun Konvensaun Internasionál kona-ba Direitu Ema ho Defisiénsia”-06-Dezembru-2021
Commemoration of the International Day of Disabled Persons JSMP launches a thematic report: “Disabled Persons and Challenges: Status of Ratifying the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”-06-December-2021
Novembru | November
- JSMP husu atu halo avaliasaun ba efetividade implementasaun programa iguladade jéneru no inkluzaun sosiál tinan fiskál 2021-30-Novembru-2021
JSMP requests an evaluation on the effectiveness of implementing the gender equality and social inclusion program for the 2021 financial year-30-November-2021 - JSMP hala’o semináriu rejionál ba iha membru konsellu suku sira no komunidade sira iha Munisípiu Covalima-23-Novembru-2021
- JSMP husu PN aprova proposta adisionál husi Tribunál, Ministériu Públiku, Defensoria Públiku, CAC no PSIK iha OJE 2022 nian-22-Novembru-2021
JSMP urges the National Parliament to approve the additional proposals from the Courts, the Public Prosecution Service, the Office of the Public Defender, the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Police Forensic and Criminal Investigations in the 2022 State Budget-22-November-2021 - Lideransa suku ho nia estrutura suku hato’o sira nia preokupasaun ba autór tribunál sira iha Semináriu Regionál Munisípiu Dili-05-Novembru-2021
Village leaders and members of the village administrative structure conveyed their concerns to court actors during a Regional Seminar in Dili Municipality-05-November-2021
Outubru | October
- Tribunál no Prokuradór tenke konsidera faktu foun sira ne’ebé mosu durante produsaun ba prova-29-Outubru-2021
The court and the prosecution need to consider new facts that emerge during the examination of evidence-29–October-2021
- JSMP kontinua rekomenda ba Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál atu utiliza artigu 155 KP nu’udar artigu espesífiku ba aktu violénsia fízika no saúde hasoru labarik sira-13-Outubru-2021
- JSMP lamenta ho alterasaun ba Lei Indultu no Komutasaun Pena: Alterasaun loke dalan ba krime korrupsaun hetan indultu no komutasaun pena-06-Outubru-2021
JSMP is disappointed with the amendments to the Law on Pardons and Commutation of Sentences:These amendments make it possible for crimes of corruption to be pardoned and for sentences to be commuted-06-October-2021
Setembru | September
- JSMP Audénsia ho Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu: edifísiu foun Tribunál Distritál sira sei iha fatin espesífiku ba arguidu, vítima no testemuña-23-Setembru-2021
JSMP meets with the President of the Court of Appeal:new buildings in the district courts will have separate spaces for defendants, victims and witnesses-23-Setembru-2021 - JSMP apresia ho Komisaun F ne’ebé inklui mós direitu fundamental labarik sira nian iha relatóriu apresiasaun inisiál projetu Lei Protesaun Labarik no Foin Sa’e iha Perigu-10-Setembru-2021
JSMP praises Committee F for including the fundamental rights of children in the initial assessment report on the Draft Law for the Protection of At-Risk Children and Adolescents-10-September-2021
- Tribunál absolve krime violasaun seksuál ho natureza insestu tanba la prova forsa no violénsia JSMP husu ba Governu no PN atu altera KP no kria artigu ketak kona-ba insestu-02-Setembru-2021
The court acquits defendant from charge of rape characterized as incest because it was not proven that there was force and violence JSMP urges the Government and the National Parliament to amend the Penal Code and create a separate article on incest-02-Septembru-2021
- JSMP Audénsia ho PJR Aprezenta unidade foun Serbisu Apoia Vítima inklui atividade sira no posibilidade atu kria Nota Entendimentu (MoU) iha futuru-19-Agostu-2021
JSMP meets with the Prosecutor General and presents the New Victim Support Unit as well as activities and the discusses the possibility of establishing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the future-19-August-2021 - JSMP apresia ho esforsu serbisu Komisaun A hodi finaliza lei importante sira iha tempu resesu parlamentár-12-Agostu-2021
JSMP praises the efforts of Committee A for finalizing important laws during the parliamentary recess-12-August-2021
- Primeravés simu treinamentu kona-ba lala’ok justisa “Komunidade Suku Zulo foin hatene loloos prosedimentu justisa formal”-11-Agostu-2021
First time that training has been provided about justice Community members from Zulo Village learn about formal justice procedures”-11-August-2021 - Vítima menoridade barak husi kazu abandonadu mak seidauk asesu ba justisa formál-06-Agostu-2021
Many minor victims in cases of neglect have not yet accessed formal justice-06-August-2021 - JSMP realiza semináriu Rejionál iha Munisípiu Baukau; Autór judisiáriu no Reprezentante PN esplika sira nia funsionamentu serbisu durante situasaun serka sanitária ba covid-19-02-Agostu-2021
JSMP held a regional seminar in Baucau Municipality: Judicial actors and a representative from the National Parliament explained their functioning during the local area confinement for public health reasons in relation to Covid-19-02-August-2021
- Hafoin partisipa treinamentu husi JSMP, komunidade Suku Talimoro atu lori sira nia kazu alimentasaun ba iha tribuná-22-Jullu-2021
After participating in training from JSMP, a resident from Talimoro Village wants to take a case of alimony to the courts-22-July-2021
- JSMP konsidea valor alsada ne’ebé preve iha proposta Lei Organizasaun Judisiáriu sei relevante ho situasaun ekonómia povu nian-14-Jullu-2021
JSMP believes that the maximum amount set out in draft Law on Judicial Organisaton is relevant to the economic circumstance of the people-14-July-2021
- Parlamentu no Governu la fó prioridade ba kria medida lejizlativa hodi asegura ezersísiu direitu polítiku ema ho defisiénsia iha Lei Eleitorál ba Prezidente Repúblika JSMP preokupa no lamenta desizaun Parlamentu no Governu nian ne’e-01-Jullu-2021
The Parliament and the Government have not prioritised the creation of legislative measures to ensure that disabled persons can exercise their rights in the Law on the Election of the President of the Republic JSMP is concerned and regrets the decision of the Parliament and the Government-01-July-2021
- TDD hasai ata husu atensaun husi PDD ba prokuradór sira ne’ebé falta iha julgamentu “JSMP apresia tribunál no husu PDD tenke toma konsiderasaun”-30-Junu-2021
Dili District Court issues attendance records for the attention of the Dili District Prosecution Service regarding prosecutors who were absent during trials “JSMP praises the court and urges the Dili District Prosecution Service to give consideration”-30-June-2021 - Defensória Públiku Suai la marka prezensa iha julgamentu móvel iha Munisípiu Maliana tanba laiha transporte JSMP rekomenda ba Defensória Públiku Jerál no Ministériu Justisa atu responde urjente-09-Junu-2021
Suai Public Defenders did not attend mobile trials in Maliana Municipality due to a lack of transport JSMP recommends for the Office of the Public Defender and the Ministry Of Justice to respond urgently-09-June-2021 - Komemorasaun Loron Internasionál Labarik :
JSMP kontinua ejize ba Governu atu asegura protesaun adekuadu ba labarik sira iha situasaun pandemia Covid-19 no Dezastre Naturais-01-Junu-2021
Commemoration of International Children’s Day:JSMP continues to demand for the Government to guarantee adequate protection for children during the Covid-19 pandemic and natural disasters-01-June-2021
- Tribunál Distritál Oekusi adia julgamentu ba kazu “Topu Honis” JSMP husu atu uza meu alterativu ho telekonferénsia-26-Maiu-2021
Oekusi District Court adjourns trial of “Topu Honis” case JSMP urges the use of a teleconference as an alternative method-26-May-2021 - JSMP husu PN aloka orsamentu sufisiente hodi apoia CAC nia serbisu-24-Maiu-2021
JSMP urges the National Parliament to allocate sufficient funds to support the work of the Anti-Corruption Commission-24-May-2021
- JSMP husu ba deputadu sira atu kontribui ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun liuhusi kolabora ho prosesu justisa-21-Maiu -2021
- JSMP kongratula Tribunál sira uza meu telekonferénsia hodi hala’o julgamentu no husu atu audénsia ba leitura desizaun sira halo iha tribunál-21-Maiu-2021
- Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasionál rona hanoin husi JSMP no parte relevante sira seluk kona-ba esbosu Estatutu Majistratura Judisiál-07-Maiu-2021
Committee A of the National Parliament hears the opinions of JSMP and other relevant parties about the draft Judicial Magistrates Statute-07-May-2021
- JSMP husu ba Governu no entidade kompetente sira asegura ezekusaun fundu Covid-19 no dezastre naturál nian ho transparante no akontável tuir lei-30-Abril-2021
JSMP requests for the Government and competent entities to ensure that funds for Covid-19 and natural disasters are executed in a transparent and accountable fashion in accordance with the law-30-April-2021
- Tinan 20 JSMP Kontribui ba Setór Justisa no Lejislativu JSMP agradese parte hotu no lansa online Relatóriu: Observasaun Setór Justisa, Observasaun Setór Lejislativu, Institusionál no relatóriu temátiku-28-Abril-2021
For 20 years JSMP has contributed to the Justice Sector and the Legislative Sector JSMP thanks all parties and launches its reports online: Overview of the Justice Sector, Overview of the Legislative Sector, Institutional and thematic reports-28-Abril-2021 - JSMP husu ba deputadu sira atu evita diskusaun ne’ebé la nesesáriu no apropriadu iha debate OJE Retifikativu 2021-22-Abril-2021
JSMP urges members of parliament to avoid unnecessary and inappropriate discussions when debating the 2021 Rectification Budget-22-April-2021
- Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasionál rona JSMP nia hanoin kona-ba esbosu Lei Organizasaun Judisiáriu-13-Abril-2021
Committee A of the National Parliament hears JSMP’s thoughts on the draft laws on Judicial Organization-13-April-2021 - Prokuradór inklui pedidu indemnizasaun sivíl iha sira nia akuzasaun ba kazu violasaun seksuál JSMP konsidera progresu pozitivu no husu atu konsistente iha kazu sira seluk-12-Abril-2021
Prosecutors include request for civil compensation in their indictments for cases of rape JSMP considers this to be positive progress and requests for consistency in other cases-April-2021
- Kazu la’en oho feen: Tribunál falla atu aplika prizaun preventiva iha kazu abuzu seksuál ho natureza insestu-23-Marsu-2021
Case of husband who killed his wife: the Court failed to impose pre-trial detention in a case of sexual abuse categorized as incest-23-March-2021 - Aplikasaun serka sanitária no konfinamentu obrigatóriu difikulta vítima violénsia bazeia ba jéneru asesu ba serbisu asisténsia no asesu ba tribunál: JSMP husu buka solusaun imediata-17-Marsu-2021
The application of local area confinement for public health reasons and mandatory lockdown makes it difficult for victims of gender-based violence to access assistance and access the courts: JSMP urges the authorities to seek an immediate solution-17-March-2021 - JSMP preokupa ho membru órgaun lejislativu ne’ebé hakilar no insulta malu iha Parlamentu Nasional tanba de’it kestaun polítika partidária-15-Marsu-2021
JSMP is concerned that members of the legislative body were yelling and insulting each other simply because of party politics-15-March-2021
- Kazu Topu Honis: JSMP husu atu parte hotu respeita no fó konfiansa ba tribunál atu hala’o nia kna’ar ho independente no imparsiál-14-Marsu-2021
Case of Topu Honis: JSMP requests for all parties to show respect and have confidence in the courts to carry out their role independently and impartially-14-March-2021
- Komemora Loron Feto Internasionál ho tema ‘’Lideransa Feto Iha Mundu Covid-19’’JSMP husu atu ema hotu kontribui hamenus violénsia hasoru feto-08-Marsu-2021
Commemorating International Women’s Day with the theme of “Women in leadership in a Covid-19 world’’JSMP urges everyone to contribute towards reducing violence against women-08-March-2021
- Komisaun A PN halo audénsia ho JSMP no Advogadu Privadu sira kona-ba Esbosu Lei Orden Advogadu no Rejime Jurídiku ba Asosiasaun Públiku Profisionál-08-Marsu-2021
Committee A of the National Parliament holds a meeting with JSMP and Private Lawyers about the Draft Law on a Bar Association and Legal Regime for a Professional Public Association-08-March-2021 - Governu tenke haforsa liu tan medida prevensaun no kombate virus Covid-19 liuhusi penaliza sidadaun ne’ebé tama-sai ilegál iha fronteira-01-Marsu-2021
The Government needs to further strengthen measures to prevent and combat Covid-19 by punishing citizens who illegally cross the border-01-March-2021
- Parlamentu Nasional aprova proposta ba rejime jurídiku arbitrajen voluntaria hodi halo alterasaun ba Kódigu Prosesu Sivíl-26-Fevereiru-2021
National Parliament approves proposal for a legal regime for voluntary arbitration to amend the Civil Procedure Code-26-February-2021
- JSMP realiza Treinamentu kona-ba demokrásia, asesu ba justisa no liberdade asesu ba informasaun iha Suku Uma Ana Ico, Munisípiu Baukau-26-Fevereiru-2021
JSMP conducts training on democracy, access to justice and the freedom to access information in Uma Ana Ico Village, Baucau Municipality-26-February-2021 - JSMP realiza ona treinamentu kona-ba prosesu formál no prevensaun violénsia bazeia ba jéneru ba KPK no OPS iha Munisípiu 4-24-Fevereiru-2021
JSMP holds training on the formal process and prevention of gender based violence for Community Policing Councils (KPK) and Village Police Officers (OPS) in four Municipalities-24-February-2021
- Komunidade Suku Fatuqueru apresia ho prezensa Defensoria Públiku no Hato’o sira nia preokupasaun relasiona ho kazu abandona labarik, VS no abuzu seksuál ne’ebé aas tebes iha sira ninia suku-19-February-2021
Community members from Fatuqueru Village appreciated the attendance of Public Defenders and conveyed their concerns about the high number of cases of child neglect, rape and sexual abuse in their village-19-Fevereiru-2021
Parlamentu Nasionál halo progresu boot iha área lejizlativa no asesu ba justisa ho prodús Lei Rejime Jurídiku Arbitrajen Voluntária-Fevereiru 2021
The National Parliament has made significant progress in terms of legislation and access to justice by producing the Law on a Legal Regime for Voluntary Arbitration-February-2021 - Prosedimentu kriminál extinge ba krime violasaun seksuál tanba preskrisaun-Fevereiru 2021
Criminal proceedings in a crime of rape lapse due to the statute of limitations-February-2021
- JSMP apresia aas Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé hasai imunidade membru deputadu sira ho votu maioria kualifikada-14-Januariu-2021
JSMP praises the National Parliament for removing the immunity of members of parliament via a majority vote-14-January-2021
- JSMP apresia inisiativa Komisaun A ne’ebé prepara ona kalendáriu serbisu Komisaun nian ba fulan neen (6) iha tinan 2021-Janeiru-2021
JSMP praises the initiative of Committee A for preparing a six-month calendar outlining the work of the Committee in 2021-07-January-2021
Dezembru | December
- JSMP husu atu Governu bele ezekuta orsamentu 2021 ho transparánsia no akontablidade 15 Dezembru 2020
- Informasaun kona-ba violénsia bazeia ba jéneru no asesu ba justisa formal importante tebes ba komunidade Suku Haupu-11-Dezembru-2020
- Governu Konstitusionál VIII inklui Orsamentu ba Implementasaun Polítika Jenéru iha Programa Orsamentu 2021-01-Dezembru-2020
The VIII Constitutional Government has included funds for implementing gender policies in the 2021 Budget Program-01-December-2020
- JSMP husu ba Komisaun A PN atu hadi’a nia mekanizmu audénsia públika iha futuru-30-Novembru-2020
JSMP husu ba Komisaun A PN atu hadi’a nia mekanizmu audénsia públika iha futuru-30-November-2020
- Partisipante treinamentu iha Suku Lourba preokupa ho violénsia sira hasoru feto no labarik-27-Novembru-2020
- Audénsia públiku kona-ba esbosu Lei Podér lokál no Desentralizasaun Administrativa no Lei Eleitorál Munisipál-25-Novembru-2020
Public consultation on the Draft Law on Local Power and Administrative Decentralization and the Municipal Elections Law-25-November-2020
- Komisaun A PN Primeiravés Envolve Reprezentante Governu Lokál sira iha Audénsia Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2021-11-Novembru-2020
Committee A of the National Parliament for the first time involved representatives of local government during a consultation on the 2021 State Budget-11-November-2020
- OJE 2021 MAE kontinua hatama insentivu US$30 kada fulan ba membru konsellu suku-11-Novembru-2020
2021 STATE BUDGET Ministry of State Administration (MAE) continues to provide an incentive payment of US$30 every month to members of village councils-11-November-2020 - Maus tratus ba menór nu’udar artigu ne’ebé espesífiku no apropriadu liu ba aktu violénsia fíziku no saúde hasoru menór-11-Novembru-2020
Mistreatment of a minor is the most specific and appropriate article for acts of physical violence or harm against a minor-11-November-2020 - Prokuradór tenke eskolla artigu apropriadu antes akuza arguidu ba krime violasaun seksuál ne’ebé akontese entre membru família-09-Novembru-2020
The prosecutor should choose the right article before charging a defendant for the crime of rape committed by a family member-09-November-2020 - Timor Leste Komemora Loron Nasional Feto: Promove Feto iha nivel foti desizaun hodi lidera ba mudansa inklusivu-05-Novembru-2020
Timor-Leste commemorates National Women’s Day: Promote Women to positions of decision making to pioneer inclusive change-05-November-2020
- Ezerse Liberdade iha Estadu Demokrátiku no Protesaun ba Sasin Sai Preokupasaun iha Suku Sagadate-29-Outubru-2020
Residents in Sagadate Village raise concerns about the exercise of freedom in a Democratic State and Witness Protection-29-October-2020 - PN aprova rezolusaun ba medida prevensaun sira iha kazu infantisídiu no abandona bebe no labarik JSMP apresia no husu entidade sira implementa rekomendasaun sira ne’e-28-Outubru-2020
National Parliament approves resolution on preventative measures in cases of infanticide and the neglect of babies and children JSMP applauds these recommendations and requests for entities to implement these recommendations-28-October-2020
- JSMP apresia deputadu proponente sira ba inisiativa submete rezolusaun ba medida prevensaun sira iha kazu infantisídiu no abandona bebe no labarik-20-Outubru-2020
JSMP applaudes Members of Parliament for using their initiative to submit a resolution for preventative measures in cases involving infanticide and the neglect of babies and children-20-October-20202 - JSMP konsidera tribunál la devia halo akareasaun tanba de’it arguidu nega faktu sira enkuantu iha ona autu estadu médiku iha kazu ho natureza VD-13-Outubru-2020
JSMP believes the court should not have asked the parties to confront each other just because the defendant denied the facts, when a medical report was provided in a case involving domestic violence-13-October-2020
- Ministériu Públiku akuza autór ne’ebé halo instigasaun iha krime infantisídiu JSMP kongratula no konsidera progresu importante-09-Outubru-2020
The public prosecution service charges male defendant for instigating the crime of infanticide JSMP praises this decision as an important step forward-09-October-2020
- Membru Konsellu no Komunidade Suku Uma-Naruk preokupa ho kazu insestu – 2 Outubru -2020
Members of the Village Council and Residents from Uma-Naruk Village raised concerns about a case of incest-02-October-2020
- Aplika pena multa ba estudante universitáriu sira JSMP konsidera Tribunál nia desizaun la apropriadu-29-Setembru-2020
University students ordered to pay a fine: JSMP believes that the court’s decision is inappropriate-29-September-2020
- JSMP apresia ho planu Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál nian “Harii edifísiu PN, hadi’a kualidade fiskalizasaun no kria Komisaun Espesializada Permanente ba Sidadania”-18-Setembru-2020
JSMP appreciates the plan of the President of the National Parliament “To construct a new National Parliament building, improve oversight capacity and to create a Specialised Standing Committee on Citizenship”-18-September-2020 - Bankada CNRT retira husi plenária:JSMP husu atu buka solusaun hodi labele prejudika efetividade servisu Parlamentu-18-Setembru-2020
CNRT Bench walks out of the plenary:
JSMP requests for all parties to find a solution so as not to undermine the work of the Parliament-18-September-2020
- JSMP JSMP kontinua rekomenda ba MP no tribunál atu kondena arguidu sira selu indemnizasaun sivíl ba vítima iha kazu sira ho natureza violénsia seksuál-08-Setembru-2020
JSMP continues to recommend for the Public Prosecution Service and the courts to order defendants to pay civil compensation to victims in cases characterized as sexual violence-08-September-2020
- Konsidera asuntu Demokrásia no Asesu ba Justisa Formál Importante Membru Konsellu Suku Kairui husu JSMP kontinua halo treinamentu iha sira-nia suku-03-Setembru-20
- JSMP husu atu krime transnasionál, krime graves, krime violasaun hasoru feto no labarik no krime korupsaun mantein la hetan Indultu no komutasaun ba pena-14-Agostu-2020
JSMP requests that pardons and commutation of sentences should not be granted for transnational crimes, serious crimes, crimes against women and children and crimes of corruption-14-August-2020
- Tribunal sira hahu tama ba feriadu judisiariu-Agostu-2020
Courts start their judicial recess-August-2020
- Suku Atabae sei falta informasaun kona-ba asesu ba justisa formál-04-Agostu-2020
Atabae Village still lacks information about access to formal justice-04-August-2020
- Julgamentu Movél iha Munisípiu Vikeke maioria julga kazu violénsia doméstika-28-Jullu-2020
Most cases tried by the mobile court in Viqueque Municipality involved domestic violence-28-July-2020
- JSMP apresia vontade polítika PN hodi aprova Lei kona-ba Medida Prevensaun no Kombate Korrupsaun ho unanimidade-22-Jullu-2020
JSMP praises the political will of the National Parliament for unanimously approving the Law on Preventative Measures and Combatting Corruption-22-July-2020 - JSMP apresia Parlamentu Nasionál ba hanaruk funsionamentu serbisu hodi finaliza lei importante sira-15-Jullu-2020
JSMP praises the National Parliament for extending its normal functioning to finalise important laws-15-July-2020 - JSMP fahe informasaun kona-ba direitu ema ho defisiensia no Asesu ba Justisa Formal ba membru sira AHDMTL-15-Jullu-2020
- JSMP apresia estrutura foun Parlamentu Nasional ba Funsionamentu Normal Plenaria-07-Jullu-2020
JSMP praises the new structure of the National Parliament as the plenary is functioning normally-07-July-2020 - Observasaun JSMP tinan ba Progresu no Dezafiu Implementasaun Lei Kontra Violensia Domestika (LKVD) durante tinan 10-07-Jullu-2020
- JSMP apresia ho métodu abertu no partisipativu ne’ebé Komisaun A, PN aplika durante diskusaun espesialidade ba projetu Lei Anti Korrupsaun iha Manufahi-02-Junu-2020
JSMP praises the open and participative method used by Committee A of the National Parliament during specific discussion on the Draft Law Against Corruption in Manufahi-02-June-2020
- Tribunál distritál sira reativa prosesu julgamentu no kontinua kumpri mekanizmu prevensaun COVID-19-25-Junu-2020
The District Courts have reactivated trials and have also continued to comply with mechanisms regarding the prevention of COVID-19-25-June-2020 - JSMP husu ba membru deputadu sira atu respeita Konstituisaun no lei sira bainhira hala’o sira-nia knaar iha Parlamentu Nasionál-19-Junu-2020
JSMP requests for Members of Parliament to respect the Constitution and the law when performing their role in the National Parliament-19-June-2020
- JSMP apresia TR nomea tan juis permanente ida ba Tribunál Distritál Oekusi-04-Junu-2020
JSMP praises the Court of Appeal for appointing another permanent judge to the
Oekusi District Court-04-June-2020 - JSMP husu ba deputadu sira hotu atu bele serbisu hamutuk ho estrutura Meja Parlamentu foun hodi asegura funsionamentu PN-04-Junu-2020
JSMP requests for all members of parliament to work together with the new structure of the Chair of the Parliament to ensure the functioning of the National Parliament-04-June-2020
- Komemorasaun Loron Internasionál Labarik JSMP husu Governu atu asegura direitu labarik sira asesu ba justisa tantu iha propagasaun Covid-19 no Estadu Emerjénsia-01-Junu-2020
Commemoration of International Children’s Day JSMP requests for the Government to guarantee the rights of the child to access justice in relation to the spread of Covid-19 and the State of Emergency-01-June-2020
- JSMP Lansa relatóriu Anuál 2019 Progresu no dezafiu sira iha setór justisa no Lejislativu-29-Maiu-2020
JSMP Launches its 2019 Annual Reports Progress and challenges in the justice and legislative sectors-29-May-2020 - JSMP lamenta no preokupa ho aktu dezorganizadu hosi deputadu sira no ejijé deputadu sira atu respeita lei nu’udár meu atu dignifika PN-19-Maiu-2020
- JSMP is disappointed and concerned with the unruly behaviour of members of parliament and demands for members of parliament to respect the law in order to uphold the dignity of the National Parliament-19-May-2020
- JSMP preokupa ho funsionamentu Parlamentu Nasionál nian iha inísiu Maiu 2020-19-Maiu-2020
- Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál presiza konsidera kazu sira Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru hanesan kazu urjente iha situasaun Estadu Emerjénsia-13-Maiu-2020
The Public Prosecution Service and the courts need to consider cases of gender-based violence as urgent cases during the State of Emergency-13-May-2020
- JSMP husu ba parte sira atu respeita desizaun Tribunál Rekursu relasiona ho desizaun ba petisaun Partidu CNRT-12-Maiu-2020
JSMP requests for the parties to respect the decision of the Court of Appeal in relation to the petition submitted by the CNRT Party-12-May-2020
- Selebrasaun Aniversáriu ba dala XIX: JSMP Lansa Relatóriu Institusionál no Tomada de Posse ba Diretora Ezekutiva foun JSMP-28-Abril-2020
Celebration of the XIX Anniversary: JSMP Launches its Institutional Report and Swearing In of the New Executive Director of JSMP-28-April-2020
- JSMP husu ba entidade kompetente sira asegura ezekusaun fundu Covid-19 tuir lei-17-Abril-2020
JSMP requests for the competent entities to ensure that funds for Covid-19 are executed in accordance with the law-17-April-2020
- Tribunál kontinua hala’o julgamentu ba kazu urjente sira iha situasaun estadu emerjénsia:
JSMP rekomenda atu utiliza meu sira no kondisaun ne’ebé apropriadu no seguru-15-Abril-2020
The courts have continued to conduct trials in urgent cases during the State of Emergency: JSMP recommends the use of appropriate and safe measures and the establishment of necessary conditions-15-April-2020
- Xefe suku Hataz rekoñese katak Konsellu Suku no komunidade sira falta tebes informasaun sira hanesan JSMP fahe liuhosi treinamentu ne’e-31-Marsu-2020
- Komunidade Suku Fatumasi preokupa ho impase polítiku no kazu abandona labarik-26-Marsu-2020
Residents of Village Fatumasi raised concerns about the political impasse and cases of child neglect-26-March-2020 - Xefe Suku Uaguia: Formasaun hosi JSMP benefísiu tebes ba líder komunitáriu nomós komunidade sira iha Suku Uaguia, Munisípiu Vikeke-24-Marsu-2020
Uaguia Village Chief: Training provided by JSMP was very beneficial for community leaders as well as community members in Uaguia Village, Vikeke Municipality-24-March-2020 - JSMP apresia Tribunál Rekursu ne’ebé fornese fasilidade bá iha Tribunál Distritál sira-18-Marsu-2020
JSMP expresses its appreciation to the Court of Appeal for providing facilities to the district courts-18-March-2020 - JSMP kontinua subliña direitu grupu vulnerável sira bainhira fasilita treinamentu iha Munisípiu Lautein (Lautem)-18-Marsu-2020
JSMP highlighted the rights of vulnerable groups when providing training in Lautem Municipality-18-March-2020
- Selebrasaun Loron Feto Internasionál” JSMP husu parte hotu kontribui ba halakon violénsia hasoru fet0-06-Marsu-20
“The Celebration of International Women’s Day”JSMP urges all parties to contribute to the eradication of violence against women-06-March-20
- Partisipante Suku Beiseuc preokupa ho kazu krime no kazu sivíl ne’ebé prosesu la’o kle’ur-06-Marsu-2020
Training participants in Beiseuc Village are concerned with the long time it takes to process criminal and civil cases-March-2020
- Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasionál halo konsulta públiku ba Esbosu Lei Podér lokál no Desentralizasaun Administrativa no Lei Eleitorál Munisipál-17-Fevereiru-20
Committee A of the National Parliaments organised a public consultation on the Draft Law on Local Power and Administrative Decentralization and the Municipal Elections Law-17-February-20 - JSMP apresia Tribunál Rekursu reativa julgamentu movel iha juridisaun hotu-14-Fevereiru-20
- Komisaun A PN prepara ona kalendáriu diskusaun bá Esbosu Lei Anti-Korrupsaun-12-Fevereiru-20
Committee A of the National Parliament has prepared a schedule for discussing the Draft Anti-Corruption Law-12-February-20
- Tribunal Distritu Baucau adia julgamentu ba kazu rua tanba defensór la marka prezensa sein justifikasaun “Tribunál hasai ata husu sansaun disiplinar husi KSDP”-17-Jan-20
The Baucau District Court adjourned the trial of two cases because the public defender was absent without justification “The Court intends to request for the Superior Council of Public Defenders to impose disciplinary sanctions”-17-Jan-20 - Tribunál Distritál Oekusi primeiravés realiza julgamentu movel, JSMP sujere atu koloka tan juis permanente-15-Jan-20
The Oekusi District Court conducts a mobile court for the first time, JSMP suggests for a permanent judge to be deployed-15-Jan-20
- Depoisde tinan rua-nulu komunidade suku Fatulilik premeiravés hetan treinamentu kona-ba Demokrásia no Asesu ba Justisa-27-Nov-2019
In twenty years since independence this is the first time residents of Fatululik Village have received training on Democracy and Access to Justice-27-Nov-2019 - Membru grupu LGBTI iha Munisípiu Ainaro foin primeiravés simu formasaun kona-ba asesu ba justisa no sistema demokrásia-20-Nov-2019
- Komisaun A PN konsidera paraser JSMP kona-ba OJE 2020 ba setór justisa no sei uza bainhira audénsia ho instituisaun relevante sira-30-Outubru-2019
Committee A of the National Parliament gave consideration to the opinion paper of JSMP on the 2020 State Budget for the justice sector and will use this information when meeting with the relevant institutions-30-October-2019 - Xefe Suku Nanu husu ba estrutura suku no komunidade sira bele kontinua habelar informasaun ne’e ba komunidade seluk ne’ebé la hola parte iha treinamentu ne’e-23-Outubru-2019M
- Rede Defensor Direitu Umanus: Kondena makaas aktu violentu hasoru ema ho defisensia no husu ba ema hotu atu respeita no valoriza ema ho defisensia iha paiz ida ne’e-23-Set-2019
Human Rights Defenders Network: We strongly condemn acts of violence against disabled in this nations-23-Sep-2019 - Partisipante hosi Suku Mehara konsidera materia sira ne’ebé JSMP fornese importante tebes hodi ajuda komunidade sira bele redús violénsia doméstika-19-Set-2019
Participants from Mehara Village stated that the materials provided by JSMP play an important role in helping communities reduce domestic violence-19-Sep-2019 - Membru grupu LGBTI Munisípiu Likisá sente hetan diskriminasaun iha familía no sosiedade-18-Set-2019
Members of the LGBTI community in Liquica Municipality feel that they are subjected to discrimination in the family and in society-18-Sep-2019
- Komunidade suku Loidahar preokupa ho kestaun asesu ba justisa: suspensaun ba pena prizaun, divórsiu, abandona, infantisídiu no kazu envolve membru governu-29 Agostu 2019
Residents of Loidahar Village are concerned with issues relating to access to justice suspended prison sentences, divorce, neglect, infanticide and cases involving members of the Government – 29 August – 2019
- JSMP realiza Treinamentu iha Suku Gari-Uai, Postu Administrativu Baucau-Munisípiu Baucau-20-Agostu-2019
JSMP conducted Training in Gari-Uai Village, Baucau Administrative Post Baucau Municipality-20-August-2019
- JSMP kontinua fahe informasaun kona-ba prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formál ba komunidade sira – 15 Agostu -2019
JSMP continue disseminate information on legislative process and the access to formal justice system to the communities – 15 August 2019
- JSMP, ALFeLa, FOKUPERS no Fundasaun Mahein ezije ba autoridade polisiál atu proteje suspeitu nia dignidade umana no halo atuasaun sira tuir lei-19-Agostu-2019
JSMP, ALFeLa, FOKUPERS and Mahein Foundation demand for the police authorities to protect the human dignity of suspects and to act in accordance with the law-19-August-2019 - JSMP konsidera alterasaun husi krime violasaun ho agravasaun ba fali krime abuzu seksuál ba ema ho defisiénsia la apropriadu-08-Agostu-2019
JSMP believes that it is inappropriate to replace a charge of aggravated rape with the crime of sexual abuse against a disabled person-08-August-2019
JSMP meyakini perubahan ketentuan atas kasus pemerkosaan berat dengan tindak pidana pelecehan seksual terhadap orang cacat adalah tidak tepat-08-Agustus-2019
- Xefe suku Nipani foin primeravés simu informasaun kona-ba direitu labarik no asesu ba justisa formál-23-Jullu-2019
The Village Chief of Nipani for the first time received information about the rights of the child and access to formal justice-23-July-2019 - Membru Konsellu Suku Biqueli lamenta ho revogasaun Lei Lideransa Komunitária ho Lei Suku katak la valoriza sira-nia servisu-16-Jullu-2019
- JSMP ezije ba Ministériu Púbiku no tribunál tenke inklui indemnizasaun sivíl iha akuzasaun no desizaun ba krime ho natureza violasaun seksuál sira-09-Jullu-2019
In cases involving the crime of rape, JSMP demands for public prosecutors to include civil compensation in their final recommendations and for the courts to include civil compensation in their final decisions-09-July-2019
- Kestaun aprensaun, prizaun preventiva liu prazu no fiskalizasaun abstrata sai preokupasaun deputadu sira-nian iha apresiasaun relatóriu anuál PDHJ 2018-04-Jullu-2019
Members of parliament raised concerns about seizures and pre-trial detentions that have exceeded time limits as well as the issue of abstract review when discussing the 2018 Annual Report of the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice-04-July-2019 - Komunidade Suku Bobocasse husu ba Governu atu halais aprovasun Lei Protesaun Labarik no halo sosializasaun ba lei sira ne’ebé ejiste-03-Jullu-2019
Community members from Bobocasse Village requested for the Government to promptly approve the law on Child Protection and to increase awareness about existing laws-03-July-2019
- JSMP kontinua fahe informasaun kona-ba Protesaun Direitu Labarik no Asesu ba Justisa-25-Junu-2019
JSMP continues to disseminate information about the Protection of Children’s Rights and Access to Justice-25-June-2019
- JSMP konsidera pena prizaun tinan neen ba arguidu krime koasaun seksuál ho natureza insestu hasoru nia-oan feto na’in rua la adekuadu -25 Junu- 2019
JSMP memandang hukuman penjara enam tahun penjara atas terdakwa kasus pemaksaan seksual berkarakter inses melawan anak perempuannya tidak memadai-25-Juni-2019
- Tribunál Distritál Dili indefere pedidu liberdade kondisionál hosi kondenadu krime violasaun seksuál ho agravasaun-07-Junu-2019
The Dili District Court refuses a request for the conditional release of a convicted person for the crime of aggravated rape-07-June-2019
Pengadilan Distrik Dili menolak permintaan pembebasan bersyarat dari seorang terpidana kejahatan pelecehan seksual berat-07-Juni-2019
- Tribunál refere arguidu inamputavel tanba anomalia psíkika ba prizaun: JSMP husu Governu tenke hari’i fasilidade própriu ba arguidu sofre anomalia psíkika sira-07-Junu-2019
The courts have sent defendants to prison who cannot be held responsible due to psychological disturbance: JSMP requests for the Government to establish appropriate facilities for defendants who suffer a psychological disturbance-07-June-2019
Pengadilan merujuk terdakwa yang tidak cakap hukum karena menderita sakit jiwa ke penjara: JSMP mendesak Pemerintah mendirikan tempat khusus untuk penderita sakit jiwa-07-Juni-2019
- Prazu hato’o keixa ba kazu krime no legalidade autoridade suku hodi rezolve kazu krime no sivíl iha suku sai preokupasaun husi reprezentante suku no grupu LGBT iha Semináriu Rejionál iha Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oecusse-Ambeno (RAEOA)-31-Maiu-2019
- Tribunál Distritál Suai sofre problema sériu kona-ba kombustivel ba transporte operasionál desde Janeiru 2019 no prejudika funsionamentu regular tribunál refere-27-Maiu 201
The Suai District Court has suffered serious problems relating to fuel for operational transport since January 2019 which has undermined the regular functioning of this court-27-February – 2019
Pengadilan Distrik Suai menghadapi masalah serius terkait bahan bakar untuk transportasi operasional sejak Januari 2019 sehingga mempengaruhi fungsi reguler pengadilan-27-Mei-2019 - JSMP realiza semináriu Rejionál iha Munisípiu Covalima: Administradór Munisípiu Covalima Programa hanesan ne’e presiza kontinua-22-Maiu-2019
- JSMP preokupa ho Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál ne’ebé kontinua la utiliza artigu espesífiku ba aktu violénsia fízika hasoru menór sira-14-Maiu-2019
JSMP is concerned that the Public Prosecution Service and the courts are still not using the most specific article for physical violence against minors-14-May-2019
JSMP prihatin karena Jaksa Penuntut Umum dan pengadilan masih belum menggunakan pasal yang paling spesifik untuk kekerasan fisik terhadap anak di bawah umur-14-Mei-2019 - JSMP husu ba tribunál sira atu aplika pena apropriadu ba kualkér krime abuzu seksuál ho forma tentativa ba menór iha natureza violénsia doméstika ho pena efetiva-09-Maiu-19
- Selebra Aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XVIII: JSMP sei Lansa relatóriu Anuál Setór Justisa no Lejislativu 2018 no Relatóriu Institusionál JSMP 2018 Tetum
- Komisaun A PN konsidera rekomendasaun JSMP balun iha Projetu Lei Anti-Korrupsau-05-Abril-2019
Committee A of the National Parliament considers JSMP recommendations on the Draft Law Against Corruption-05-April-2019
- JSMP konsidera Tribunál halo desizaun ne’ebé la justu ba kazu inkumprimentu ba obrigasaun alimentar-29-Marsu-19
JSMP believes that the Court has issued an unfair decision in a case of failure to provide food assistance-29-March-19 - Loron 24 Marsu Nu’udar Loron Internasionál Direitu Ba Lia-Los-25-Marsu-19
24 March is the International Day for the Right to the Truth-25-March-19 - Suku Mota Ulun konsidera materia sira ne’ebé JSMP fornese bele ajuda nia membru sira estrutura suku kona-ba oinsa bele rezolve problema sira komunidade nian-21-Marsu-19
Village Chief believes that the materials provided by JSMP can help members of the village administration to resolve problems in the community-21-March-19 - Tribunál falla halo alterasaun desizaun favorese ba arguidu-20-Marsu-19
The court failed amending charges in favour of defendant-20-March-19 - Rede Defensór Direitus Umanus:Familia vítima sira konsidera Estadu koko haluha no ignora trajedia Kuluhun de Baixo”-18-Marsu-2019
- Hanaruk pena suspensu ba arguidu ne’ebé repete ninia hahalok dentru suspensaun laran la kumpri provizaun tuir lei penál JSMP : tribunál tenke kumpri obrigasaun tuir lei penál-11-Marsu-19
Extending the suspended sentence of defendants who repeat their behaviour whilst serving a suspended sentence is not in compliance with the provisions of the penal code JSMP: The courts must comply with obligations set out in the penal code-11-March-19 - Timor-Leste komemora Loron Internasionál ba Feto: Hanoin hanesan, harii ho matenek, halo inovasaun ba mudansa-08-Marsu- 2019
Timor-Leste commemorates International Women’s Day: ‘Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change’-08-March-19 - Tribunál Distritál Oekusi primeiravés aplika suspensaun ba pena prizaun ho devér husu deskulpa iha públiku iha krime maus tratus ba kónjuje-04-Marsu-19
The Oekusi District Court for the first time applies a suspended prison sentence with a condition to make a public apology in a case involving the mistreatment of a spouse-04-March-19
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba komunidade LGTB iha Munisípiu Dili-26-Fevereiru-2019
JSMP conducts training for members of the LGTB community in Dili Municipality-26-February-19 - Diretór eskola husu ba estudante sira ne’ebé partisipa iha treinamentu atu transmite informasuan ba kolega sira ne’ebé la hetan oportunidade-16-Fevereiru-19
School principal requests for students who participated in training to pass on the information they received to their friends who did not have the opportunity to participate-18-February-19 - JSMP lansa relatóriu kona-ba dezafiu sira iha prosesu sivíl iha Timor-Leste-15-Fevereiru-19
JSMP launches report on challenges facing the civil law process in Timor-Leste-15-February-19
JSMP meluncurkan laporan tentang tantangan yang dihadapi proses hukum perdata di Timor-Leste-15-Februari-2019 - Tribunál Distrital Dili primeiravés kondena pena efetiva ba arguidu krime ofensa ba integridade fízika simples ho natureza violénsia doméstika-11-Fevereiru-19
For the first time the Dili District Court imposed an effective prison sentence against a defendant in a crime of simple offence against physical integrity characterized as domestic violence-11-February-19 - Ministériu Públiku tenki foti medidas protesaun adekuada imediata ba alegasaun krime abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik sira iha Munisípiu Oekusi-08-Fevereiru-2019
The Public Prosecution Service needs to take immediate and appropriate protection measures regarding the alleged crime of sexual abuse against children in Oecusse Municipality-08-February-2019 - JSMP preokupa ho deputadu balun iha Parlamentu Nasionál uza linguajen ne’ebé la étiku no apropriadu iha plenáriu Parlamentu Nasionál-06-Fevereiru-2019
JSMP is concerned with some members of the National Parliament using unethical and inappropriate language during the plenary session of the National Parliament-6-February-19
- JSMP konsidera pena prizaun tinan neen ba arguidu krime koasaun seksuál ho natureza insestu hasoru nia-oan feto na’in rua la adekuadu -25 Junu- 2019
- JSMP realiza treinamentu kona-ba direitu labarik no asesu ba justisa formal ba estudante eskola Sekundaria Públiku Palaban Oekusi-28-Janeiru-19
JSMP conducts training on the rights of the child and access to formal justice for students from the Palaban Public Secondary School in Oekusi-28-Janeiru-19 - Plenaria Parlamentu Nasionál realiza ho lian Portugés: Deputadu sira la sériu-24-Janeiru-19
A Plenary Meeting of the National Parliament was conducted in Portuguese: Members of parliament-24-January-19 - Estudante Eskola Públiku Ekonomia no Komersiu Baucau primeira-ves simu treinamentu kona-ba direitu labarik no sistema justisa formal-23-Janeiru-19
Students at the Baucau Commerce and Economics Public School received training for the first time about the rights of the child and the formal justice system-23-Janeiru-19 - Komunidade Aidabaleten preokupa ho kazu abandona labarik-15-Janeiru-19
Community members in Aidabaleten concerned about cases of child neglect-15-January-19
- Suku Uma Ana Ulu-Venilale, Baucau primeira-ves hetan treinamentu kona-ba asuntu direitu labarik no asesu ba justisa formál-17-Dezembru-2018
- JSMP realiza Semináriu Rejionál kona-ba Demokrasia, Knaar Órgaun Soberanu no Asesu ba Justisa Formál ba estrutura Suku no grupu LGBT iha Juridisaun Tribunál Distritál Baucau (TDB)-14-Desember-2018
JSMP held a Regional Seminar on Democracy, the Role of Sovereign Bodies and Access to Formal Justice for members of Village Administration and the LGBT community in the Jurisdiction of the Baucau District Court-14-December-2018
JSMP menyelenggarakan Seminar Regional tentang Demokrasi, Peran Lembaga-Lembaga Kedaulatan Negara dan Akses terhadap Peradilan Formal bagi para anggota Dewan Desa dan komunitas LGBT di Yurisdiksi Pengadilan Distrik Baucau-14-Desember-2018 - Tribunál tenke asegura defeza ne’ebé ekilíbriu no aproriadu iha kazu ne’ebé envolve arguidu barak-12-Dezembru-2018
The courts need to guarantee fair and appropriate defence in cases involving multiple defendants-12-December-2018
- JSMP organiza treinamentu ba Estrutura Suku Usitaco, Naimeco no Lelaufe iha RAEOA kona-ba demokrasia, knaar órgaun soberanu, partisipasaun públiku iha prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formál-27-Nov-2018
- Estudante Eskola Sekundária Agrikola Vokasionál Bobonaro haksolok ho atividade treinamentu kona-ba direitu labarik no Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika iha sira ninia-eskola-19-Nov-2018
Students from the Bobonaro Agricultural Vocational Secondary School were happy to attend a training activity about the rights of the child and the Law Against Domestic Violence in their School-19-Nov-2018
Siswa dari Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Pertanian Bobonaro dengan senang hati menghadiri kegiatan pelatihan tentang hak-hak anak dan UU Anti Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga di Sekolah mereka-19-Nov-2018 - Parlamentu Nasionál finalmente kria kultura foun kona-ba_PN halo lezantamentu imunidade ba deputadu levantamentu imunidade ba deputadu sira atu kolabora ho tribunál-19-Nov-2018
Members of Parliament from the fifth legislature finally establish a new culture on removing the immunity of members of parliament so they can collaborate with the courts-19-Nov-2018
Anggota Parlemen periodu legislatif kelima akhirnya membuat budaya baru mencabut kekebalan anggota parlemen sehingga mereka dapat memenuhi pangilan pengadilan-19-Nov-2018 - Timor-Leste komemora loron Internasionál ba Konvensaun Direitu Labarik: Selebrasaun Loron Konvensaun Internasional Direitus Labarik “Hari’i mundu ida seguru husi ameasa atu labarik hotu iha eskola bele dezenvolve sira nia potensialidade ”-20-Nov-2018
Timor-Leste commemorates International Day celebrating the Convention on the Rights of the Child:“Building a world that is safe from threats so that all children in schools can develop their potential”-20-Nov-2018
Timor-Leste memperingati Hari Internasional untuk Konvensi Hak Anak:“Membangun dunia yang aman dari ancaman sehingga semua anak di sekolah dapat mengembangkan potensi mereka”-20-Nov-2018 - Komemorasaun Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala XXVII: _Rede Defensór Direitu Umanu husu justisa no akuntabilidade-09-Nov-2018
- Primeiraves Provedoria Direitu Umanus no Justisa lidera hosi feto: JSMP kongratula Provedóra Direitu Umanu no Justisa eleitu-06-Novembru-2018
For the first time ever the Office of the Ombudsperson for Human Rights and Justice is being led by a woman: JSMP congratulates the Ombudswoman-elect for Human Rights and Justice-06-November-2018
Untuk pertama kalinya Kantor Komisi Hak Asasi Manusia dan Keadilan dipimpin oleh seorang perempuan: JSMP mengucapkan selamat kepada Ketua Komisi Hak Asasi Manusia dan Keadilan terpilih-06-November-2018 - Parlamentu Nasionál dala ida tan kansela deslokasaun Prezidente Repúblika ba rai liur-26-Outubru-2018
Once again the National Parliament has cancelled an overseas trip by the President of the Republic – 26-10-2018 - Prokuradór tenke eskolla provizaun ne’ebé apropriadu ba krime violénsia doméstika sira tuir krime ida-idak ninia gravidade no sirkunstánsia-18-Outubro-2018
Prosecutors need to select the appropriate provisions for crimes of domestic violence based on the seriousness and the circumstances of each crime-18-October-2018 - Estrutura Suku Kaikua no Suku Dilor partisipa iha treinamentu kona-ba knaar órgaun soberanu no partisipasaun públiku iha prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formál-12-Outubru-2018
- Komunidade iha Suku Zulo iha Sub-distritu Zumalai apresia atividade treinamentu hosi JSMP iha sira nia suku-12-Outubro-2018
Community members in Zulo Village, Zumalai Sub-District were grateful for training activities conducted by JSMP in their village-12-October-2018 - Grupu ho orientasaun seksuál “LGBT” hetan klareza ba sira-nia direitu ne’ebé mak ignoradu no violadu iha sosiedade nia leet iha tempu naruk-09-Outobru-2018
- Komisaun F Parlamentu Nasionál apresia ho deskobrimentu JSMP nian durante monitorizasaun Parlamentu Nasionál hodi konsidera asuntu balun ne’ebé kabe ba Komisaun nia àrea kompeténsia-28-Set-2018
Committee F of the National Parliament appreciates JSMP’s findings obtained from monitoring at the National Parliament and will give consideration to certain issues that are related to the competence of the Committee-28-Sep-2018 - Bankada Fretilin husu ba líder nasionál sira atu loke diálogu hodi bele hetan solusaun ba impase polítika atuál no tenke iha konsensu ba promove boa governasaun no kombate korrupsaun nomós konsidera urjente Lei Anti Korrupsaun-27-Set-2018
The Fretilin Bench asks national leaders to establish dialogue to find a solution to the current political impasse and the need for consensus to promote good governance and combat corruption as well as giving urgent consideration to the Law Against Corruption-27-Sep-2018 - JSMP hasoru-malu ho Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál no aprezenta deskobrementu sira kona-ba dezenvolvimentu lejislativu iha Timor-Leste-26-Set-2018
- Sumáriu diskusaun no aprovasaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu tinan 2018 iha Parlamentu Nasionál12-Sep-2018
Summary of discussion and approval of the State Budget at the National Parliament-12-Set-2018
Ringkasan pembahasan dan pengesahan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara 2018 Parlemen Nasional-12-Sep-2018
- Xefe Suku Leimea Leten konsidera katak informasaun kona-ba knaar orgaun soberanu no partisipasaun públiku iha prosesu haso lei no asesu ba justisa importante no relevante ho sira-nia servisu lorloron iha komunidade-31-Agostu-2018
The Village Chief of Leimea Leten said that information about the role of sovereign organs and public participation in the law making process and access to justice is important and relevant to their daily work in the community-31-August-2018
Kepala Desa Leimea Leten menganggap bahwa informasi mengenai lembaga-lembaga Negara dan partisipa publik dalam proses pembuatan undang-undang dan askes terhadap peradilan adalah penting dan relevan dengan pekerjaan mereka sehari-hari-31-Agustus-2018 - ANTI: “Komemora Loron Konsulta POPULAR: Ita POPULARIZA NAFATIN PARADEIRUSIRA NE’EBÉMAKKONTINUA LAKON FORSADU”-30-Agostu-2018
ANTI: “Commemorate POPULAR CONSULTATION Day: We CONTINUE TO PROMOTE THE SEARCH FOR THE WHEREABOUTS OF THOSE WHO WERE VICTIMS OF ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES”-30-August-2018 - Rede Defensor Direitu Umanus: husu líder polítiku sira atu promove dialogu ka aprosima tribunál hodi hakotu impase polítiku atuál-14-Agostu-2018
The Human Rights Defenders Network (RDDU) urges political leaders to promote dialogue or go through the courts to end the current political impasse-14-August-2018 - JSMP apresia ho insíativa Komisaun F Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé fornese espasu ba sosiedade sivíl sira atu kontribui iha prosesu lejislativu-10-Agostu-2018
JSMP appreciates the initiative of Committee F of the National Parliament for providing an opportunity to civil society to contribute to the legislative process-10-August-2018
JSMP menghargai inisiatif Komite F Parlemen Nasional untuk menyediakan ruang kepada masyarakat sipil untuk berkontribusi terhadap proses legislative-10-Agustus-2018 - Grupu Advokasia Sosiedade Sivíl Servisu ba Asuntu Insestu hasoru-malu ho Sekretáriu Estadu ba Igualidade no Incluzaun-07-Agostu-2018
Civil Society Advocacy Group on Incest meets with the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion-07-August-18 - Tribunál tenke avalia no konsidera sirkunstánsia no dezafiu estruturál no sosiál relevente sira hotu iha kazu violasaun seksuál sira antes halo desizaun-02-Agostu-2018
The courts need to evaluate and consider all relevant circumstances and structural and social challenges in rape cases before making a decision-02-August-2018
- Ekipa Advokasia Sosiedade Sivíl husu Ministru Justisa Oetavu-Governu Konstitusionál atu kriminaliza insestu-23-Jullu-2018
The Civil Society Advocacy Team has requested for the Minister of Justice from the Eighth Constitutional Government to criminalise incest-23-July-2018 - JSMP apresia inisiativa Bankada Fretilin no Partidu Demokrátiku ne’ebé aprezenta Projetu Lei Anti-Korrupsaun ba Meza Parlamentu Nasionál-12-Jullu-2018
JSMP appreciates the initiative of the Fretilin Bench and Democratic Party Bench for presenting the Draft Law Against Corruption to the Table of the National Parliament-12-July-2018
JSMP menghargai inisiatif Partai Fraksi Fretilin dan Fraksi Partai Demokrat yang mengajukan RUU Anti Korupsi ke Pimpinan Parlemen Nasional-12-Juli-20218 - Audensia ho PGR_JSMP hasoru-malu no diskuti deskobrementu sira hosi relatóriu anuál observasaun jerál setór justisa 2017 ho Prokurador Jerál Repúblika-06-Jullu-2018
JSMP holds meeting with the Prosecutor General and discusses its findings from the 2017 Overview of the Justice Sector Report-06-July-2018
JSMP mengadakan pertemuan dengan Jaksa Agung dan membahas temuannya dari Laporan Tinjauan Umum Sektor Peradilan-tahun 2017-06-Juli-2018 - Prosesu kazu krime no sivíl tuir sistema Justisa Formál sai preokupasaun husi reprezentante suku no grupu LGBT iha Semináriu Rejionál iha Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oecusse-Ambeno (RAEOA)-04-Jullu-18
Representatives from villages and the LGBT community conveyed their concerns about how criminal and civil cases are processed through the formal justice system during a Regional Seminar in the Special Administrative Region Oecusse-Ambeno-04-July-2018 - JSMP hala’o semináriu regional ba iha membru konsellu suku sira no komunidade sira inklui LGBT iha Distritu Baukau-02-Jullu-2018
JSMP held a regional seminar for community members and members of village councils as well as members of the LGBT community in Baucau District -02-July-2018
- Governu Konstitusionál Dawaluk tenke asegura no promove governasaun diak-28-Junu-2018
Eighth Constitutional Government must ensure and promote good governance-28-June-2018
Anggota parlemen terpilih dari legislatif kelima harus mengembangkan Program Legislatif Nasional untuk menjamin prioritas legislatif Parlemen Nasional dan segera mengesahkan RUU Anti Korupsi-28-Juni-2018 - Semináriu Rejionál kona-ba Kna’ar Parlamentu Nasionál no Autór Judisiáriu Parlamentu Nasionál no Autór Judisiáriu iha Sistema Justisa Formál Timor-Leste-18-Junu-2018
JSMP held a regional workshop on the role of the National Parliament and Judicial Actors within the Timor-Leste Formal Justice System-18-June-2018
JSMP mengadakan regional tentang peran Parlamen Nasional _dan para aktor perdilan dalam sistem peradilan formal Timor-Leste-18-Juni-2018 - Deputadu eleitu sira iha lejizlatura dalimak tenke dezenvolve programa nasionál lejislativu hodi asegura prioridade lejislativu iha Parlamentu Nasioná no aprova imediatamente Projeitu Lei Anti Korrupsaun-18-Junu-2018
Elected MPs of the fifth legislature need to develop the National Legislative Program to guarantee the legislative priorities of the National Parliament and immediately approve the Draft Law Against Corruption-18-June-2018 - JSMP aprezenta deskobrimentu sobre dezenvolvimentu setór lejizlativu no justisa iha semináriu rejionál Suai kona-ba knaar Parlamentu Nasionál no Sistem Justisa formál-04-Junu 2018
JSMP presented its findings on the development of the legislative and justice sector in Suai on the role of the National Parliament and the formal justice system-04-June-2018
JSMP menyampaikan temuannya tentang perkembangan sektor legislatif dan peradilan dalam seminar regional di Suai tentang peran Parlemen Nasional dan fungsi sistem peradilan formal-04-Juni-2018 - Komemora Loron Internasional Labarik: JSMP husu atu asegura protesaun adekuadu ba labarik sira-01-Junu-2018
Commemoration of International Children’s Day: JSMP requests guarantees for the adequate protection of children-01-June-2018 - Komunidade Suku Beloi Postu Administrativu Atauro premeiraves hetan treinamentu kona-ba demokrásia, kna’ar órgaun soberania no asesu ba justisa formál-01-Junu 2018
The Community of Beloi Village, English Atauro Administrative Post, for the first time received training on democracy, the role of sovereign organs and access to formal justice-01-June-2018
- Timor Leste: Governo foun tenke kumpri ninia responsabillidade hanesan autoridade responsavel hodi promove no proteze direitu umanus iha nasaun ne’e-28-Maiu-2018
Timor Leste: New Government should perform its responsibility as duty bearer to promote and protect human right in this country-28-May-2018 - JSMP kongratula koligasaun partidu Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) ba vitória iha Eleisaun Jerál Antesipada 2018 no JSMP nia rezultadu ba observasaun ba prosesu elesaun 28-Maiu-2018
JSMP Congratulates the Alliance of Change for Progress (AMP) Coalition for its victory in the 2018 Early Elections and JSMP’s observations of the electoral process-28-May-2018
JSMP mengucapkan selamat kepada Koalisi Aliansi Partai Perubahan Untuk Progress (AMP) atas kemenangan Pemilihan Umum Awal 2018 dan hasil pemantaun JSMP atas proses pemilihan-28-Mei-2018 - Ministériu Públiku tenke hili provizaun ne’ebé apropriadu atu akuza arguidu sira iha kazu violénsia doméstika tuir krime nia gravidade-08-Maiu-2018
- JSMP formalmente halo seremónia deskolasaun observadór sira ba munisípiu selesionadu sira atu halo observasaun ba Eleisaun Antesipada 2018
JSMP conducts formal ceremony to deploy observers to selected municipalities to observe the 2018 early elections - Elisaun Foun iha Timor Leste tenke Livre no Justu
New Round of Election in Timor Leste Should be Free and Fear
- Selebra loron-Aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XVII: JSMP Lansa relatóriu Anuál Setór Justisa no Lejislativu 2017 – Relatóriu Institusionál JSMP 2017 no Anunsia Rezultadu Kompetisaun Hakerek Notísia ho Sensivel Jéneru
Celebration of JSMP’s XVII Anniversary: JSMP Launches its 2017 Annual Justice Sector and Legislative Sector Report – 2017 JSMP Institutional Report and Announces the Results of a Competition to Write Gender Sensitive News
Perayaan Unlang Tahun XVII JSMP: JSMP meluncurkan laporan sektor keadilan tahunan dan sektor legislatif 2017-2017 Laporan Kelembagaan dan mengumumkan hasil kompetisi untuk menulis berita Sensitif Gender
- Tribunál tenke asegura provizaun ne’ebé apropriadu no kondena violasaun seksuál ne’ebé akontese iha ámbitu relasaun feen no laen-20-Abril-18
The courts need to select the appropriateprovisions of the law and charge the crime of marital rape-20-April-18
Pengadilan harus memastikan ketentuan yang tepat dan menghukum tindakan pemerkosaan yang terjadi dalam ruang lingkup hubungan suami istri-20-April-2018 - JSMP husu ba tribunal aplika pena ne’ebe todan no inklui indemnizasaun sivíl hamutuk ho pena prizaun ba arguidu abuzu seksuál ba menór-19-Abril-18
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba xefe suku no membru konsellu suku iha Suku Liho, Postu Administrativu Railaco, Munisípiu Ermera – 16 Abril – 18
JSMP conducts training for the village chief and members of the Village Council in Liho Village, Railaco Administrative Post, Ermera Municipality-16-04-18
JSMP melakukan pelatihan untuk kepala desa dan jajaran anggota Dewan Desa di Liho Village, Kecamatan Railaco, Kotamadya Ermera – 16 April 18
- JSMP Kontinua realiza treinamentu ba grupu minoria Lesbian, Gay, Transgender & Bisexual (LGBT) no Xefe Suku ho nia estrutura no membru komunidade iha Jurisdisaun Tribunál Distritál Suai (TDS)-Marsu 18
JSMP conducts training with minority target groups of Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders & Bisexuals (LGBT) with Village Chiefs, administrative staff and community members in the Jurisdiction of the Suai District Court-Marsu 18 - Timor-Leste komemora Loron Feto Internasionál ho tema nasionál ‘Tempu to’o ona mai ita promove no tane aas liman badaen feto Timor’-Fev 2018
Timor-Leste commemorates International Women’s Day with the national theme of ‘The time has come to promote and appreciate the work of East Timorese women’-Fev 18
- JSMP fasilita treinamentu ba Estudante Eskola Sekundariu Santa Madalena de Canossa Iha Centru Formasaun JSMP – Manleuana – 12 Fevereiru 2018
JSMP disseminates information on Rights of the Child to students from the Palaban – Oecusse Vocational Technical Secondary School - JSMP realize treinamentu ho alvu ba grupu minoritáriu sira hanesan Lesbian, Gay, Transgender & Bisexual (LGBT) no Xefe Suku ho nia estrutura no membru komunidade iha Jurisdisaun Tribunál Distritál Baucau (TDB)-20-Fevereiru-2018
JSMP conducted training for the minority target group of Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders & Bisexuals (LGBT) as well for Village Chiefs and their administrative staff and community members in the Jurisdiction of the Baucau District Court-20-February-2018
JSMP melakukan pelatihan kepada Lesbian, Gay, Transgender & Biseksual (LGBT) dan Kepala Desa dan anggota masyarakat lainnya di Yurisdiksi Pengadilan Distrik Baucau2–Februari-2018 - Tudik iha poténsia boot atu prodús efeitu grave ba ema nia vida: JSMP husu Ministériu Públiku atu konsidera objetu krime hirak ne’e ho apropriadu antes formula akuzasaun-07-Fev-2018
It is highly probable that a knife can seriously endanger a person’s life: JSMP requests for the Public Prosecution Service to appropriately consider the weapons used to commit a crime before drafting an indictment
Pisau sangat berpotensi untuk menghasilkan dampak yang serius terhadap nyawa orang lain: JSMP meminta Jaksa Penuntut Umum untuk mempertimbangkan objek kejahatan secara tepat sebelum membuat dakwaan
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse primeira-vez aplika regra ba konduta ba kondenadu iha krime violénsia doméstika JSMP: kongratula mudansa importante ida-ne’e no rekomenda atu kontinua aplika regra ba konduta barak liu iha kazu violénsia domestika sira seluk iha futuru 29 Janeiro 2018
The Oecusse District Court for the first time applies rules of conduct against a convicted person in a case of domestic violence JSMP: welcome this important change and recommend the continued application of rules of conduct in other cases of domestic violence in the future – 29 January 2018
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse pertama kali menerapkan ketentuan aturan perilaku kepada terpidana kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga JSMP: menyambut baik kemajuan penting tersebut dan mendorong penerapan _aturan perilaku lebih banyak di masa mendatang atas kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tanga 29 Januariu 2018 - JSMP realiza Treinamentu kona-ba Direitu Labarik no Sistema Justisa Formál ba komunidada sira_iha Suku Aissirimou Munisípiu Aileu – 29 Janeiru 2018Tetum
- JSMP husu Ministériu Públiku atu akuza arguidu tuir krime nia gravidade iha kazu violénsia domestika ne’ebé envolve lezada isin-rua todan-26-Jan-2018
JSMP requests for the Public Prosecution Service to charge the defendant based on the seriousness of the crime in a case of domestic violence involving a victim who was heavily pregnant-Januari-2018
JSMP meminta Jaksa Penuntut Umum untuk mendakwa terdakwa sesuai dengan tingkat keseriusan dalam kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yang melibatkan perempuan hamil tua 26 Januari 2018 - JSMP kontinnua fahe informasaun legal ba suku sira iha Munisípiu Lautem no Manufahi-25-Janeiru-2018
- Tribunál revoga pena suspensaun ba pena prizaun no kondena pena prizaun efetiva tinan 2 fulan 6 ba arguidu ne’ebé repete krime iha kazu violénsia doméstika – 17 Janeiru 2018
The court revokes suspended prison sentence and imposes an effective prison sentence of 2 years and 6 months against a defendant who reoffended in a case of domestic violence-17-January-2018 - Situasaun Impase Polítika atuál no solusaun posível tuir Konstituisaun-16-Janeiru-2018
Current political impasse and possible solutions according to the Constitution-16-Jan-18 - Tribunál kondena pena prizaun tinan haat bá arguidu iha krime abuzu seksuál ba ema ne’ebé labele reziste JSMP: desizaun ne’e la ekilíbriu ho kondisaun lezada nu’udar ema ho difisiente-11-Jan-18
Court sentences defendant to four years in prison for the crime of sexual abuse of a person _of resistance JSMP: this decision is not proportionate to the circumstances of the victim who is disabled-11-Jan-18
- JSMP Lansa Relatóriu kona-ba Sentensa no Violénsia Doméstika: Suspensaun ba pena prizaun ho kondisaun sira-20-Dezembru-17
JSMP launches Report on Sentencing and Domestic Violence: Suspended prison sentences with conditions-20-December-17 - JSMP husu Ministériu Públiku atu eskolla artigu ne’ebé espesífiku liu ba kazu abuzu seksuál sira ne’ebé envolve labarik 19 Dezembru-17
- Komunidade Suku Açu-Mau preokupa no konfuzaun ho ezbosu Lei Anti-Korrupsaun ne’ebé kaduka iha Parlamentu Nasionál durante terseiru lejislatura-19-Dezembru-17
- JSMP husu Prokuradór tenke pro-ativu atu avalia faktu foun sira ne’ebé prodús durante produsaun ba prova no asegura protesaun ba interesadu-sira – 14 Dezembru-2017
JSMP requests for prosecutors to be proactive in assessing facts during the examination of evidence and guarantee protection for the interests of justice-14-Dec-17
- Komunidade Suku Usitasase Munisípiu Oecusse agradese ba JSMP: Materia kona-ba Direitu Labarik no Asesu ba Justisa Útil tebes ba sira – 21 Novembru-17
The community in Usitasase Village, Oecusse Municipality express gratitude to JSMP: Materials on Rights of the Child and Access to Justice are very useful for them 21 November-17 - Ezbosu Lei Protesaun ba Labarik : JSMP husu tenki iha konsultasaun signifikativa hodi hatan duni ba labarik sira-nia nesesidade espesiál iha Timor-Leste-16 November-17
- Komunidade Suku Samara kontente ho prezensa JSMP iha sira nia Suku – 21 Novembru-17
- JSMP kontinua organiza treinamentu ba estudante sira iha Ensino Sekundáriu Fernando Lasama, Luro – Município Lautem-15 Novembro-17
- Aplikasaun pena multa ba kazu ho natureza violénsia doméstika presiza konsidera rekizitus iha artigu 38 Lei Kontra Violénsia Domestik -30 Novembru-17
The application of fines in cases characterized as domestic violence should consider the requirements of Article 38 of the Law Against Domestic Violence 30 November-17
Penerapan denda dalam kasus-kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga harus mempertimbangkan syarat-syarat dalam Pasal 38 Undang-Undang Anti Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga-30-November-17 - Estrutura Suku no membru komunidade Suku Abani, Suniufe no Bobometo Reziaun Espesiál Oe-Cusse-Ambeno (RAEOA) preokupa no sei iha konfuzaun ho situasaun polítika atuál 24 Novembru-17
- Estudante Eskola Públiku Nuu-tete Fohorem konsidera treinamentu kona-ba Direitu Labarik no Sistema Justisa Formál hanesan bukae ida ba sira-30-17
Students from the Nuu-tete Public School in Fohorem felt that training on the Rights of the Child and the Formal Justice System has provided them with useful guideline-30 Oct-17 - Estudante Nino Konis Santana Ermera Simu Treinamentu ba dala uluk hosi JSMP kona-ba Direitu Labarik no Assesu ba Justisa Formal-11 Outubru-17
Students from Nino Konis Santana Secondary School in Ermera were given training for the first time by JSMP on the Rights of the Child and Access to Formal Justice-11-Oct-17 - Estudante Sekundariu Eskola Publiku Dom Boa Ventura Same konsidera treinamentu Diretu Labarik no Asesu ba Justisa Formal hosi JSMP importante-10-Outubru-17
Same Students from the Public High School Dom Boa Ventura in Same believe that training given by JSMP on the Rights of the Child and Access to Formal Justice is important-10-Oct-17 - Komunidade Aldeia Dar-Lau, Suku Becora primeira-vez asesu ba informasaun kona-ba direitu labarik no asesu ba justas formal-3 Outubru-17Setembru/September
- Komunidade Suku Fatumea Munisípiu Covalima haksolok ho treinamentu kona-ba Demokrásia no Asesu ba Justisa husi JSMP– 25 Setembru-17
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun efetiva tinan ida ba arguidu kazu violén sia doméstika JSMP: Tribunál sira kontinua hatudu progresu atu asegura konsistensia tuir lei aplikavel-25 Setembru 17
Court imposes effective prison sentence of one year against defendant in case of domestic violence JSMP: The courts continue to show_progress in ensuring the consistent application of the law-25-Sep-17 - Tribunál Distritál Dili inkorpora indemnizasaun sivíl kontra arguidu iha kazu maus tratus ba konjuje hamutuk ho pena suspensu iha Tribunál ninia-desizaun-13-Sep-17
Dili District Court issues a decision ordering a defendant to pay civil compensation in a case of mistreatment of a spouse together with a suspended sentence-13-Sep-17
Pengadilan Distrik Dili memerintahkan terdakwa dalam kasus penganiayaan terhadap pasangan membayar ganti rugi kepada korban bersama dengan hukuman penangguhan penjara-13-Sep-17 - Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál eleitu ba Lejizlatura 4a promete sei fó prioridade aas ba produtividade PN durante nia-mandatu – 11 Setembru-17
The President of the National Parliament who was elected for the Fourth Legislature promises to give top priority to the productivity of the National Parliament during his mandate – 11 Setenber-17
- Desizaun Konsellu Administrasaun Parlamentár hodi halo leilaun ba kareta 65 ba deputadu sira iha Lejizlatura III konstitui konflitu interese, la tuir lei no aumentu gastu ba orsamentu Estadu-14-Agostu-17
- Suku Coliate Leotelu – Hatualia hosi Munisípiu Ermere primeira-ves asesu ba informasaun kona-ba Parlamentu Nasionál no asesu ba justas formal – 08-Agostu-17
- Tribunál kondena tinan 28 prizaun ba krime violasaun seksuál ho natureza insestu 4 Agostu-17
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse kondena pena prizaun efetiva fulan neen iha prizaun ba arguidu krime violénsia doméstika-02-Agostu-17
Oecusse District Court imposes an effective prison sentence of six months against a defendant for the crime of domestic violence-02-August-17
- JSMP pesimista prolongamentu ba periódu normal parlamentu nian sei rezolve esbosu lei pendente sira-01-Agostu-17
JSMP pessimistic about the National Parliament extending the normal period for finalising pending draft laws-01-August-17
- JSMP Lansa Relatóriu kona-ba Pontu Kontaktu Entre Rezolusaun Komunitária no Prosesu Justisa Formál-14-Jullu-17
- Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál presiza avalia ho profunda no sensivel kazu ida-idak ninia natureza no sirkunstánsia relevante sira-06-Jullu-17
- Membru Juis Tribunál Distritál Baucau hetan asaltu fíziku iha area julgamentu movel iha Postu Administrativu Lospalos Munisípiu Lautem JSMP husu apoiu seguransa ba juis sira durante hala’o sira nia knäar 28-Juñu-17
Judge from the Baucau District Court was physically assaulted near Mobile Court in Lospalos Administrative Post, Lautem Municipality JSMP calls for heightened security for judges whilst they are performing their duties 28-July-17 - Tribunál revoga kondenadu ba kazu violénsia doméstika ba pena prizaun efetiva durante tinan 2 tanba komete krime durante períodu suspensaun-09-Junu-17
- JSMP aprezenta deskobrementu relatóriu anuál setór justisa no lejislativu 2016 durante semináriu rejionál ba Lideransa Komunitáriu sira kona-ba knaar Parlamentu Nasional no Sistem Justisa formal iha Correios Dili 2-Jullu-_Seminariu_Rejional_16 June 2107
JSMP realiza semináriu Rejionál kona-ba Knaar Parlamentu Nasionál no Knaar Autór Judisiáriu iha Sistema Justisa Formál Timor-Leste nian -02 Juñu-17 - JSMP realiza semináriu Rejionál kona-ba Knaar Parlamentu Nasionál no Knaar Autór Judisiáriu iha Sistema Justisa Formál Timor-Leste nian -02 Juñu-17
JSMP held a regional seminar on the role of the National Parliament and Judicial Actors within the Timor-Leste Formal Justice System-02-June-17
- Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál tenke elabora ho kuidadu no atensiozu ba faktu relevante sira iha kazu violénsia doméstika iha formulasaun akuzasaun no sentensa sira-22-Maiu-17
- In-serteza justisa sei fo impaktu negativu ba Estadu Direitu no Demokratiku-19-Maiu-17
Uncertainty in justice will have a negative impact on the rule of law and democratic-19-May-2017 - Nomeasaun Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu ne’e legalmente válidu tuir Artigu 110 husi Nu. 11/2004 kona-ba Alterasaun Estatutu Majistradu Judisiáriu -05 Maiu-17
The Appointment of the President of the Court of Appeal is necessary and valid pursuant to Article 110 of Law 11/2004 Amending the Statute of Judicial Magistrates05-May-17
Penunjukan Ketua Pengadilan Tinggi diperlukan dan sah menurut Pasal 110 Undang-Undang No. 11/2004 mengenai Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Kehakiman-05-Mei-17
- JSMP Lansa relatóriu Anuál ba Observasaun Jerál Setór Judisiáriu 2016, Relatóriu Observasaun Parlamentár 2016 no Relatóriu Institusionál JSMP 2016 Iha Komemorasaun Aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XVI-27-Abril-17
JSMP Launches Annual Overview of the Justice Sector 2016, Parliamentary Watch Report 2016 and JSMP Institutional Report 2016 to commemorate the 16th Anniversary of JSMP-27-April-17
JSMP menerbitkan laporan Tahunan mengenai Pemantauan Umum Sektor Peradilan 2016, Laporan Pemantauan Parlamen 2016 & Laporan Institusional 2016 Dalam Perayaan Ulang Tahun JSMP yang ke-XVI-27-Maret-17
- JSMP kongratula Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál Distritál Dili ne’ebé konsidera ko-autór iha krime infantisídiu-11-Abril-17
JSMP congratulates the Public Prosecution Service and the Dili District Court for convicting co-perpetrators for committing the crime of infanticide-11-April-17
JSMP mengucapkan selamat kepada Jaksa Penuntut Umum dan Pengadilan yang mempertimbangkan pihak ketiga dalam kasus pembunuhan bayi-11-April-17
- JSMP husu ba Tribunál atu inkorpora indemnizasaun sivíl iha pena prizaun ba kondenadu sira iha kazu krime ho natureza violasaun seksuál sira-10-Abril-17
JSMP requests for courts to include civil compensation in prison sentences against convicted persons in cases involving sexual violence-10-April-17
JSMP meminta pengadilan untuk menyertakan ganti rugi perdata dalam hukuman penjara bagi terpidana dalam kasus berkarakter kekerasan seksual-10-April-17
- JSMP kongratula Tribunál Distritál Dili ba implementasaun Lei Protesaun Testemuña mesmu ho forma no âmbitu limitadu-24-Marsu-17
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau hamonu pena úniku tinan 28 prizaun ba arguidu iha krime abuzu seksuál ba menór ho natureza insestu-22-Marsu-17
- Autóridade suku sira iha Postu Administrativu Remexío kontinua preokupa no la-iha konsementu adekuada kona-ba lei aplikavél sira-21-Marsu-17
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena pena tinan 7 prizaun ba arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór ho aktu seksuál relevante-17-Marsu-17
- Julgamentu movél iha Distritu Manatuto maioria julga kazu violénsia doméstika -16-Marsu-17
- Estudante Katólika Nossa Senhora de Fátima Railaco hatudu antusiazmu maka’as atu rona informasaun kona-ba kazu violénsia
- Estudante Ensinu Sekundariu Jerál 1912 Same primeira-vez simu treinamentu kona-ba papel jenéru no kazu krime sira ho natureza seksuál relevantes sira iha lei penal aplikável – 23 Fevereiru 17
Students from the 1912 Senior High School in Same received training for the first time on gender roles and relevant sexual crimes set out in the applicable criminal procedure code-23-February-17
- Komunidade Suku Hoho-lau premeiraves simu formasaun kona-ba sistema legal no krime relevante sira kona-ba feto no labarik iha enkudramentu legal Timor-Leste-23-Feb-17
Residents in Hoho-Lau Village received training for the first time on the legal system and crimes affecting women and children as set out in the legal framework of Timor-Leste-23-Feb-17 - JSMP Lansa Relatóriu kona-ba Situasaun Asisténsia Legál iha Timor-Leste-21-02-17
JSMP Launches Report on Legal Aid in Timor-Leste-21-02-17
- Deklarasaun Chefe Estado Maior General das F-FDTL: Perigu ba Futuru Estadu de Direitu Demokrátiku Timor-Leste-16 Fevereiro-17
Statements of the Chief of Timor-Leste’s Defence Force concern RDDU as they can endanger the future of the Timor-Leste’s democratic rule of law-16 February17
- JSMP husu ba polítiku sira atu aprezenta prova konkreta no evita alegasaun ne’ebé kontinua deskridita no minimiza papél konstitusionál instituisaun judisiáriu sira-13-02-17
- JSMP realiza semináriu Rejionál kona-ba Knaar Parlamentu Nasionál no Autór Judisiáriu iha Sistema Justisa Formál Timor-Leste-06-02-17
JSMP holds regional seminar on the role of the National Parliament and the formal justice sector in Timor-Leste-06-02-17
JSMP merealisir seminar regional mengenai peranan Parlemen Nasional dan sektor SeminariuRegional_justice sector in Timor-Leste-06-02-17
- Karta solidaridade ba eis-Ministra Finansa Emilia Pires reprezenta karakter interferénsia polítiku ba sistema jusdisiáriu-02-02-17
Letter expressing solidarity with former Minister of Finance Emilia Pires is a form of political interference in the judicial system-02-02-17
Surat solidaritas kepada mantan Menteri Keuangan Emilia Pires mencerminkan karakter intevensi politik atas sistem peradilan-02-02-17
- Arguida rejeita desizaun juis: presiza akonselamentu defeza atu kliente sira respeita autóridade Tribunál-31-Jan-17
- JSMP realiza treinamentu kona-ba demokrasia, partisipasaun publiku iha prosesu lejislasaun no asesu ba justisa iha komunidade suku 16 hosi jurisdisaun Tribunál Baucau-26-Jan-17
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau revoga suspensaun ba pena prizaun efetiva fulan 4 ba kazuofensa ba integridade fizika simples ho natureza violénsia doméstika-27-Jan-17
Estudante Ensinu Sekundáriu Jeral Nú. 02 Tapo-Memo, Distritu Bobonaro konsidera informasaun legal sira kona-ba abuzu seksuál ba menór no labarik konflitu ho lei útil tebes sira-24-Jan-17 - Alterasaun no Revogasaun ba Lei sira ne’ebé regula kona-ba Pensaun Mensál Vitalísia la korresponde ho realidade sosiál no ekonómiku atuál povu nian no la-iha efeitu pozitivu ruma -18-Jan-17
- Estudante Laicara primeira-vez simu treinamentu kona-ba papel jenéru no kazu krime sira ho natureza seksuál relevantes sira iha lei penal aplikável-16-Jan-2017
- JSMP husu ba Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál atu analiza no elabora ho kuidadu kazu natureza seksuál sira antes halo desizaun-23-Dezembru-2016
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena pena prizaun tinan 7 ba eis-Ministra Finansa no tinan 4 ba eis-Vice Ministra Saúde JSMP: sentensa ba kondenada Emilia Pires bele la-iha sentidu-23-Dezembru-2016
- JSMP husu atu julgamentu movel tenke funsiona iha maneria ida-ne’ebé kualidade no kredivel-22-Dezembru-2016
- Komunidade Suku Vaviquinia ezijé Governu atu distribui Jornál Repúblika ba iha autóridade suku sira hanesan parte ida hosi sosializasaun ba lei aplikavel sira-21-Dezembru-2016
- Prezensa Prezidente Autóridade ZEEMS hanesan deputadu durante diskusaun OJE kada tinan: Ne’e infrasaun ba lei, konflitu interese no inkompatibilidade prevalese-20-Dezembru-2016
- Komunidade Suku Lore I, Postu Administrativu Lospalos, Munisípiu Lautem konsidera treinamentu hosi JSMP importante tebes no husu atu kontinua fó ba foin sa’e sira no membru komunidade sira seluk-06-Dezembru-2016
- Lideransa estrutura eleitu Suku Ma’abat kompromete redus violénsia doméstika iha sira nia-suku no manifesta interese ba kontinua kolabora ho JSMP iha futuru-01-Dezembru-2016
- Community leaders from Ma’abat Village are committed to opposing domestic violence in their village and are also committed to working with JSMP in the future
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau hala’o julgamentu movél iha distritu diferente rua:JSMP deskobre lingua no fatin ba julgamentu kontinua sai obstakulu-30-Novembru-2016
- JSMP Preokupa ho dixiplina no pontualidade membru deputadu sira iha sesaun plenaria-23-Novembru-2016
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun tinan 12 bá krime abuzu seksuál ba menór ho agravasaun JSMP: sentensa ne’e la-reflete ho prejuízu ne’ebé afeita ba lezada-22-Novembru-2016
Court sentences defendant to 12 years in prison in case of aggravated sexual abuse against a minor JSMP: this penalty does not reflect the loss suffered by the victim
Pengadilan menghukum 12 tahun penjara atas kasus pelecehan seksual terhadap anak JSMP: hukuman tersebut tidak mencerminkan kerugian yang diderita korban-22-November-2016 - Komunidade Suku Holarua Munisípiu Manufahi preokupa kona-ba violasaun seksuál iha relasaun kazamentu iha komunidade-21-Novembru-2016
Masyarakat Desa Holarua Kota Madya Manufahi prihatin mengenai permerkosaan dalam perkawinan di masyarakat-21-November-2016 - Komunidade Suku Tutuluro apresia atividade treinamentu hosi JSMP-07-Novembru-2016
Members of Tutuluro Village expressed their appreciation for JSMP training activities-07-November-2016
Masyarakat Desa Tutuluro memberikan apresiasi terhadap kegiatan pelatihan JSMP-07-November-2016
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun tinan 19 bá arguida krime omisídiu agravadu no destruisaun, subtrasaun, okultasaun ka profanasaun bá kadaver:JSMP husu Tribunál atu asegura julgamentu lao ho masímu no justu-28-Otubru-2016
- Pena prizaun tinan 7 no 6 ba arguidu krime ho natureza korupsaun bele fó efeitu disuasivu responsável no jestor sira instituisaun públiku nian – 19 Outobru 2016
- Estudante Eskola Sekundariu Tékniku Vokasionál Suai konsidera treinamentu “Asesu ba Justisa Formal” husi JSMP importante – 13 Outubru 2016
Students from a Vocational School in Suai believe that training provided by JSMP on “Access to Formal Justice” is important 13 October 2016
Para Siswa Sekolah Teknik Suai menganggap penting pelatihan “Akses terhadap Peradilan Formal” dari JSMP – 13 Oktober 2016
- JSMP konsidera pena tinan 12 bá kazu insestu hasoru menoridade ho forma kontinuadu la adekuadu – 30 Setembru 2016
- Alterasaun ba Lei Pensaun Mensál Vitalísia sai Prioridade ba Sesaun Lezislativa Dalima hosi Lezislatura Datuluk PN nian – 21 Setembru 2016
Commemorating Referendum Day 30 August 1999 – 2016 and the International Day of the Enforced Disappearances-29-August-2016 - JSMP husu ba Ministériu Públiku atu dezenvolve akuzasaun ne’ebé adekuadu no komprensivu ba krime violénsia doméstika sira-17-Agostu-2016
- Komunidade Suku Faturilau ezije prezensa autoridade estadu iha suku izoladu hodi fahe informasaun kona-ba lei aplikavel sira – 2 Agostu 2016
- JSMP preukupa ho sentensa iha kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór ne’ebé kiik liu hosi pena mínimu iha Kódigu Penál – 29 Jullu 2016
JSMP concerned about sentence handed down in case of sexual abuse of a minor, which was less than the minimum penalty set out in the Penal Code – 28 July 2016
JSMP prihatin dengan hukuman atas kasus pelecehan seksual terhadap anak yang lebih kecil dari hukuman minimum dalam KUHP – 29 Juli 2016 - Tribunál Distritál Baucau julga kazu insestu tolu tutuir-malu: JSMP husu atu konsidera importánsia hosi provizaun espesífiku ba insestu – 25 Jullu 2016
- Tribunál kondena arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik tinan 4 simu pena prizaun tinan 6 fulan 8. JSMP: desizaun ne’e dook hosi justisa ba vítima – 22 Jullu 2016
The court imposes a penalty of 6 years 8 months prison against defendant in case of sexual abuse against a minor aged 4 years JSMP: This decision is far from providing justice for the victim – 22 July
Pengadilan menghukum terdakwa kasus pelecehan seksual terhadap anak berusia 4 tahun dengan hukuman 6 tahun 8 bulan penjara JSMP: hukuman ini jauh dari keadilan bagi korban - Parlamentu Nasionál Aprova Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 ho Unanimidade: JSMP enkoraza partidu opozisaun atu la-lakon nia papél kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia iha Timor-Leste – 19 Jullu 2016
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena pena prizaun tinan 15 ba arguidu kazu violasaun seksuál – 19 Jullu 2016
- Tribunál kondena arguidu ba kazu insestu bazeia prova úniku hosi lezada: Progresu ida iha aspeitu sensibilidade tribunál nian- 8 Jullu 2016
- Deputadu Francisco Branco hosi Bankada Fretelin: Polítiku sira tenke sente moe bainhira la pontuál tanba funsionáriu públiku sira tama tuku 08:00 dader – 4 Jullu 2016
- Komisaun Eventuál Parlmentu Nasionál apresia tebes kontribuisaun sosiedade sivíl sira nian hodi prepara paraser ba alterasaun Lei Pensaun Mensál Vitalísia – 4 Jullu 2016
- JSMP husu ba mídia atu habelar informasaun ho kredivel no edukativu ba públiku-30-Juñu-2016
- Tribunál kondena rekeridu kumpri alimentasaun ba nia-oan sira ne’ebé sei idade menoridade 28 Junu 2016
- Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas hala’o julgamentu dahuluk ba kazu efetivasaun responsabilidade infrasaun finanseiru iha UNTL – 24 Juñu 2016
- JSMP husu ba ministériu públiku atu asegura krime relevante sira tenke inkorpora hotu iha akuzasaun – 23 Juñu 2016
- Tribunál revoga suspensaun ba pena prizaun efetiva tinan 1 ba arguidu kazu krime violénsia doméstika-20 Junu-2016
- JSMP kongratula Ministériu Públiku no tribunál ba interpretasaun progresivu relasiona ho provizaun 154 Kódigu Penál-13-Juñu-2016
JSMP congratulates the Public Prosecution Service and Courts for their progressive interpretation of Article 154 of the Penal Code – 13 June 2016
JSMP mengucapkan selamat kepada JPU dan Pengadilan atas interpretasi progresif mengenai pasal 154 KUHP – 13 Juni 2016 - JSMP espera Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasionál konsidera hanoin no rekomendasaun sira hosi sosiedade sivil nian kona-ba Proposta Lei Pakote ba Rai – 13 Juñu 2016
- JSMP enkoraza tribunál atu asegura kondenasaun ne’ebé apropriadu ba arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik sira- 10 Junhu 2016
- Parlamentu Nasionál Anunsia no Admite Alterasaun ba Projeitu Alterasaun ba Lei Pensaun Mensál Vitalisia ba Eis-deputadu sira ba Komisaun Eventuál – 8 Juñu 2016
- JSMP husu Tribunál atu kondena arguidu ho pena máximu iha kazu abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik sira – 6 Juñu 2016
- Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Aderito Hugo da Costa afirma: JSMP nia-paraser no rekomendasaun sira nia kbi’it boot liu tanba reprezenta públiku nia-hanoin no interese – 19 Maiu 2016
- JSMP husu ba Ministériu Públiku atu asegura faktu relevantes sira inkorpora iha akuzasaun ba kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór – 16 Maiu 2016
- Tribunál Rekursu husu JSMP atu halo observasaun substánsial ba tribunál sira – 10 Maiu 2016
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena pena tinan 10 prizaun ba arguidu ne’ebé komete krime abuzu seksuál ba menór – 9 Maiu 2016
- Prezidenté Parlamentu Nasionál eleitu promote atu aselera prosesu lejizlativu ba lei importante no pendente sira: JSMP espera bele sai realidade – 6 Maiu 2016
- Komemorasaun Aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XV: Lansamentu relatóriu Anuál ba Observasaun Jerál Setór Judisiáriu 2015, Relatóriu Observasaun Parlamentár 2015 no Relatóriu Institusionál JSMP 2015 – 28 Abril 2016
Celebration of JSMP’s 15th Anniversary:Launch of the 2015 Annual Review of the Justice Sector, the 2015 Parliamentary Monitoring Report and the 2015 JSMP Institutional Report
Perayaan ulang tahun JSMP yang ke XV:Peluncuran laporan tahunan Tinjauan Umum Sektor Peradilan 2015, Laporan Pemantauan Parlemen 2015 dan Laporan Institusional JSMP 2015
- Tribunál kondena pena efetiva tinan ida prizaun ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstika-25-Abril-2016
- JSMP kontinua enkoraza Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál atu eskolla artigu ne’ebé apropriadu iha kazu violénsia doméstika – 22 Abril 2016
- Komunidade Suku Sanirin Distritu Bobonaro preukupa ho produtividade Parlamentu Nasional no kestaun imunidade impede prosesu justisa formal – 18 Abril 2016
- JSMP apresia ho sensiblidade deputadu Komisaun A PN ba asuntu jéneru durante debate Proposta ba Lei Suku nian – 18 Abril 2016
- Rekomendasaun JSMP kona-ba Proposta Lei Prosedimentu Konsesaun Indultu hetan konsiderasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasional – 14 Abril 2016
- Tribunál hasai mandadu detensaun ba arguida eis-deputada ne’ebé la kumpri notifikasaun ba dala tolu -12 Abril 2016
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun efetiva tinan 2 ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstika: JSMP kongratula tribunál ba mudansa progresivu ida-ne’e – 8 Abril 2016
- Tribunál aplika pena prizaun kontribui ba prevensaun krime-07-Abril-2016
- Bankada CNRT afirma krime transnasionál, korupsaun, krime graves no krime violasaun hasoru feto no labarik laiha direitu ba Indultu – 7 Abril 2016
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena pena prizaun tinan 10 ba arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór – 7 Abril 2016
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-cusse kondena arguidu sira ba kazu explorasaun seksuál hasoru lezada nain 3 ida-idak ho pena prizaun tinan 7 no tinan 5 – 4 Abril 2016
- Bankada Partidu Demokrátiku apoiu hanoin JSMP hodi hamosu Lei Indultu: hanesan matadalan ba Prezidente Repúblika – 21 Marsu 2016
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kontinua kondena pena prizaun no indemnizasaun sivíl ba krime violasaun seksuál ho agravasaun – 21 Marsu 2016
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau no Dili kontinua kondena krime ho natureza violénsia seksuál ho pena prizaun – 21 Marsu 2016
- Violénsia Seksuál nu’udar asuntu krítiku ba feto no feto ran sira iha Timor Leste: Relatóriu temátiku JSMP 2012-2015 – 10 Marsu 2016
Sexual violence is a critical problem for women and children in Timor-Leste: JSMP Thematic Report for the period 2012-2015 – 10 March 2016
Kekerasan seksual sebagai persoalan kritis bagi perempuan dan anak perempuan di Timor-Leste: Laporan Tematik JSMP 2012-2015 – 10 Maret 2016
- Timor-Leste komemora Loron feto Internasionál – 8 Marsu 2016
Timor – Leste celebrates International Women’s Day – 8 March 2016
Timor-Leste merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional – 8 Maret 2016 - Tribunál Distritál Suai hamonu pena tinan 9 ba arguidu kazu krime abuzu seksuál ba menór-04-Marsu-2016
Pengadilan Suai menjatuhkan hukuman 9 tahun penjara atas terdakwa kasus pelecehan seksual terhadap anak di bawah umur - Ezenorasaun Xefe Estadu Maiór F-FDTL Lere Anan Timur: Konfuzaun iha konstitusionalidade iha asaun ne’e-02-Marsu-2016
Exoneration of Chief of Staff of the F-FDTL Major-General Lere:Confusion over the Constitutionality of this move-02-March-2016
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse kontinua hatudu progresu signifikativu iha kazu sira natureza violénsia doméstika – 29 Fevereiru 2016
- JSMP konsidera deklarasaun Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál hatudu sentidu ignoransia no inkumprimentu hasoru notifikasaun tribunál 26 Fevereiru 2016
JSMP considers that the statement of the President of the National Parliament shows indifference towards and non-compliance with the summons issued by the court – 26-February 2016
JSMP menganggap pernyataan Presiden Parlemen Nasional menunjukan sikap ketidakpedulian dan ketidakpatuhan terhadap surat panggilan pengadilan 26 Februari 2016 - Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena pena prizaun tinan 5 ba krime violasaun seksuál- 23-Fevereiru 2016
Dili District Court sentences defendant to 5 years in prison for crime of rape-23-February-2016 - Tribunál kontinua aplika instrumentu CEDAW ba krime ho natureza violénsia doméstika – 19 Fevereiru 2016
Pengadilan terus menerapkan instrumen CEDAW terhadap kasus berkarakter kekerasan dalam rumah tangga 19 Fevereiru 2016 - Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena pena tinan 11 prizaun ba arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór – 18 Fevereiru 2016
- Tribunál sira kontinua aplika dever adisionál aprezentasaun periódiku ba arguidu sira iha krime ho natureza violénsia doméstika – 18 Fevereiru 2016
Court continues to apply additional condition obliging defendants in cases of domestic violence to appear periodically before the relevant institutions – 18 February 2016
Pengadilan terus menerapkan kewajiban tambahan untuk melaporkan diri secara periodik bagi para terdakwa kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga 18 Februari 2016 - Tribunál suspende pena prizaun no aprezentasaun periódika ba rguidu no selu mós indemnizasaun sivíl ba lezada-11-Fevereiru-2016
Court suspends prison sentence and orders defendant to report periodically to the police and pay compensation to the victim-11-February-2016
Pengadilan menangguhkan hukuman penjara dan mewajibkan terdakwa untuk melaporkan diri secara periodik dan membayar ganti rugi kepada korban-11-02-2016 - Tribunál suspende pena prizaun ho devér aprezentasaun periódika ba tribunál iha períodu suspensaun 11Fevereiru 2016
- Kestaun lingua kontinua sai obstaklu iha prosesu julgamentu movel-05-Fevereiru-2016
- JSMP organiza workshop kona-ba prosesu halo akuzasaun tuir Kódiu Prosesu Penal no Independensia Judisiáriu ba finalista direitu sira-02-Fevereiru-2016
- Tribunál suspende pena prizaun ba krime maus tratus ba kónjuje-29-Janeiru-2016
- JSMP husu ba Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasionál atu esklui krime transnasionál, korrupsaun no krime ho natureza violasaun seksuál no insestu atu la-hetan direitu indultu – 22 Janeiru 2016
- Estudante Eskola Sekundariu Públiku Nú 2 Yamato Malibaca Maliana Primeiraves simu treinamentu kona-ba violensia domestika no violensia hasoru feto – 22-Janeiru 2016
Students from Senior High School No. 2 Yamato Malibaca-Maliana for the first time receive training about domestic violence and violence against women-22-January-2016
Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas No. 2 Yamato Malibaca-Maliana baru pertama kali menerima pelatihan mengenai kekerasan dalam tumah dan kekerasan terhadap perempuan – 22 Januari 2016 - Komunidade sira hosi Suku Coto-Lau, Sub-distritu Laulara, Aileu hatudu sira nia antusiasmu makas ba treinamentu JSMP Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika no Asesu ba Justisa Formal -20 Janeiru 2016
Masyarakat dari Desa Coto-Lau, Sub-distrik Laulara, Aileu menunjukan rasa antusiasme yang tinggi terhadap pelatihan diselenggarakan oleh JSMP mengenai Undang-Undang Anti Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga dan akses terhadap peradilan formal – 20 Januari 2016 - Kazu Violénsia Doméstika Aas iha Suku Holsa: Komunidade sira husu atu governu halo sosializasaun ba Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika-15 Janeiru-2016
Cases of domestic violence have increased in Holsa Village: The community has requested for the government to raise awareness about the Law Against Domestic Violence – 15 January 2016
Kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga meningkat di Desa Holsa: Masyarakat meminta pemerintah untuk melakukan sosialisasi terhadap Undang-Undang Anti Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga – 15 Januari 2016 - Estudante eskola sekundariu tékniku vokasional Aileu hatudu antusiasmu makas kona-ba oinsá bele asesu ba justisa – 14 Janeiru 2016
- JSMP fo treinamentu ba estudante eskola sekundariu St. Antonio Manatuto: Lideransa eskola apresia JSMP nia prezensa – 11 Janeiru 2016
JSMP provides training to high school students from St. Antonio Manatuto: The Principal of the Local School values the presence of JSMP – 11 January 2016
JSMP memberikan pelatihan kepada pelajar Sekolah Menengah Atas St. Antonio Manatuto: Pimpinan Sekolah Setempat menghargai kehadiran JSMP – 11 Januari 2016 - Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena arguidu ba kazu violasun seksuál agravadu ho pena prizaun tinan 17-6-Janeiru 2016
- JSMP realiza diskusaun meza redonda ho profesionál legal feto – 16 Dezembru 2015
JSMP hold a round table discussion with female legal professionals
JSMP merealisir sebuah diskusi meja bundar dengan para perempuan profesi hukum-16-Desember-2015
- Kestaun imunidade impende julgamentu ba arguida Sekertaria Estadu Arte Kultura – 14 Dezembru 2015
Issue of immunity hampers trial of the Secretary of State for Arts and Culture – 14 December 2015
Persoalan kekebalan menghambat persidangan terhadap terdakwa Sekretaris Negara untuk Urusan Seni dan Budaya – 14 Desember 2015
- Semináriu nasionál kona-ba protesaun direitu feto hosi perspetiva enkuadramentu legal Timor-Leste-14-Dezembru-2015
National Seminar on protecting women’s rights from the perspective of the Timor-Leste legal framework – 14 December 2015
Seminar nasional mengenai perlindungan hak perempuan dari perspektif kerangka hukum Timor-Leste – 14 Desember 2015
- Komite CEDAW rekomenda ba estadu Timor Leste atu kontinua fo prioridade ba violénsia kontra feto no feto asesu ba justisa-03 Dezembru 2015
CEDAW Committee recommends Timor-Leste takes action to address violence against women and promote women’s access to justice-03-December-2015
- Statementu Publiku Hamutuk Timor-Leste: Komite CEDAW ONU ejize autoridade sira atu asegura reparasaun kompletu ba vítima sira hosi violasaun seksual sira iha konflitu-01-Dezembru-2015
Timor-Leste: UN CEDAW Committee urges authorities to ensure comprehensive reparations for victims of conflict related sexual violence-10-Dezembru-2015
- Tribunál kondena arguidu krime violasaun seksuál agravasaun ho forma tentativu ba pena prizaun tinan 7 – 20 Novembru 2015
- Provas la sufisiente Tribunál Distritál Dili absolve arguidu krime violasaun seksuál-19-10-2015
Due to insufficient evidence, the Dili District Court acquits defendant in case of sexual abuse of a minor-19-10-2015
Tidak ada cukup bukti Pengadilan Distrik Dili membebaskan terdakwa kasus kekerasan seksual-19-10-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena pena prizaun tinan 10 fulan 6 no selu indemnizasaun sivíl ba arguidu kazu violasaun seksuál bazeia ba Kódigu Penál no CEDAW-15-Outubru-2015
Dili District Court sentences Defendant in case of rape to 10 years and 6 months in prison and orders him to pay compensation pursuant to the Penal Code and CEDAW-15-Outubru-2015
Pengadilan Distrik Dili menghukum terdakwa kasus kekerasan seksual 10 tahun 6 bulan penjara dan ganti rugi berdasarkan KUHP dan CEDAW-Oktober-2015
- JSMP kompleta ona treinamentu ba konsellu suku kona-ba asesu ba justisa no feto sira nia direitu-01-Outubru-2015
JSMP Concludes Suco Council Training on Access to Justice and Women’s Rights-01-October-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena pena tinan 13 prizaun no indemnizasaun sivíl US$3,000.00 ba arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór-30-Setembru-2015
Suai District Court sentences defendant to 13 years in prison and orders him to pay compensation of US$3,000 in case of sexual abuse against a minor 30 September 2015
Pengadilan Distrik Suai menghukum 13 tahun penjara dan ganti rugi US$3,000.00 kepada terdakwa pelecehan seksual terhadap anak – 30 September 2015
- JSMP fasilita treinamentu ba suku 16 iha Munisipiu Covalima kona-ba asesu ba justisa no feto nia direitu -9- Setembru 2015
JSMP facilitates training in 16 Villages across a number of municipalities on access to justice and women’s rights – 9 September 2015
JSMP memfasilitasi pelatihan di 16 desa di Kotamadya mengenai akses terhadap keadilan dan hak-hak perempuan – 9 Setembru 2015
- Konsellu Suku Rejiaun Munisipal Oe-Cusse simu treinamentu hosi JSMP kona-ba asesu ba justisa no feto nia direitu – 12 Agostu 2015
Members of Village Councils in Oecusse Municipality received training from JSMP on access to justice and women’s rights
Dewan Desa Wilayah Kotamadya Oecusse menerima pelatihan dari JSMP mengenai akses terhadap keadilan dan hak-hak perempuan
- Povu suku Muapitine preukupa ho kazu insestu kontra labarik sira no husu atu kria artigu espesifiku- 11 Agostu 2015
The Muapitine Village community concerned about incest against children and requested for a special provision in the Penal Code-11-August-2015
Masyarakat Desa Muapitine prihatin dengan kekerasan inses terhadap anak-anak dan meminta untuk membuat pasal khusus-11-Agustus-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Suai no Baucau kontinua julga no kondena arguidu krime violasaun seksuál ho natureza insestu sira – 5 Agostu 2015
Suai District Court and Baucau District Court try and sentence defendants in cases of sexual abuse characterized as incest – 5 August 2015
Pengadilan Distrik Suai dan Baucau terus mengadili dan menghukum terdakwa kasus-kasus kekerasan seksual berkarakter inses 05 Agustus 2015
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-cusse kondena pena prizaun efetiva fulan 6 ba arguidu krime violénsia doméstika iha períodu suspensaun ba pena prizaun – 5 Agostu 2015
Oe-Cusse District Court imposes an effective sentence of 6 months jail against defendant in case of domestic violence, as the defendant was still serving a suspended sentence 5 August 201
Pengadilan Distrik Oe- Cusse menghukum 6 bulan penjara atas terdakwa kekerasan dalam rumah tangga selama masa penangguhan penjara – 5 Agostu 2015
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena pena prizaun tinan 13 ba arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór-15-Jullu-2015
Baucau District Court sentences defendant to 13 years in prison for committing sexual abuse against a minor-15-July-2015
Pengadilan Distrik Baucau menghukum 13 tahun penjara atas terdakwa pelecehan seksual terhadap anak-15-Juli-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena pena prizaun tinan 6 fulan 8 ba arguidu krime abuzu seksuál ba menór-13-Jullu-2015
The Dili District Court sentences defendant to 6 years and 8 months jail in case of sexual abuse against a minor – 13 July 2015
- JSMP finaliza treinamentu ba Konsellu Suku kona-ba asesu ba justisa no feto nia direitu iha Munisipiu Liquiça – 24 Juñu 2015
JSMP completes training for village councils on access to justice and women’s rights in Liquiça Municipality 24 Juny 2015
JSMP menyelesaikan pelatihan terhadap dewan desa mengenai akses terhadap keadilan dan hak-hak perempuan di Kotamadya Liquiça – 24 Juni 2015
- Alegasaun finál hosi defeza ba arguidu ne’ebé konfesa totalmente no parsialmente ba faktus la iha diferensia – 19 Juñu 2015
No difference between the final argument presented by public defenders for defendants who totally accepted the legal facts and a defendant who partially accepted the legal facts – 19 Juny 2015
Tidak ada perbedaan dari pembelaan akhir pengacara terhadap terdakwa yang mengakui secara total dan terdakwa yang mengakui secara parsial atas fakta hukum – 19 Juni 2015
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena arguida ba krime tentativa omisídiu ho pena prizaun tinan 5
Pengadilan Distrik Suai menghukum seorang terdakwa perempuan atas kasus percobaan pembunuhan selama 5 tahun penjara – 18 Juni 2015
- Tribunál Distritál Suai ignora provizaun lejitimidade defeza ba kazu omisidiu simples no kondena arguidu ho pena prizaun tinan 10- 11 Juñu 2015
Suai District Court ignores provisions on legitimate defense in case of homicide and sentences defendant to 10 years in prison – 11 June 2015
Pengadilan Distrik Suai mengabaikan ketentuan pembelaan yang sah atas kasus pembunuhan biasa dan menghukum terdakwa selama 10 tahun penjara – 11 Juni 2015
- JSMP fornese treinamentu kona-ba asesu ba justisa no feto nia direitu iha Municipio Liquiça-05-Juñu-2015
JSMP Delivers Access to Justice and Women’s Rights Training in Liquiça Municipality-05-Juñu-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena arguidu ho pena prizaun tinan 28 iha kazu insestu-27- Maiu 2015
Baucau District Court sentences defendant in case of incest to 28 years in prison-27-May-2015
- JSMP nia semináriu nasionál: Instituisaun Estadu sira nia kna’ar atu asegura sistema judisial ne’ebé efetivu no independente-21-Maiu-2015
JSMP National Seminar: The role of State institutions in guaranteeing an effective and independent legal system-21-May-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kontinua hala’o prosesu julgamentu liu oras servisu normal – 12 Maiu 2015
- Komemorasaun Aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XIV: Lansa relatóriu Anual Observasaun Jerál Setór Judisiáriu 2014, Relatóriu Observasaun Parlamentár 2014 no Relatóriu Institusionál JSMP 2014 – 29 Abril 2015
14th Anniversary of JSMP: Launch of annual Overview of the Justice Sector Report, Parliamentary Watch Report and JSMP Institutional Report for 2014-29-April-2015
Perayaaan Ulang Tahun JSMP untuk yang XIV: meluncurkan laporan Tahunan Tinjauan Umum Sektor Peradilan, Laporan Pemantaun Parlamen dan Laporan Institusional JSMP 2014-29-Abril-2015
- JSMP kontinua organiza treinamentu kona-ba justisa ba ema hotu iha Suku Ainaro Villa- Distritu Ainaro-27-Abril-2015
JSMP organizes training on justice for all in Ainaro Villa – Ainaro District-27-April-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-cusse julga kazu koletivu sanulu-resin lima no kazu singulár tolu durante semana rua nia laran – 27 Abril 2015
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-cusse mengadili lima belas kasus dengan komposisi hakim kolektif dan tiga kasus dengan komposisi hakim tunggal selama dalam dua minggu-27-April-2015
- Tribunál kondena arguidu krime omisídiu agravadu ho pena prizaun tinan 12 fulan 6 – 27 Abril 2015
- Julgamentu koletivu ba krime violénsia bazeia ba jéneru iha Tribunál Distritál Oe-cusse-22-Abril-2015
Panel of judges try cases of gender based violence at the Oecusse District Court-22-April-2015
Persidangan kolektif terhadap kasus kekerasan berbasis gender di Pengadilan Distrik Oe-cusse-22-April-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena pena prizaun tinan 12 ba arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór-22-Abril-2015
Baucau District Court sentences defendant to 12 years in prison in case of sexual abuse against a minor-22-April-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena pena prizaun tinan 17 ba arguidu krime omisídiu agravadu-20-Abril-2015
Suai District Court sentences defendant to 17 years in prison in case of aggravated murder-20-April-2015
Pengadilan Distrik Suai menghukum terdakwa 17 tahun penjara atas kasus pembunuhan berat-20-April-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena pena prizaun tinan 20 ba arguidu krime violasaun seksuál ba menόr-13-Abril-2015
Dili District Court sentences defendant to 20 years in prison for committing sexual abuse against a minor-13-April-2015
- Tribunál adia julgamentu la tuir mekanizmu prosesu penál WCJU-13-Abril-2015
Court’s adjournment of trial at odds with rules of criminal procedure WCJU-13-April-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau hala’o julgamentu no dilijensia liuhosi julgamentu movel iha Munisipiu Lautem-01-Abril-2015
Baucau District Court conducts hearings and examinations through a mobile court in Lautem Municipality-01-April-2015
Pengadilan Distrik Baucau melakukan persidangan dan penyelidikan melalui pengadilan keliling di Kotamadya Lautem-01-April-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse kondena pena efetivu tinan 3 fulan 6 prizaun ba kazu ofensa integridade fizika simples no krime sekuerstru-31-Marsu-2015
Oe-Cusse District Court sentences defendant to 3 years and 6 months in prison in case of simple assault and kidnapping-31-March-2015
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse menghukum 3 tahun 6 bulan penjara atas kasus penganiayaan biasa dan penculikan-31-Maret-2015
- Tribunál kondena pena efetiva tinan 1 prizaun ba krime violénsia doméstika WCJU-31-Marsu-2015
Court imposes an effective sentence of 1 year in prison for crime of domestic violence-31-March-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kontinua hakbesik justisa ba komunidade iha área rurais liuhosi tribunál movél-31-Marsu-2015
Pengadilan Distrik Suai terus mendekatkan keadilan bagi masyarakat di daerah terpencil melalui pengadilan keliling-31-Maret-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Suai absolve arguidu ba kazu violasaun seksuál ho natureza insestu: JSMP kontinua husu artigu espesifiku ba krime insestu-20Marsu-2015
Suai District Court acquits defendant in case of rape characterized as incest: JSMP continues to ask for a specific provision for the crime of incest-20-March-2015
Pengadilan Distrik Suai membebaskan terdakwa kasus kekerasan seksual berkarakter inses: JSMP terus mendesak ketentuan khusus untuk kejahatan inses-20-Maret-2015
- Ministériu Públiku husu Parlamentu Nasionál hodi altera Kódigu Penál atu kriminaliza insestu sein haree ba vítima nia konsentimentu-17-Marsu-2015
Public Prosecution Service requests the National Parliament to amend the Penal Code to criminalize incest irrespective of the victim’s consent-17-March-2015
Kejaksaan Umum meminta Parlemen Nasional mengamandemen KUHP agar mempidanakan inses tanpa mempersoalkan persetujuan korban-17-Marsu-2015
- Arguidu ba kazu violasaun seksuál agravadu hetan pena tinan 7 prizaun-17-Marsu-2015
Defendant in case of aggravated rape sentenced to 7 years in prison-17-March-2015
Terdakwa dalam kasus kekesaran seksual berat dijatuhi hukuman 7 tahun penjara-17-Marsu-2015
- JSMP marka audiénsia ho Sua Exelénsia Primeíru Ministru: Setór Justisa kompleksu liu-13-Marsu-2015
JSMP organizes meeting with Prime Minister: the justice sector is very complex-13March-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau hala’o prosesu julgamentu liu oras servisu normal-13-Marsu-2015
Baucau District Court conducts hearings outside normal working hours-13-March-2015
Pengadilan Ditrik Baucau menggelar persidangan melebihi batas waktu jam kerja normal-13-Maret-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Suai hala’o julgamentu movel liu oras servisu normal-04-Marsu-2015
- Tribunál hala’o julgamentu movél iha edifisiu Tribunál antigu Distritu Ermera-26-Fevereiru-2015
Mobile Court conducts hearings at the former Ermera District Court 26-February-2015
- JSMP realiza treinamentu kona-ba “Asesu ba Justisa” iha Suku Lalisuk-Oe-Cusse-24-Fevereiru-2015
JSMP conducts training on “access to justice” in Lalisuk Suco – Oe-Cusse-24-Fevereiru-2015
- Sosiedade Sivíl diskute kona-ba asuntu Feto no Labarik-23 Fevereiru-2015 | Civil Society discusses submission on Women and Children’s issues-23-February-2015
- Estudante Sekundáriu Tékniku Vokasionál Oe- Cusse apresia ho prezensa JSMP-23-Fevereiru-2015
Students from Oe-cusse Vocational Engineering School welcome training from JSMP-23-February
- Sestu Governu Konstituisionál tenke asegura independénsia judisiáriu no separasaun poder-17-Fevereiru-2015
The Sixth Constitutional Government must ensure judicial independence and the separation of powers-17-February-2015
Pemerintah Konstitusional keenam harus menjamin independensi judisial dan pemisahan kekuasaan-17-Fevereiru-2015
- JSMP realiza treinamentu kona-ba Asesu ba Justisa iha Eskola Sekundária Públika Nutetu Fohoren, Distritu Covalima-16-Fevereiru-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau aplika pena úniku tinan 13 fulan 6 prizaun ba arguidu krime omisídiu simples-12-Fevereiru-2015
- JSMP kongratula tribunál tanba aplika instrumentu CEDAW iha desizaun ba krime ho natureza violénsia doméstika-12-Fevereiru-2015
JSMP congratulates court for applying CEDAW in its decision in a case of domestic violence-12-Fevereiru-2105
JSMP mengucapkan selamat kepada pengadilan karena menerapkan instrument CEDAW dalam putusan terhadap kasus kekerasan domestik-12-Februari-2015
- Tribunál abitua informa sentesa ba parte interesadu sira iha odamatan Tribunál nian-6-Fevereiru-2015
Court regularly reading out decisions to the parties at the entrance to the court-6-February-2015
Pengadilan terbiasa mengumumkan putusan kasus bagi para pihak di depan pintu pengadilan–6-Fevereiru-2005
- JSMP no ALFeLa husu halo mudansa ba Kódigu Penál hodi proteze diak liu feto no labarik sira-30-Janeiru-2015
JSMP and AlFeLa call for changes to Penal Code to be better protect women and children-30-January-2015
- Persiza akuzasaun no desizaun apropriadu ba krime violénsia domésika-30-Janeiru-2015
Need for appropriate charges and decisions in cases of domestic violence-30-January-2015
Perlu dakwaan dan putusan yang tepat terhadap kasus kekerasan domestik-30-Januari-2015
- Tribunál aplika devér aprezentasaun periódika iha períodu suspensaun ba kazu violénsia doméstika – 29 Janeiru 2015
Court applies order to periodically report to authorities during period of suspended sentence in case of domestic violence-29-January-2015
Pengadilan menerapkan kewajiban lapor diri secara berkala selama periode penangguhan hukuman atas kasus kekerasan domestik-29-Januari-2015
- Tribunál Distritál Dili adia prosesu julgamentu ba krime partisipasaun ekonómika – 28 Janeiru 2015
- JSMP kontinua fasilita treinamentu ba estudante iha Eskola Sekundaria Públiku Aileu -Malere – 27 Janeiru 2015
JSMP delivers training at Malere Senior High School in Aileu – 27 January 2015
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena pena prizaun tinan 17 ba arguidu kazu krime abuzu seksuál ba menór – 23 Janeiru 2015
- Lideransa komunitária sira prefere utiliza mekanismu justisa formal hodi resolve krime ne’ebé mosu iha sira nia sukuba testamuña menor sira iha julgamentu-26-Janeiru-2015
Community leaders prefer to use formal justice mechanisms to resolve crimes in their villages – 28 January 2015
- Tribunál sira hahu servisu fali depois pasa ferias anual tinan 2014 – 19 Janeiru 2015
Courts return to work after 2014 holidays – 19 January 2015
- JSMP kontinua realiza treinamentu kona-ba justisa ba ema hotu iha Suku BandudatoDistritu Aileu-15-Dezembru-2014
JSMP kembali melakukan pelatihan mengenai akses terhadap kedialan di Desa Bandudato – Distritik Aileu-15-Desember-2014
- Tribunál Distrital Dili adia julgamentu ba kazu infantisídiu tanba juis titular hetan demisaun husi Rezolusaun Parlamentu no Governu-5-Dezembru-2014
Dili District Court adjourns trial involving infanticide because the judge was dismissed by Parliamentary and Government Resolutions-05-December-2014
- Deputadu PN preokupa kona-ba kestaun violénsia hasoru feto iha debate Orsamentu Estadu ba Tinan 2015-4-Dezembru-2014
Member of the National Parliament raise the issue of violence against women during debate on the 2015 State Budget-4-December-2014
- Rezolusaun PN no Governu kontinua afeita produtividade no normalidade funsionamentu iha Tribunál Distritál Baucau-02-Dezembru-14
Parliamentary and Government Resolution continues to affect productivity and normal functioning at the Baucau District Court-02-December-2014
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun tinan 5 ba arguidu kazu aktu seksual ho adolexente-02-Dezembru-14
Court sentences defendant to 5 years in prison for committing sexual acts with an adolescent-02 December-2014
- Vizita Primeiru Ministru ba Tribunál Distritál Dili bele hamosu pergunta oioin – 19 Novembru 2014
Visit of the Prime Minister to the Dili District Court could raise a range of questions-19-November-14
Kunjungan Perdana Mentri ke Pengadilan Distrik Dili berpotensi memunculkan beragam pertanyaan-19-November-14
- Karta Primeiru Ministru reprezenta presaun polítiku ba servisu Parlamentu Nasionál – 18 Novembru 2014
Letter from the Prime Minister represents political pressure on the National Parliament – 18 November 2014
Tribunál Distritál Suai no Baucau adia prosesu julgamentu hodi halo rejulgamentu ba kazu sira ne’ebé involve juis internasionál – 06 Novembru 2014
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun no selu indemnizasaun sivil ba kazu abuzu seksuál – 06 Novembru 2014
- Rezolusaun Governu hodi deporta ofisiál judisiáriu sira ameasa independénsia judisiáriu iha Timor-Leste – 06 Novembru 2014
Government resolution to deport judicial officers threatens judicial independence in Timor-Leste – 06 November 2014
- Komemorasaun Loron Nasionál Feto JSMP kongratula feto nia liberdade no responsabilidade ba igualidade jéneru 05 Novembru 2014
- Parlamentu no governu tenke respeitu independensia judisiál no separasaun poder – 30 Outubru 2014
Parliament and Government must respect the independence of the judiciary and separation of powers – 30 October 2014
- Parlamentu Nasionál halo apresisaun foun hodi aprova Lei Komunikasaun Sosiál 29 Outubru 2014
- ANTI nia Pozisaun Kona-ba Strutura Foun Governasaun Jokowi no Jusuf Kala “Akomoda autor krime kontra umanidade iha strutura Governasaun nudar traisaun ba reformasia, insulta boot ba vítima sira iha Indonezia no iha Timor-Leste nomós sei sai beneno ba demokrasia iha futuru”. – 25 Outubru 2014
Stance of ANTI regarding the new government structure of Jokowi and Jusuf Kala “The acceptance of perpetrators of human rights violations in the government structure is a betrayal of the reform movement, and a serious insult to victims in both Indonesia and Timor-Leste and will also poison democracy in the future”. – 25 October 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Oecusse kondena arguidu ba kazu omisidiu agravadu diferente rua ho pena prizaun tinan 18 ba kada arguidu-01-Outubru-2014
The Oecusse District Court sentences two defendants to 18 years in prison for two different cases of aggravated murder-01-October-2014
Pengadilan Disrik Oe-Cusse 18 tahun penjara bagikedua orang terdakwa atas dua kasus pembunuhan berat yang berbeda
- Tribunál Distritál Suai hala’o Tribunál Movel iha Distritu Bobonaro – 08 Outubru 2014
- Eis Ministru Edukasaun julga iha Tribunál Dili tanba diskonfia involve iha krime partisipasaun ekonomia – 06 Outubru 2014
Former Minister of Education tried at the Dili District Court for allegedly committing the crime of economic involvement in business – 06 Setembru 2014
- Tribunal Distritál Oe-Cuse kondena arguidu ba kazu omisidiu agravadu diferente rua ho pena prizaun tinan 18 ba kada arguidu
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau primeira-ves hala’ó julgamentu movél iha Distritu Lautem – 30 Setembru 2014
- JSMP kontinua halo audiénsia ho bankada Partido Demokrátiku & Frente Mudansa hodi koalia kona-ba kestaun Indultu
- Tribunál kondena prizaun efetiva ba krime insestu: JSMP fiar provizaun espesial nesesariu atu kontribui ba prevensaun – 24 Setembru 2014
Court hands down effective prison sentence in case of incest: JSMP believes that a special provision is necessary to deter such crimes – 24 September 2014
- Bankada CNRT no FRETILIN apoiu inisiativa JSMP kona-ba kestaun Indultu Prezidensial liuhosi intervensaun legislativu – 22 Setembru 2014
CNRT and Fretilín parties support JSMP initiative on the issue of presidential pardons through legislative intervention – 22 September 2014
- Prezidente Taur Ezije Parlamentu Altera Lei Pensaun Vitalisia no Aprova Lei Anti Korupsaun-17-Setembru-2014
President urges parliament to amend the Pension Law for Ex- State Officials and to Pass the Anti-Corruption Law – 17 September 2014
Presiden mendesak Parlemen mengamandemen UU Pensiun bagi Matan Penjabat Negara dan Mengesahkan UU Anti Korupsi – 17 Setembru 2014
- Tribunál kondena arguidu ba kazu violénsia doméstika ho pena suspensaun hamutuk ho dever adisionál seluk – 10 – Set 2014
- Kazu violénsia doméstika 11 hosi total kazu 13 julga liuhosi julgamentu movél iha Distritu Manatuto-04-Set-2014
11 Cases of domestic violence from 13 cases heard by the mobile court in Manatuto District – 04 Setembru 2014
Sebelas dari tiga belas kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga disidangkan melalui persidangan keliling di Distrik Manatuto
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse kontinua hala’o julgamentu iha loron feriadu nasionál – 26 Agostu 2014
Oecusse District Court conducts trials on national holiday – 26 August 2014
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse tetap menjalankan persidangan pada hari libur nasional – 26 Agostu 2014
- Benvindu Prezidente SBY mai vizita Timor-Leste ! “Labele fase liman ba krime kontra umanidade husi 1975-1999. – 22 Agostu 2014
Welcome SBY to Timor-Leste! “Don’t wash your hands of the Crimes Against Humanity that occurred between 1975-1999 in Timor-Leste” – 22 August 2014
Selamat Datang Bapak SBY di Timor Leste! “Jangan Mencuci tangan atas Kejahatan Kemanusian dari 1975-1999 di Timor Leste” – 22 Agostu 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena pena prizaun tinan 16 fulan 6 ba arguidu kazu omisídiu agravadu hasoru nia feen – 22 Agostu 2014
Baucau District Court sentences defendant to 16 years and 6 months in prison for aggravated murder of his wife – 22 August 2014
- Tribunál kondena tinan 12 prizaun ba krime violasaun seksuál ho natureza insestu 21 Agostu 2014
Court sentences defendant to 12 years in prison for case involving rape characterized as incest – 21 August 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena arguidu ba kazu violénsia doméstika ho pena multa – 19 Agostu 2014
- Tribunál kondena eis-komandante investigasaun kriminál ho pena prizaun tinan 9 – 13 Agostu 2014
Court sentences former commander of criminal investigations to 9 years in prison – 13 August 2014
Pengadilan menghukum mantan komandan investigasi kriminal dengan hukuman 9 tahun penjara
- Estudante Eskola Públiku Númeru IV Setembru Viqueque husu Estadu halo sosializaun ba Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika-11-Agostu-2014
Pelajar Sekolah Negeri IV September Viqueque meminta pemerintah melalukan sosialisasi terhadap UU Anti Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga – 11 Agostu 2014
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun tinan 1 suspende ba tinan 2 ba arguidu kazu korupsaun pasiva no falsifikasaun dokumentus 08 Agostu 2014
Court sentences defendant to 1 year in prison, suspended for 2 years, in case of passive corruption and falsification of documents-08 August 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena arguidu ba krime tentativa omisídiu ho natureza violénsia doméstika ho tinan 5 prizaun – 06 Agostu 2014
Baucau District Court sentences defendant to 5 years in prison in case of attempted murder categorized as domestic violence – 06 August 2014
Pengadilan Distrik Baucau menghukum terdakwa kasus percobaan pembunuhan berbasis kekerasan domestik selama 5 tahun penjara – 06 Agostu 2014
- Semináriu nasionál kona-ba mekanizmu kontrolu suspensaun ba pena prizaun iha kazu violénsia doméstika-30-Jullu-2014
Seminar Nasional mengenai mekanisme pengawasan terhadap hukuman penangguhan penjara dalam kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga-30-Juli-2014
- Komunidade Suku Dato-Distritu Liquica menus informasaun kona-ba lei no justisa-28-Jullu-2014
Masyarakat desa Dato-Kabupaten Liquica kekurangan informasi mengenai hukum dan keadilan-28-Juli-2014
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse hala’o inspensaun judisial iha fatin akontesimentu ba kazu krime hasoru flora no fauna-25-Jullu-2014
Oecusse District Court conducts judicial inspection of the crime scene in a case involving crimes against flora and fauna – 25 Juli 2014
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-cusse melakukan inspeksi ke tempat kejadian perkara atas sebuah kasus pidana flora dan fauna-25-Juli-2014
- Akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku la Koresponde ho Sofrimentu Vítima-24-Jullu-2014
Indictment of the public prosecutor does not reflect the suffering of the victim-24-July-2014
Dakwaan Jaksa Penunntut Umum tidak seimbang dengan penderitaan korban-24-Juli-2014
- Tribunál Distritál Dili julga kazu violénsia doméstika neen hosi kazu ualu ne’ebé julga atraves hosi tribunal movel iha Ermera – 14 Julhu 2014
Dili District Court conducts mobile court in Ermera and tries six cases of domestic violence from a total of eight cases – 14 July 2014
- Ministériu Públiku alega pena prizaun tinan 5 ba arguidu kazu krime tentativa omisídiu ho natureza violénsia doméstika -11 Julhu 2014
Public Prosecutor seeks 5 year sentence for defendant in case of attempted murder characterized as domestic violence – 11 July 2014
Jaksa Penuntut Umum menuntut lima tahun penjara untuk terdakwa kasus percobaan pembunuhan berkarakter kekerasan dalam rumah tangga 11 Juni 2014
- Tinan haat implementasaun Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika iha Timor Leste: entre progresu no dezafiu – 09 Julhu 2014
44 years of implementing the Law Against Domestic Violence: progress and challenges – 09 July 2014
Empat tahun implementasi Undang-Undang Anti Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga: antara kemajuan dan tantangan – 09 Juni 2014
- Tribunál absolve arguidu ba krime violasaun seksuál tanba la iha evidensia sufisiente – 27 Junu 2014
Court acquits defendant in case of sexual violence due to a lack of evidence-27-June-2014
- Komunidade feto Suku Naimeco apresia ho treinamentu JSMP kona-ba feto nia direitu no Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika – 16 Juñu 2014
- JSMP konsidera Rezultadu Eleisaun Kandidatu Komisáriu CAC Legál no Válidu tuir Lei – 11 Juñu 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau hala’o prosesu julgamentu liu oras servisu normal – 11 Juñu 2014
- JSMP Lansa Relatóriu kona-ba Labarik sira-nia Asesu ba Justisa Formal iha Timor-Leste – 09 Juñu 2014
JSMP Launches Report on Children’s Access to Formal Justice in Timor-Leste – 09 June 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Suai julga kazu violénsia doméstika 21 hosi kazu 42 liuhosi Tribunál Movel iha Distritu Bobonaro – 03 Juñu 2014
The Suai District Court, via the mobile court in Bobonaro, tried a total of 42 cases; 21 of these cases involved domestic violence – 03 June 2014
- Eskola Públiku Nú. I Liquiça Ezije Estadu hala’o sosializasun regular ba lei aplikavel sira iha Timor-Leste – 26 Maiu 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena arguidu ba krime omisídiu agravadu ho natureza violénsia doméstika ho pena prizaun tinan 18 – 21 Maiu 2014
- Suku Vatu-Boro ezije referendum ba Lei Pensaun Vitalisia atraves hosi treinamentu JSMP kona-ba Prosesu Lei no Demokrasi – 19 Maiu 2014
- JSMP organiza treinamentu Asesu ba Justisa ba Estudante Sekundáriu Públiku Paralelu Seracotec Salele- Distritu Covalima – 19 Maiu 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena pena prizaun tinan 6 ba arguidu kazu violasaun seksuál hasoru ema ne’ebé labele reziste – 14 Maiu 2014
- Tribunál Distrital Oe-Cusse kondena pena efetiva tinan ida prizaun hasoru autór kazu violénsia doméstika: pasu pozitivu ida tan iha implementasaun LKVD – 14 Maiu 2014
Oe-Cusse District Court sentences defendant in case of domestic violence to one year in prison: A step forward in the application of the Law Against Domestic Violence-14-May-2014
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse menghukum satu tahun penjara atas terdakwa kasus kekerasan domestik: satu langkah maju lagi dalam penerapan UU Anti Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga – 14 Mei 2014
- JSMP organiza treinamentu kona-ba justisa ba ema hotu iha Eskola Sekundária Nú. 1 Maliana-12 Maiu 2014
JSMP organizes training on justice for all at the Maliana Senior High School No. 1 – 12 May 2014
JSMP mengorganisir pelatihan mengenai keadilan bagi semua orang di Sekolah Menengah Atas No. 1 Maliana
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena tinan 8 prizaun ho indemnizasaun ba kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór-07-Maiu-2014
Dili District Court sentences defendant to 8 years in prison and orders him to pay compensation in case of sexual abuse against a minor-07-May-2014
Pengadilan Distrik Dili Menghukum 8 tahun penjara dan ganti rugi atas kasus kekerasan seksual terhadap anak dibawah umur-07-Mei-2014
- Rezidensia Juis Tribunál Distritál Suai hetan asaltu husi ema diskoñesidu – 10 Abril 2014
Judge’s Residence at the Suai District Court attacked by unknown people – 11 April 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Dili julga krime konkursu maus tratus ba menór no ofensas simples iha natureza violénsia doméstika -08 Abril 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse kondena arguidu ba kazu violénsia doméstika ho pena prizaun efetiva fulan neen – 07 – Abril 2014
Oecusse District Court Defendant in case of domestic violence sentenced to six months in prison – 07 Abril 2014
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse Menghukum terdakwa kasus kekerasan domestik dengan hukuman penjara ektif enam bulan penjara – 07 Abril 2014
- Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu husu JSMP halo akompañamentu diak liu ba ba Setór Justisa – 04 Abril 2014
President of the Court of Appeal requests JSMP tocontinue its monitoring of the justice sector -04 April 2014
Ketua Pengadilan Tinggi meminta JSMP untuk memantu sektor peradilan lebih baik lagi-07 Abril 2014
- Prokurador Jerál Repúblika Aprezenta Relatóriu Anual tinan 2013 ba Parlamentu Nasionál – 02 Abril 2014
Prosecutor-General delivers 2013 annual report to the National Parliament-02-April-2014
Jaksa Agung menyampaikan laporan tahunan selama tahun 2013 kepada Parlamen Nasional-02-April-2014
- Tribunál Distritál Suai julga kazu 25 atraves husi julgamentu movel iha Distritu Ainaro – 01 Abril -2014
- Ministériu Públiku husu tribunál kondena tinan 4 prizaun ba kazu maus tratus ba kónjuje ne’ebé kauza interrupsaun ba gravidés – 31- Marsu 2014
- Tribunál kondena suspensaun ho dever adisionál ba arguidu krime ho natureza violénsia doméstika – 17 Marsu 2014
- Parlamentu Nasionál Aprova Rezolusaun Dezolve Grupu Konsellu Revolusionariu Maubere- 06 Marsu 2014
- Defeza husu pena suspensaun ba krime abuzu seksuál hasoru menór – 04 Marsu 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kontinua hala’o julgamentu movel iha Distritu Bobonaro – 04 Marsu 2014
Pengadilan Distrik Suia kembali melakukan persidangan keliling di Distrik Bobonaro-04-Maret-2014
- Parlamentu apresia Seminariu Nasionál JSMP kona-ba Demokrasia no Partisipasaun Públiku iha Prosesu Halo Lei-26-Fevereiru 2014
National Parliament expresses its appreciation regarding the JSMP National Seminar on Democracy and Public Participation in the Law Making Process-26-February-2014
- Komunidade Suco Loi Lubo antusiasmu simu treinamentu dalan ba justisa formal husi JSMP – 24 Fevereiru 2014
Residents from Loi Lubo Village enthusiastically participate in training provided by JSMP on access to formal justice 24 February 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena autór kazu violénsia doméstika neen (6) ho pena multa-17 Fevereiru 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena autór kazu violénsia doméstika hasoru labarik – 12 Fevereiru 2014
- Komunidade Suco Raifun Distritu Bobonaro preukupa kona-ba asuntu asesu ba justisa no tratamentu sistema justisa entre povu no ema boot sira – 10 – Fevereiru 2014
On 10 February 2014 members of Raifun Village, Bobonaro District raised their concerns about access to justice and the way the justice system treats ordinary citizens and high ranking officials – 11 February 2014
Masyarakat Desa Raifun Distrik Bobonaro prihatin mengenai akses ke peradilan dan perlakuan sistem peradilan terhadap masyarakat biasa dan pejabat – 11 Februari 2014
- Suco Lore I Distritu Lautem primeira – vez simu trenamnetu no informasaun legal husi JSMP – 31- Janeiru 2014
For the first time Lore I Village in Lautem District receives legal training from JSMP – 31 – January 2014
- Parlamentu Nasionál aprova orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2014 hamutuk 1.5 bilaun ho Unanimidade – 27 Janeiru 2014
- Tribunál Distritál Suai la funsiona durante semana ida resin- 27 Janeiru 2014
Suai District Court not functioning for more than a week – 27 January 2014
- Liderasan Lokal iha Suco Casabauk Kontente JSMP bele fahe informasaun Legal iha Sira nia Suco – 27 Janeiru 2014
Local Leader in Casabauk Village are happy with the dissemination of legal information that was carried out by JSMP in their village-27 January 2014
Pemimpin Lokal di Desa Casabauk merasa senang karena JSMP melakukan diseminasi informasi hukum di Desa mereka-27 -Januari 2014
- Ministériu Públiku alega tinan 23 prizaun hasoru arguidu ba kazu omisídiu agravadu – 22 Janeiru 2014
Public prosecutor recommends 23 years imprisonment for defendant in case of aggravated murder – 22 January 2014
Jaksa Penuntut Umum menuntut 23 tahun penjara terhadap terdakwa atas kasus pembunuhan berat – 22 Januari 2014
- Eis membru Milisia Besi Merah Putih ( BMP ) kontinua julga iha Tribunal Distrital Dili – 22- Janeiru 2014
Former member of the Besi Merah Putih (BMP) militia tried at the Dili District Court – 22 January 2014
Mantan Milisi Besi Merah Putih (BMP) terus diadili di Pengadilan Distrik Dili – 22 Januari 2014
- Tribunal sira hahu tama ba feriadu anual durante fulan ida – 17 Dezembru 2013
Courts commence their annual recess for one month – 17 Dezembru 2013
Pengadilan memasuki masa liburan tahunan selama satu bulan 17 Dezembru 2013
- JSMP lansa relatóriu kona-bá Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika: Tinan tolu iha implementasaun no nia obstakulu – 11 – Dezembru 2013
JSMP launches report on the Law Against Domestic Violence: Three years of implementation and obstacles – 11 Dezembru 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena arguidu ba krime tentativa omisídiu ho natureza violénsia doméstika no inséndiu ho pena prizaun tinan 12-05-Dezembru 2013
Suai District Court sentences perpetrator to 12 years imprisonment for attempted murder characterized as domestic violence and arson 02-December 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Suai aplika pena multa dolares atus tolu neen nulu ($ 360,00) ba arguidu kazu Violénsia Doméstika-05-Dezembru-2013
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena pena suspensaun ba autór kazu violénsia doméstika – 02 Dezembru 2013
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun efektiva tinan 2 fulan 6 Pasu progresu ida iha aspeitu implementasun Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika – 03 Dezembru 2013
Court sentences defendant in case of domestic violence to 2 years 6 months imprisonment A positive step forward in applying the Law Against Domestic Violence – 03 Dezembru 2013
Pengadilan menghukum terdakwa kasus kekerasan domestik selama 2 tahun 6 bulan penjara Sebuah langkah maju dalam penerapan UU Anti Kekerasan Domestik
- Komunidade Suco Rairobo apresia ho trenamentu husi JSMP kona-ba Justisa Formal – 18 Novembru 2013
JSMP will organise a get-together for female professionals in the justice sector 13 November 2013
JSMP organiza han kalan konsolidasaun entre profesionál legál feto sira iha setór justisa-13-Novembru-2013
- Pezu servisu no ezijénsia públiku la ekilíbriu ho kontribuisaun no dedikasaun: Kestaun Rekursu Umanus, Fasilidade no Transporte, Seguransa no Bem-Estar kontinua sai preukupasaun ba autores judisiáriu sira – 08 Novembru 2013
The work load of judicial actors and the demands of the public do not correspond with their efforts and dedication: Human resources facilities, transport, safety and welfare are still concerns for judicial-08 November 2013
Beban kerja dan tuntutan publiku tidak seimbang dengan kontribusi dan dedikasi: Sumber daya manusia, fasilitas dan transportasi, keamanan dan kesejahteraan tetap menjadi keprihatinan para aktor peradilan-08 November 2013
- Koresaun Komunikadu Imprensa: Tribunál Distritál Díli Kondena arguidu na’in tolu iha krime iha funsaun públika nia ezersísiu – 05 Novembru 2013
Correction to Press Release: Dili District Court convicts three defendants for committing crimes in their capacity as civil servants – 05 November 2013
- JSMP konsidera alegasaun suspensaun ba krime infantisidiu la prevene krime hanesan iha future – 06 Novembru 2013
JSMP believes that a suspended sentence in a case of infanticide will not prevent other cases from occurring in the future – 06 November 2013
- JSMP kongratula selebrasaun Loron Nasionál ba Feto Timor Leste – 04 Novembru 2013
JSMP praises the commemoration of National Women’s Day in Timor-Leste 04 November 2013
- Komunidade iha área rural husu ba JSMP kontinua fahe informasaun kona-ba justisa formal iha sira nia suco -04 Novembru 2013
Community members in remote areas requestfor JSMP to continue visiting their villages to provide information about the formal law – 04 November 2013
- Parlamentu Nasionál aprova Primeira Alterasaun ba Lei Órganika Presidênsiá Repúblika – 30 Outubru 2013
- Programa Debate Eskluzivu: Aplikasaun suspensaun pena prizaun ba kazu violénsia doméstika entre espetativa no dezafiu – 17 Outubru 2013
Exclusive Debate: The application of suspended prison sentences in cases of domestic violence – expectations and challenges – 17 October 2013
- Tribunál tenke halo julgamentu foun ba kazu abuzu poder no falsifikasaun tanba kestaun kompozisaun juiz panel – 16 Outubru 2013
Court has to retry case involving abuse of power and falsification of documents due to the composition of the panel of judges – 16 October 2013
Pengadilan harus menyidangkan kembali kasus penyalahgunaan wewenang dan pemalsuan dokumen karena perihal komposisi hakim panel – 11 Oktober 2013
- Tribunál kondena pena prizaun tinan 20 ba kazu insestu; Labarik feto sira moris iha risku no la seguru mesmu iha sira nia uma laran rasik – 09 Outubru 2013
Dili District Court hands down a sentence of 20 years imprisonment in a case of incest “Girls live in danger and are unsafe in their own homes” – 09 October 2013
- Vítima ba kazu violénsia seksuál la kontenti ho prosesu tribunál móvel ne’ebé loke ba públiku – 03 Outubru 2013
Korban atas kasus kekerasan seksual merasa tidak puas dengan proses pengadilan keliling yang terbuka untuk umum – 03 Oktober 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Dili Julga kazu krime korupsaun no falsifikasaun 30 Setembru 2013
Dili District Court tries case of corruption and forgery 30 September 2013
Pengadilan Distrik Dili Menyidangkan kasus korupsi dan pemalsuan 30 Septemebr 2013
- Arguidu ba kazu insestu hetan pena tinan 8 prizaun – 25 Setembru 2013
Defendant in case of incest sentenced to 8 years imprisonment 25 Setembru 2013
- Julgamentu ba kazu krime grave milísia AHI testemuña deklara la haree akontesimentu direita – 24 Septembru 2013
In the trial of serious crime allegedly committed by the AHI militia witnesses testify that they did not see events first hand-24 September 2013
Para saksi dalam persidangan atas kasus kejahatan berat terhadap milisi AHI tidak melihat kejadian secara langsung – 24 Setembru 2013
- Kestaun fiskalizasaun no alterasaun Lei Pesaun Vitalísia sai preokupasaun husi komunidade durante treinametu kona-ba demokrasia no prosesu halo lei iha Suku Nipane-Oecusse – 16 Setembru 2013
The issue of oversight and amendment to the Law on Lifelong Pensions was a concern raised by community members during training on democracy and the legislative process in Nipane Village, Oecusse – 16 September 2013
Masalah pengawasan dan perubahan atas Undang–Undang Tunjangan Hari Tua menjadi keprihatinan masyarakat selama pelatihan mengenai demokrasi dan proses legislatif diDesa Nipane – Oe Cusse – 16 September 2013
- JSMP organzia treinamentu kona-ba justisa ba ema hotu iha Suco Costa Distritu Oe – Cusse – 16 Setembru 2013
JSMP organizes training on justice for all in Costa Village, Oecusse District – 16 September 2013
JSMP mengorganisir pelatihan mengenai keadilan untuk semua di Desa Costa Distrik Oe-Cusse – 16 Setembru 2013
- La iha tradutór ba lian lokál tribunal adia julgamentu – 13 Setembru 2013
Trial adjourned because no interpreter available for local dialect – 13 Setember 2013
Tidak ada penerjemah untuk dialek lokal pengadilan menunda persidangan – 13 Setember 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena tinan 10 prizaun ba arguidu abuzu seksuál ba menór – 11 Setembru 2013
- JSMP kontinua fasilita treinamentu ba komunidade iha Suco Dai-Sua Distritu Manufahi – 15 Agostu 2013
JSMP facilitates training for community members in Dai-Sua Village, Manufahi District – 15 August 2013
- JSMP Realiza Treinamentu kona-ba Demokrasia no Papel Órgaun Soberanu ba Komunidade Betanu iha Distritu Manufahi- 12 Agostu 2013
JSMP provides training in Betano-Manufahi on democracy and the role of the State’s sovereign organs – 12 August 2013
- Julgamentu movél iha Distritu Manufahi hatudu progresu iha aspeitu protesaun ba vítima violénsia seksuál – 07 Agostu 2013
Mobile court in Manufahi District shows positive step forward in terms of protecting victims of sexual violence – 07 Agostu 2013
- Tribunál absolve arguidu kazu abuzu seksuál ba menór – 07 Agostu 2013
Court acquits defendant in case of sexual abuse of a minor – 07 Agostu 2013
- Tribunál suspende pena prizaun kazu krime violénsia doméstika lima no kondena pena prizaun tinan 18 ba kazu insestu – 05 Agostu 2013
Court hands down suspended prison sentences in five cases of domestic violence and sentences defendant to 18years imprisonment in case of incest 05 August 2013
Pengadilan menangguhkan hukuman penjara atas lima kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan menghukum 18 tahun penjara atas kasus inses 08 Agustus 2013
- Tribunál kondena tinan 16 ba kazu insestu – 25 Jullu 2013
Court hands down 16 year imprisonment against perpetrator of incest – 25 July 2013
- Timor-Leste/Indonesia: Ezije lialos no reparasaun ne’ebé ignora hosi komisaun bilateral ba lialos – 18 Jullu 2013
Timor-Leste/Indonesia: Calls on truth and reparation made by bilateral truth commission “ignored” – 18 July 2013
Timor-Leste/Indonesia: Penyeruan kebenaran dan reparasi yang dibuat komisi kebenaran bilateral “terabaikan” – 18Juli 2013
- Nota Koresaun ba Komunikadu Imprensa: Edisaun Kuarta-feira 3 Jullu 2013 kona-ba Julgamentu movel iha Distritu Bobonaro – 03 Jullu 2013
Correction of Press Release: Wednesday 3 July 2013 regarding the mobile court in Bobonaro District – 03 July 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Suai hala’o julgamentu movel iha Distritu Bobonaro
Suai District Court conducts mobile court in Bobonaro District 03 July 2013
Pengadilan Distrik Suai menjalankan persidangan keliling di Distrik Bobonaro -03 Julhu 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Díli kondena arguidu krime omísidiu agravadu natureza violénsia doméstika ho pena prizaun tinan 21-05 Jullu 2013
Dili District Court hands down sentence of 21 years imprisonment against defendant in case of aggravated homicide characterized as domestic violence-05 Jullu 2013
- Bankada FRETILIN Preokupa ho Aprovasaun alterasaun Lei Órganika Kamara de Kontas no Lei Órsamentu Jestaun Finanseiru-03 Jullu 2013
- JSMP louva desizaun Tribunál Distritál Díli ba kazu omisídiu agravadu iha Hera – 25 Junu 2013
JSMP praises decision of the Dili District Court in case of aggravated murder that occurred in Hera – 25 June 2013
JSMP memuji putusan Pengadilan Distrik Dili atas kasus pembunuhan berat di Hera – 25 Juni 2013
- Ministériu Públiku kontinua falla utiliza artigu ne’ebé apropriadu ba kazu violénsia doméstika – 20 Junhu 2013
Public prosecutor fails to apply the correct article in case of domestic violence 20 Juny 2013
Jaksa Penuntut Umum gagal menerapkan pasal yang tepat atas kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga – 20 Juni 2013
- Tribunál Distrital Julga krime kontra umanidade hasoru milisia nain 8 husi Distritu Aileu
Dili District Court tries 8 defendants for crime against humanity
- JSMP realiza treinamentu “justisa ba ema hotu” iha Suco Sagadate Laga-Distritu Baucau – 03 Juñu 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Suai fó pena suspensaun ba kazu violénsia doméstika – 23 Maiu 2013
Suai District Court hands down suspended sentence in domestic violence case – 23 May 2013
- Tribunál tenki revee desizaun atu mantein kondenasaun pena tinan 15 prizaun ba arguida omisídiu agravadu – 22 Maiu 2013
Court must review decision to uphold 15 year prison sentence in aggravated murder case – 22 May 2013
- JSMP fó treinamentu ba grupu feto iha Suco Uma–berloik – 06 Maiu 2013
JSMP provides training to women in SukuUma–berloik – 06 May 2013
- Parlamentu Nasionál suspende definitivamente Francisco da Costa Soares Borlaco husi kargu Sekretariu Estadu Fortalesimentu Institusionál – 08 Maiu 2013
The National Parliament suspends Françisco dacosta Soares Borlaco indefinitely from his position as Secretary of State for Institutional Strengthening – 08 May 2013
Parlemen Nasional menangguhkan secara definitif Françisco dacosta Soares Borlaco dari jabatan Sekretaris Negara Penguatan Kelembagaan – 08 Mei 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hala’ó rejulgamentu ba kazu omisídiu agravadu – 06 Maiu 2013
The Dili District Court conductsretrial in a case of aggravated murder – 06 May 2013
Pengadilan Distrik Dili melakukan persidangan ulang terhadap sebuah kasus pembunuhan berat – 06 Mei 2013
- Komemora loron aniversariu JSMP ba dala XII ho programa debate nivel akademíku ba kazu insestu – 25 Abril 2013 2013
JSMP celebrates its 12th Anniversary by organizing an academic debate about incest – 25 April 2013
- Advogado Lúcia Lobato halo akuzasaun sériu ba mal-komportamentu hasoru juis sira iha Tribunál Rekursu – 18 Abril 2013
Lúcia Lobato’s lawyers make serious accusations of judicial misconduct against Appeal Court judges – 18 April 2013
- Ministériu Públiku alega Tinan 17 ba krime tentativa omisídiu agravadu ho natureza violénsia doméstika – 15 Abril 2013
Public Prosecutor seeks 17 year sentence for the crime of attempted aggravated murder characterized as domestic violence – 15 Abril 2013
- JSMP lansa relatóriu anuál rua: Observasaun Jerál ba Setór Judisiáriu 2012 no Relatóriu Programa Observasaun Parlamentár 2012 – 04 Abril 2013
JSMP will launch two annual reports: the 2012 Review of the justice sector and the 2012 Parliamentary Watch Program Report – 04 April 2013
- JSMP Realiza semináriu iha Eskola Sekundáriu Colégio São Miguel Arcanjo Same, Manufahi-09 Abril 2013
JSMP conducts seminar at the São Miguel Arcanjo Senior High School in Same-Manufahi – 09 Abril 2013
JSMP merealisir seminar di Sekolah Menengah Atas São Miguel Arcanjo Same -Manufahi 09 Abril 2013
- Tribunal Distrital Dili Julga kazu ofensa ba Integridade fisika simples hasoru menor – 10 Abril 2013
Dili District Court conducts hearing involving the crime of an ordinary offence against physical integrity against a minor – 10 Abril 2013
Pengadilan Distrik Dili melakukan persidangan terhadap tindak pidana penganiayaan biasa atas integritas fisik terhadap anak dibawah umur – 10 Abril 2013
- Tribunál kondena pena multa ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstika – 21 Marsu 2013
Court hands down a fine against the defendant in case of domestic – 21 March 2013
Pengadilan menghukum terdakwa kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dengan hukuman denda – 21 Maret 2013
- Timor Leste komemora Loron Internasionál ba Feto ‘Tempu ba asaun atu hapara violénésia kontra feto’ – 07 Marsu 2013
Timor-Leste celebrates International Women’s Day – ‘It’s time to stop violence against women’ 07 March 2013
Timor – Leste merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional – ‘Waktunya untuk menghentikan kekerasan terhadap perempuan’ – 07 Maret 2013
- Artigu 285 Kódigu Penál perigozu ba dezenvolvimentu demokrasia iha Timor Leste – 05 Marsu 2013
Article 285 of the Penal Code threatens the development of democracy in Timor-Leste – 05 March 2013
Pasal 285 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana berbahaya bagi perkembangan demokrasi di Timor Leste 05 Maret 2013
- Tribunál Distritál Díli kondena pena prizaun tinan 3 ba autór krime maus tratus ba kónjuje – 05 Marsu 2013
The Dili District Court hands down a sentence of 3 years imprisonment in a case involving the maltreatment of a spouse – 05 March 2013
Pengadilan Distrik Dili menghukum 3 tahun penjara atas kasus kekerasan terhadap pasangan
- Parlamentu Nasionál aprova millaun US$17.8 ba Ministériu Justisa – 20 Fevereiru 2013
- JSMP kontinua hetan apoiu husi Royal Noruegia Embassy-Jakarta durante tinan 3 ho totál fundu US – 542,587.00 – 15 Janeiru 2013
JSMP receives further financial support from the Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta for the next three years totaling US $ 542,587.00 – 15 January 2013
JSMP kembali mendapatkan dukungan dana dari Kedutaan Besar Norwegia di Jakarta untuk tiga tahun ke depan dengan total US $ 542,587.00 – 15 Januari 2013
- Parlamentu Nasionál Aprova Alterasaun Rejime Jurídiku ba Advokasia Privada no Formasaun ba Advogadu – 21 Dezembru 2012
- PN Hala’ó Sesaun Solene ba Saudozo Nino Coni Santana – 20 Dezembru 2012
- JSMP lansa website foun atu fasilita públiku asesu ba setór justisa – 17 Dezembru 2012
JSMP launches new website to facilitate public to access justice – 14 December 2012 - Arguidu ba kazu danu ho violensia kontra Estadu hetan kondenasaun tinan 6 prizaun no selu indeminizasaun sivil US$ 4376,83 ba Estadu – 05 Dezembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili adia leitura sentensa ba kazu falsifikasaun dokumentus agravadu (Diploma Sekundáriu) – 11 Dezembru 2012
- Milísia Besi Merah Putih na’in 3 hetan kondenasaun ba tinan 6, 9 no 16 Prizaun 17 Dezembru 2012
Tiga orang anggota Milisi Besi Merah Putih dihukum dengan hukuman 6, 9 dan 16 tahun penjara – 17 Desember 2012
Three members of Besi Merah Putih militia sentenced to 6, 9 and 16 years imprisonment respectively – 17 December 2012 - Parlamentu hasa’e osan kombustivel ba deputadu sira husi $40 ba $60 ba kada semana – 18 Dezembru 2012
- Tinan ida liu ona maibé Dekretu Prezidensiál kona-ba Planu Asaun Implementasaun Rekomendasaun KVA laiha rezultadu – 18 Dezembru 2012
Sudah satu tahun lebih namun Dekrit Presiden mengenai Rencana Aksi Penerapan Rekomendasi KKP masih nihil – 18 Desember 2012
More than one year the Presidential Decree on Action Plan for the Implementation of CTF Recommendation has no Result – 18 december 2012 - Komemorasaun Loron Mundiál Direitu Umanu; JSMP ejize Parlamentu Nasionál diskute, aprova no promulga esbosu Lei Reparasaun no Institutu Memória Públika – 11 Dezembru 2012
Celebration of International Human Rights Day JSMP urges the National Parliament to discuss, enact and pormulgate the draft law on reparations and the draft law on a public Memory Institute – 11 December 2013 - Seminariú Nasionál ba komemorasaun loron 16 kampaña ativizmu violénsia hasoru feto ho tema INSESTU IHA TIMOR LESTE KRIME IDA NE’EBÉ LA HETAN REKOÑESIMENTU”.- 17 Dezembru 2012
- Tribunál sira iha Timor Leste hahú tama ba feriadu anuál durante Fulan ida – 17 Dezembru 2013
- JSMP Kontinua Hala’o Treinamentu ba Estudante Eskola Sekundária Públiku Palaban iha Distritu Oecussi – 30 Novembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kontinua aplika pena suspensaun ne’ebé menus liu pena konkreta ba kazu violénsia doméstika – 22 Novembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Suai julga kazu krime inséndiu ne’ebé akontese iha Galitas, Zumalae – 19 Novembru 2012
- JSMP hala’ó semináriu nasionál ba implementasaun Lei Protesaun ba Testemuña – 13 Novembru 2012
- Parlamentu hasa’e osan kombustivel ba deputadu sira husi $40 ba $60 ba kada semana – 10 Novembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kontinua halo julgamentu ba kazu violénsia doméstika – 08 Novembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kondena pena tinan 15 prizaun ba kazu omisídiu agravadu – 07 Novembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kondena pena tinan 15 prizaun ba krime abuzu seksuál ba menór- 12 Novembru 2012
- Arguidu krime insestu hetan pena tinan 9 fulan 6 prizaun – 24 Outubru 2012
- Parlamentu aprova proposta orsamentu retifikativu Millaun US$ 50 – 18 Outubru 2012
- JSMP marka audiénsia ho Prezidénte da Repúblika- 17 Outubru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kondena prizaun tinan 10 ba kazu abuzu seksuál – 04 Outubru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili julga membru Milísia Besi Merah Putih 1999 husi Ulmera Liquiça – 04 Outubru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili Kontinua hala’o julgamentu ba kazu violénsia doméstika – 01 Outubru 2012
- Arguidu krime tentativa omisídiu hetan pena suspensaun – 30 Novembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau aplika pena suspensaun tinan ida ba autór krime violénsia doméstika – 27 Setembru 2012
- JSMP kontinua audiénsia ho Prezidénte Parlamentu Nasionál – 26 Setembru 2012
- JSMP hala’o audiénsia ho Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasionál Lejizlatura Datoluk – 20 Setembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau altera kazu ofensa ba integridade fízika – 19 Setembru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kontinua julga kazu falsifikasaun dokumentus – 18 Setembru 2012
- Prezidénte da Repúblika husu Parlamentu promove prioridade nasionál iha Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál – 18 Setembru 2012
- JSMP organiza treinamentu loron rua ba grupu juventude feto iha Suco Manapa Distritu Bobonaru – 17 Setembru 2012
- Kazu maus-tratus hasoru kónjuje kontinua kondena ho pena suspensaun – 14 Setembru 2012
- Tribunál Distrital Suai kondena arguidu ba kazu violasaun seksuál ho pena tinan 10 iha prizaun – 10 Setembru 2012
- Luta ba justisa no lialoos sai hanesan prinspiu ba familia vítima no vítima sira – 6 Setembru 2012
Keadilan dan kebenaran tetap menjadi prinsip perjuangan dari para keluarga korban dan korban – 6 September 2012
Families of victims and victims themselves continue to pursue truth and justice as important principles in their struggle – 6 September 2012 - Tribunál Distrital Díli kontinua julga kazu maus tratus ba kónjuje – 6 Setembru 2012
- Semináriu akollamentu lejizlatura datoluk (III) Parlamentu Nasionál – 6 Setembru 2012
- Arguidu ba kazu violénsia doméstika hetan pena tinan 3 kadeia suspende ba tinan 4 – 6 Setembru 2012
Terdawa kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dihukum penjara 3 tahun dan ditangguhkan 4 tahun – 6 September 2012
Defendant in case of domestic violence sentenced to 3 years imprisonment, which was suspended for 4 years – 6 September 2012 - KAK Propoin Kria Meja Kabuar ba Planu Estratejiku Nasionál ba Kombate Korupsaun – 5 Setembru 2012
Anti-Corruption Commission propose a proposal to set up a Roundtable on the National Strategic Plan to combat corruption – 6 September 2012 - JSMP kontinua hala’ó treinamentu ba Polísia iha Distritu Viqueque – 28 Setembru 2012
- Tribunál Distrital Dili kondena arguidu sira ba kazu falsifikasaun no pekulatu ba prizaun – 31 Agostu 2012
Pengadilan Distrik Dili menghukum para terdakwa atas kasus pemalsuan dokumen dan penggelapan – 31 Agustus 2012
Dili District Court convicts defendants in case of falsification of documents and fraud – 31 August 2012 - Ministru Justisa rekomenda JSMP kontinua halo monitorizasaun iha Tribunál no Parlamentu – 28 Agostu 2012
Menteri Kehakiman merekomendasikan JSMP untuk terus melakukan pemantauan di Pengadilan dan Parlemen Nasional – 27 Agustus 2012
Minister of Justice recommends for JSMP to continue monitoring of the courts and the parliament – 27 August 2012 - Semináriu Nasionál: Autoridade Komunitariu hasoru Membru Parlamentu Terseiru Lejislatura – 23 Agostu 2012
Seminar Nasional: Para Otoritas Desa bertemu dengan Anggota Parlemen Nasional untuk Periode Legislatif Ketiga – 23 Agustus 2012
National Seminar: Village authorities meet with members of the National Parliament for the third legislature – 23 August 2012 - Semináriu Nivel Distritál “Tinan Rua Implementasaun Lei kontra Violénsia Doméstika: Progresu no Dezafiu” – 16 Agostu 2012
District Level Seminar “Two years since the Law Against Domestic Violence entered into force: Progress and Challenges” – 16 August 2012 - JSMP kontinua fo treinamentu ba Grupu Juventude Feto – 14 Agostu 2012
JSMP once again provides training to women’s groups – 16 August 2012 - Tribunál Distritál Suai hamonu pena prizaun tinan 23 ba kazu omísidiu agravadu hasoru nia konjúje – 3 Agostu 2012
Suai District Court hands down sentence of 23 years imprisonment in case of aggravated murder against a spouse – 3 August 2012
Pengadilan Distrik Suai menjatuhkan hukuman 23 tahun penjara atas kasus pembunuhan berat terhadap istri – 3 Agustus 2012 - Tribunál sira iha Timor-Leste hahú tama ba feriadu anuál – 2 Agostu 2012
Semua Pengadilan di Timor-Leste mulai memasuki liburan tahunan – 2 Agustus 2012
All of the courts in Timor-Leste enter their annual judicial recess – 2 August 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau la konsegue realiza julgamentu movél iha Manatuto tanbá situasaun seguransa la premite – 20 Jullu 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau la konsegue hala’o julgamentu ba kazu krime lima tanbá situasaun siguransa la primite -19 Jullu 2012
- Ministériu Públiku husu ba Tribunál absolve arguidu ba Kazu maus tratus ba menor -13 Jullu 2012
Jaksa Penuntut Umum meminta kepada pengadilan untuk membebaskan terdakwa kasus penganiayaan terhadap anak di bawah umur -13 Juli 2012
Public prosecutor requests for court to acquit defendant in case of maltreatment against a minor -13 July 2012 - JSMP Enkoraja STAE ho CNE atu Kumpri sira nia Knaar Tuir Lei Define -12 Jullu 2012
JSMP Mendorong STAE dengan CNE mematuhi tugas mereka sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum -12 Juli 2012
JSMP encourages STAE and CNE to carry out their duties in accordance with the provisions of the law -12 July 2012 - Tribunál Distritál Baucau absolve arguidu kazu violénsia doméstika rua tanba lezada la hato nia deklarasaun iha tribunál – 9 Jullu 2012
Pengadilan Distrik Baucau membebaskan para terdakwa dua kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga karena korban tidak menyampaikan keterangan di pengadilan – 9 Juli 2012
Baucau District Court acquits defendants in two cases of domestic violence because victims did not testify before the court – 9 July 2012 - JSMP hala’ó treinamentu Kódigu Penál no Kódigu Prosesu Penál ba komunidade Suco Oe-Leu no Eskola Sekundáriu Nú 03 Bobonaro, Distritu Bobonaro – 23 Jullu 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Suai Julga Kazu Infantisídiu ba Arguida DMN -28 Juñu 2012
- Ministériu Públiku kondena arguidu ALB, AMB no PSM ho pena tinan 20 prizaun-28 Juñu 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili halo prosesu julgamentu ba kazu “Infantisídiu” ne’ebé akontese iha Suku Humboe, Distritu Ermera -14 Juñu 2012
- JSMP kontinua realiza treinamentu ba lider komunidade feto iha Suco Maubisse Vila-Distritu Ainaro -12 Juñu 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hamonu pena prizaun tinan 5 ba arguida Lúcia Lobato no absolve arguidu António Freitas -11 Juñu 2012
Pengadilan Distrik Dili menjatuhkan hukuman 5 tahun penjara kepada terdakwa Lúcia M. B. Lobato dan membebasakan terdakwa António Freitas -11 Juni 2012
The Dili District Court hands down sentence of 5 years imprisonment against the defendant Lúcia M. B. Lobato and acquits the defendant António Freitas – 11 June 2012 - Ministériu Públiku sei halo rekursu hasoru despaixu alterasaun kazu krime maus tratus ba kónjuje ba fali krime ofensa ba integridade fízika simples – 6 Juñu 2012
- ANTI Komunikadu Imprensa – Ita Ejizi Justisa ‘Tanba Ita Hadomi Dame, Hakarak Lia-Los Hodi Hametin Rekonsiliasaun’ – 18 Maiu 2012
ANTI Siaran Pers – Timor Leste menuntut keadilan ‘Karena kami mencintai Perdamaian, mengingingkan kebenaran untuk memperkuat rekonsiliasi’ – 18 Mei 2012
ANTI Press Release – Timor-Leste demands justice ‘Because we love peace and we want the truth to strengthen reconciliation’ – 18 May 2012 - Semináriu ba Estudante Universitariu Feto – Enkoraza partisipasaun feto iha setór judisiáriu Timor-Leste – 14 Maiu 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hamonu pena fulan 6 no suspende ba tinan 1 prizaun ba arguida kazu violénsia doméstika – 9 Maiu 2012
- Arguidu ba kazu omisídiu agravadu hasoru nia kaben hetan pena tinan 18 prizaun – 9 Maiu 2012
Tersangka kasus pembunuhan terhadap istri mendapatkan hukuman penjara 18 tahun – 9 Mei 2012
Suspect in case of murder of spouse is sentenced to 18 years imprisonment – 9 May 2012 - Tribunál Distritál Dili hala’o audiensia julgamentu ba kazu krime abuzu podér, falsifikasaun dokumentus no korrupsaun – 4 Maiu 2012
- Ministériu Públiku akuza prátika korrupsaun – Parlamentu Nasionál ofisialmente hasai Ministru Estatal nia imunidade – 3 Maiu 2012
- Aniversáriu JSMP ba dala XI – Setór justisa kontinua infrenta dezafiu – 26 Abríl 2012
Perayaan ulang tahun JSMP yang ke XI – Sektor peradilan terus menghadapi tantangan – 26 April 2012
Celebration of JSMP’s 11th Anniversary – The justice sector continues to face challenges – 26 April 2012 - Tribunál Distritál Baucau la konsege realiza julgamentu ba kazu krime omisídiu agravadu tanba la iha intérprete – 20 Abríl 2012
- Tribunál Rekursu hamonu pena úniku tinan 4 fulan 6 ba arguidu kometidu krimé korrupsaun pasiva ho aktu ilísitu – 18 Abríl 2012
Pengadilan Tinggi menjatuhkan hukuman unik 4 tahun 6 bulan bagi terdakwa dalam kasus tindak pidana korupsi pasif dan tindakan tidak sah – 18 April 2012
Court of Appeal hands down sentence of 4 years and 6 months to defendant in a case involving the crime of passive corruption for an unlawful act – 18 April 2012 - JSMP realiza workshop kona-ba knaar Parlamentu iha Suco Ililai Sub Distritu Lautem, Distritu Lautem – 17 Abríl 2012
JSMP melaksanakan workshop mengenai tugas Parlemen di Desa Ililai Sub Distrik Lautem, Distrik Lautem – 17 April 2012
JSMP provides workshop on the role of Parliament in Ililai Village, Lautem Sub-District, Lautem District – 17 April 2012 - JSMP kontinua hala’o workshop no diseminasaun informasaun prosesu lejizlativu ba komunidade no autoridade lokál iha Suco Bobocasse-Distritu Oe-Cusse – 12 Abríl 2012
- ANTI Deklarasaun Konjunta – Komemorasaun Tinan XIII Loron Masakre Liquiça 5-6 Abril tinan 1999 – 2012 – 10 Abríl 2012
ANTI Pernyataan Bersama – Perayaan XIII Tahun Pembantaian Liquiça 5-6 April 1999 – 2012 – 10 April 2012
ANTI Joint Statement – 13 year commemoration of Liquica Massacre 5-6 April 1999 – 2012 – 10 April 2012 - JSMP Kontinua Hala’o Treinamentu ba Líderansa Komunitáriu iha Distritu Covalima no Distritu Baucau – 3 Abríl 2012
- JSMP sei lansa relatóriu rua kona-ba observasaun ba setór justisa no prátika lejizlativu iha Parlamentu Nasionál durante periodu 2011 – 29 Marsu 2012
JSMP launches two reports concerning observations of the justice sector and the legislative practices of the National Parliament during 2011 – 29 March 2012
JSMP louva desizaun Parlamentu hasai imunidade Minístra Justisa Lúcia Lobato – 22 Marsu 2012
JSMP memuji keputusan Parlamen untuk mencabut hak kekebalan hukum Menteri Kehakiman Lúcia Maria B. Lobato – 22 Maret - Julgamentu ba kazu violénsia doméstika hetan progresu boot iha Tribunál Distritál Dili – 22 Marsu 2012
- Ministériu Públiku aprezenta relatóriu anual 2011 ba PN – subliña kestaun saláriu ba ofisial justisa no polítika ba kuadru reforma kareira – 21 Marsu 2012
- Kontinuasaun kontroversiu entre Tribunál Rekursu no Tribunál Distritál sira kona-ba Artigu 125 husi Kódigu Prosesu Penál – 15 Marsu 2012
Kontroversi berlanjut antara Pengadilan Tinggi dan Pengadilan-Pengadilan di tingkat pertama mengenai Pasal 125 KUHAP – 15 Maret 2012
Controversy continues between Court of Appeal and the courts of first instance regarding Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code – 15 March 2012 - Parlamentu Nasionál aprova votu de pezar ba Dr. Fransisco Xavier, Proklamadór Independénsia RDTL – 9 Marsu 2012
- Lider komunidade feto Suco Motaulun Distrito Liquiçá hetan treinamentu husi JSMP durante loron 2 – 8 Marsu 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau aplika artigu 125 KPP ba testemuña ne’ebé mak loloos tenke fó depoimentu – 7 Marsu 2012
- Arguidu ba kazu tentativa abuzu seksuál hetan moldura penál tinan 6 (neen) iha prizaun – 5 Marsu 2012
- Kontraversiu entre juíz Tribunál Distritál Baucau kona-ba Akordaun Tribunál Rekursu Nú. 80/CO/2011/TR – 3 Marsu 2012
Kontraversi antara Hakim Pengadilan Distrik Baucau mengenai Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi No. 80/CO/2011/TR – 3 Maret 2012
Controversy between judges of Baucau District Court about Court of Appeal Decision No. 80/CO/2011/TR – 3 March 2012 - Parlamentu Aprova Unanimidade Projetu Alterasaun ba Lei Eleisaun Prezidente da Repúblika – 1 Marsu 2012
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba Lidér Komunitária iha Suco Pairara Distritu Lautém – 1 Marsu 2012
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba lider komunidade feto iha Sucu Cai-Cua Sub Distritu Vemasse-Baucau – 27 Fevereiru 2012
- Parlamentu Nasionál hahú plenaria diskusaun espesialidade ba Projeitu Lei Reparasaun no Institutu Memória Públiku – 23 Fevereiru 2012
National Parliament initiates a special plenary session regarding the Draft Law on Reparations and the Draft Law on a Public Memory Institution – 23 February 2012 - Karta nakloke ba membru Konsellu Seguransa sira hotu-hotu kona-ba justisa, lia-loos no reparasaun iha Timor-Leste – 20 Fevereiru 2012
Surat terbuka untuk semua anggota Dewan Keamana terkait keadilan, kebenaran dan pemulihan hak-hak korban di Timor-Leste – 20 Februari 2012
Open letter to all members of the Security Council regarding justice, truth and reparation in Timor-Leste – 20 February 2012 - Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse aplika pena multa US$60 ba membru PNTL ne’ebé komete krime violénsia doméstika – 20 Fevereiru 2012
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse menerapkan hukuman denda sebesar $60 terhadap Oknum anggota PNTL yang melakukan kejahatan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga – 20 Februari 2012
Oecusse District Court orders PNTL member to pay fine of US$60 for committing domestic violence – 20 February 2012 - Arguidu ba kazu violénsia doméstika hetan pena multa $90 – 20 Fevereiru 2012
Defendant in case of domestic violence sentenced to fine of US$90 – 20 February 2012 - JSMP realiza treinamentu ba Journalista Rádiu Komunidade no Jórnal iha Distritu Oe-Cusse – 20 Fevereiru 2012
- Parlamentu Nasionál sei aprova Lei Reparasaun no Institutu Memória Públiku antes termina sira nia mandatu – 13 Fevereiru 2012
Parlemen Nasional akan mengesahkan Undang-Undang Reparasi dan Memori Publik sebelum mengakhiri mandatnya – 17 Februari 2012
National Parliament will pass a Law on Reparations and a Law on a Public Memory Institute before its mandate expires – 17 February 2012 - Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse hala’o audiénsia julgamentu ba kazu violénsia doméstika durante loron tolu tutuir malu – 13 Fevereiru 2012
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse mengadakan persidangan terhadap kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga selama tiga hari berturut-turut – 21 Februari 2012
Oe-Cusse District Court tries domestic violence cases for three consecutive days – 21 February 2012 - Lei kona-ba Programa Nasionál ba Reparasaun sira Lei kona-ba Hari’i Institutu Públiku ba Memória – 6 Fevereiru 2012
Draft laws on the National Reparation Program and Institute of Public Memory – 6 February 2012 - Parlamentu Nasionál tenki hapara ignora sira-nia direitu – 3 Fevereiru 2012
Parlemen harus berhenti mengabaikan hak-hak korban – 3 Februari 2012
Parliament must stop ignoring victims’ rights – 3 February 2012 - Provas la sufisiente, Ministériu Públiku husu ba tribunál atu aplika pena suspensaun – 3 Fevereiru 2012
- Laiha kordenasaun diak entre Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál Distritál Baucau implika insatisfasaun no deskontente ba parte intresadu sira – 23 Janeiru 2012
Tidak adanya Kordinasi baik antara Kejaksaan dan Pengadilan Distrik Baucau Mengakibatkan ketidakpuasan dan dan kekecewaan oleh para pihak – 23 Januari 2012
All parties are unsatisfied and disappointed by lack of effective coordination between the Prosecution Service and the Baucau District Court – 23 January 2012 - Tribunál Distritál Dili kontinua halo julgamentu ba kazu maus- tratus ba kónjuje – 19 Janeiru 2012
- Parlamentu Nasionál fó posse ba membru Konsellu Fiskalizasaun Servisu Intelijénsia Nasionál – 19 Janeiru 2012
- Tribunál Distritál Suai hala’o julgamentu ba kazu diferente 4 durante loron ida nia laran – 18 Janeiru 2012
Suai District Court tries four different cases in one day – 19 January 2012 - JSMP hetan oportunidade hodi marka audiénsia ho Vise Primeiru Ministru iha ninia gabinete – 12 Janeiru 2012
JSMP mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan Wakil Perdana Menteri di kantornya – 12 Januari 2012
JSMP meets with the Deputy Prime Minister in his office – 12 January 2012 - Julgamentu ba kazu violénsia bazeia ba jéneru adia tanba parte balun la marka prezensa iha tribunál – 3 Janeiru 2012
- Dalan Naruk ba Setór Justisa iha Timor-Leste – 22 Dezembru 2011
Perjalanan Panjang Sektor Peradilan Timor Leste – 22 Desember 2011
The long road ahead for the Justice Sector in Timor-Leste – 22 December 2011 - Parlamentu Nasionál aprova Bilaun US$1.674.130 ba OJE 2012 JSMP rekomenda Governu tenki asegura ezekusaun ba Fundus Impréstimu – 15 Dezembru 2011
- Grupu Advogada Selebra Almoço Natal ho Autór Judisiáriu Feto iha Hotel Timor – 13 Dezembru 2011
- JSMP apoiu inisiativa proponente Bankada PUN atu establese sentru detensaun ba labarik – 30 Novembru 2011
- Tribunál Rekursu hala’o audiénsia renovasaun de prova ba kazu violasaun seksuál – 30 Novembru 2011
- JSMP hala’o treinamentu Kódigu Penál ba Lideransa Komunitária iha Sub Distritu Luro-Lautem – 24 Novembru 2011
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba journalista Rádiu Komunidade no Jornál Distritu Dili – 21 Novembru 2011
- Semináriu Nasionál kona-ba Violénsia Doméstika – Papel testemuña iha prosesu kazu violénsia doméstika – 16 Novembru 2011
National Seminar on Domestic Violence – The Role of the Witness in Domestic Violence – 16 November 2011
- JSMP kongratula feto hotu-hotu ba selebrasaun Loron Feto Nasionál – 3 Novembru 2011
JSMP mengucapkan selamat kepada perempuan Timor Leste yang merayakan Hari Perempuan Nasional – 3 November 2011
JSMP congratulates the women of Timor-Leste as we celebrate National Women’s Day – 3 November 2011 - JSMP hala’o treinamentu ba estudante iha Distritu Manatuto – 3 Novembru 2011
- Tribunál Distritál Suai kontinua hala’o ‘Julgamentu Movél’ haleu distritu
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hamonu pena suspensaun ba kazu violénsia doméstika tolu – 20 Outubru 2011
- JSMP hala’o semináriu ba estudantes Ensinu Sekundáriu Públiku Dom Martinho Lopes Maliana – 18 Outubru 2011
- JSMP realiza seminár kona-ba kombinasaun implementasaun Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika ho Kódigu Pénal ba Universitariu Oriental – 17 Outubru 2011
- Ministériu Públiku kondena arguidu ba kazu omisídiu agravadu tinan 15 iha prizaun – 17 Outubru 2011
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hala’o primeiru julgamentu ba kazu krime pekulatu ne’ebé envolve elementu instituisaun governu – 17 Outubru 2011
- JSMP habelar informasaun kona-ba knaar Parlamentu Nasionál iha Suco Hataz Distritu Maliana – 10 Outubru 2011
- Tribunál Distrital Oe-cusse enkoraza vítima violénsia doméstika atu depoimenta iha Tribunál – 10 Outubru 2011
Oecusse District Court encourages victims of domestic violence to provide testimony in court – 10 October 2011 - Tribunál Distritál Dili julga kazu omisídiu agravadu hasoru nia kónjuje – 5 Outubru 2011
- JSMP Kontinuasaun Fasilita Treinamentu ba Lideransa Komunitária iha Sub Distritu Atauro – 4 Outubru 2011
- JSMP fasilita treinamentu ba estudante sekundária iha Sub Distritu Atauro – 4 Outubru 2011
- Deklarasaun hamutuk ANTI kona-ba kazu milísia Besi Merah Putih Valentim Lávio – Setembru 2011
Joint statement from ANTI members on the case involving Valentim Lavio – a member of the Besi Merah Putih militia – September 2011 - Tribunál Distritál Dili hamonu pena suspensaun prizaun tinan ida ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstika – 29 Setembru 2011
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau kontinua adia julgamentu iha loron partikular balun – 23 Setembru 2011
Pengadilan Distrik Baucau terus menunda persidangan pada hari tertentu – 23 Setember 2011
Baucau District Court continues to postpone hearings – 23 September 2011 - JSMP kontinua hala’o semináriu ba estudantes nivel sekundáriu iha Lospalos no Viqueque – 23 Setembru 2011
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba journalista rádiu komunidade rejiaun II iha Distritu Covalima – 22 Setembru 2011
- Prokuradoria Jerál da Repúblika Organiza ‘Jornadas Juridicas’ kona-ba implementasaun artigu 118 no 125 KPP – 21 Setembru 2011
- Prezidente Repúblika Timor-Leste – Halo Milagre hodi promulga Proposta Lei ba Kódigu Sivíl ho artigu 2000-resin iha loron ida nia laran – 19 Setembru 2011
Presiden Timor Leste – Membuat mujizat untuk memberlakukan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata yang memiliki 2000-an lebih pasal dalam sehari – 19 Setember 2011
President of Timor-Leste performs miracle by ratifying the Civil Code that contains more than 2000 articles in just one day – 19 September 2011 - Arguidu ba kazu kontrafasaun ba moeda ou halo osan falsu hetan prizaun preventiva – 15 Setembru 2011
- Parlamentu Nasionál ratifika nomeasaun Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu – 7 Setembru 2011
National Parliament approves the appointment of the President of the Court of Appeal – 9 September 2011 - Tribunál Distritál Suai halo primeiru interogatóriu ba kazu sunu uma iha Galitas-Zumalai – 9 Setembru 2011
- Loron 6 Setembru – Masakre Igreza Suai: Justisa nafatin dook husi vítima sira – 6 Setembru 2011
Tanggal 6 September – Pembantaian masal di Gereja Suai: Keadilan masih jauh dari para korban – 6 Setember 2011
6 September – Suai Church Massacre: Victims still have a long way to go to get justice – 6 September 2011 - Pro-kontra kona-ba aprovasaun finál global ba Lei Kódigu Sivíl iha Parlamentu Nasionál – 5 Setembru 2011
- Majór-Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak rekoñese sistema justisa sei frazil – 5 Setembru 2011
Major-General Taur Matan Ruak acknowledges that the justice system in Timor-Leste is still fragile – 5 September 2011 - Lideransa komunitária sente kontente tanba hetan treinamentu kona-ba sistema justisa formál – 5 Setembru 2011
- JSMP kontinua hala’o treinamentu iha Suco Usitaku, Distritu Oe-cusse – 2 Setembru 2011
- Rede Referál Distritu Baucau hala’o sosializasaun kon-ba idak-idak nia funsaun/knaar – 23 Agostu 2011
- JSMP hato’o submisaun ba Parlamentu Nasionál kona-ba Ezbosu Lei Kódigu Sivíl ba Livru III kona-ba ‘Direitu ba Sasan’ – 22 Agostu 2011
JSMP menyerahkan Usulan ke Parlemen Nasional sehubungan dengan Rancangan Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata Buku III mengenai ‘hak atas barang’ – 22 Augustus 2011
JSMP submits proposal to National Parliament in relation to the Draft Civil Code – Book III on ‘Property Rights’ – 22 August 201 - ANTI – Masakre Kraras-Viqueque – Tinan ruanulu-resin ualu ona, justisa nafatin malahuk oan kiak nomós faluk kontinua halerik ba justisa – 22 Agostu 2011
- Arguidu ba kazu violasaun seksuál hetan pena tinan 15 prizaun – 12 Agostu 2011
- JSMP kontinua hala’o treinamentu ba lideransa komunitária iha Distritu Ermera no Covalima – 11 Agostu 2011
- Komisaun Permanente Parlamentu Nasionál aprova viazen Prezidente Repúblika bá Repúblika Myanmar – 10 Agostu 2011
- JSMP realiza diskusaun grupu limitadu segundu sesaun kona-ba Ezbosu Lei Kódigu Sivíl, Parte Direitu ba Sasan iha Distritu Bobonaro – 9 Agostu 2011
- Arguidu ba kazu korrupsaun hetan kondensaun tinan 3 prizaun plus selu multa ba Estadu hamutuk US$21,800 – 5 Agostu 2011
Tersangka kasus korupsi dihukum 3 tahun penjara dan membayar ganti rugi sebesar US$21,800 kepada Negara – 5 Augustu 2011
Suspect in corruption case is sentenced to 3 years jail and ordered to pay compensation of US$21,800 to the State – 5 August 2011 - Grupu advogadu/a hala’o estudu komparativu iha LBH APIK Jakarta-Indonézia – 4 Agostu 2011
- JSMP-FOKUPERS lansa relatóriu kona-ba Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika – 20 Jullu 2011
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba journalista rádiu komunidade Rejiaun I iha Distritu Baucau – 19 Jullu 2011
- Parlamentu Nasionál Aprova Lei Organika Câmara de Contas – 14 Jullu 2011
- Bispo Diocese Baucau Mrg. Dom Basilio do Nascimento rekoñese komplexidade servisu JSMP nian iha setór justisa – 13 Jullu 2011
Uskup Dioses Baucau Mrg. Dom Basilio do Nascimento mengakui kompleksitas peranan JSMP dalam sektor peradilan- 18 Juli 2011
The Bishop of Baucau Monsignor Dom Basilio do Nascimento acknowledges the complex role that JSMP plays in the justice sector – 18 July 2011 - Pengadilan Distrik Dili menjatuhkan hukuman 9 tahun penjara kepada anggota Milisi Besi Merah Putih (BMP) atas kasus kejahatan berat 1999 – 9 Juli 2011
Dili District Court hands down sentence of 9 years imprisonment against member of the Besi Merah Putih (BMP) militia for serious crimes committed in 1999 – 14 July 2011 - JSMP realiza semináriu ba estudante Ensinu Sekundáriu Katólika Santo Antonio Manatuto – 8 Jullu 2011
- JSMP marka audiénsia ho Prezidenti Komunidade Islamica Iha Timor-Leste – 6 Jullu 2011
- JSMP partisipa iha painel ba konferénsia hato’o peskiza foun kona-ba Timór – 5 Jullu 2011
- Julgamentu adia ba fulan 3 tan deklarasaun lakon nia efikásia – 5 Jullu 2011
- JSMP kontinua hala’o treinamentu kuadru legál aktual Timor-Leste nian ba PNTL iha Distritu Covalima – 28 Juñu 2011
- Arguidu ba kazu tentativa abuzu seksuál hasoru menor hetan pena prizaun tinan neen – 28 Juñu 2011
- JSMP kontinua hala’o treinamentu ba lider komunitaria no estudante iha Distritu Covalima no Distritu Bobonaro – 25 Juñu 2011
- JSMP kontinua hala’o treinamentu ba Polísia iha Distritu Ainaro no Manufahi – 22 Juñu 2011
- Parlamentu Nasionál altera Estatutu Ministériu Públiku – 16 Juñu 2011
- Tribunál Distritál Dili julga kazu krime ofensa ba integridade fízika simples – 10 Juñu 2011
- JSMP marka audiénsia ho Bispo Diocese Dili iha Câmara Eclesiástica da Diocese Dili Timor-Leste – 9 Juñu 2011
JSMP melakukan pertemuan dengan Uskup Diosis Dili di Keuskupan Diosis Dili Timor Leste – 9 June 2011
JSMP has meeting with the Bishop of Dili at the Dili Diocese of Timor Leste – 9 June 2011 - Tribunál Distritál Dili hala’o julgamentu ba kazu interrupsaun ba gravidés – 7 Juñu 2011
- JSMP preokupa ho adiamentu debate Projeitu Lei Prevensaun Brankeamentu Kapitais no Finasiamentu Terorismu – 6 Juñu 2011
JSMP hala’o diskusaun informál ho Xefe Prokuradór Distritál Baucau – 3 Juñu 2011
JSMP melakukan diskusi informal dengan Kepala Kejaksaan Distrik Baucau – 8 Juli 2011
JSMP has informal discussion with the Chief of the Baucau District Prosecution Unit – 8 June 2011 - JSMP hala’o treinamentu ba membru PNTL iha Distritu Lautem – 2 Juñu 2011
JSMP mengadakan pelatihan kepada anggota Polisi Nasional Timor Leste di Distrik Lautem – 30 Mei 2011
JSMP conducts training for members of the Timor-Leste Police Force in Lautem District – 30 May 2011 - Provizaun artigu 125 Kódigu Prosesu Penál kontinua sai obstáklu ba vítima violénsia doméstika – 1 Juñu 2011
Ketentuan Pasal 125 Hukum Acara Pidana tetap menjadi hambatan terhadap korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga – 1 Juni 2011
Provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code are an obstacle for victims of domestic violence – 1 June 2011 - JSMP kontinua organiza treinamentu ba lideransa komunidade feto iha Suco Betano Distritu Manufahi – 1 Juñu 2011
- Tribunál Distritál Dili julga membru Besi Merah Putih ba kazu krime graves ne’ebé akontese iha tinan 1999 – 31 Maiu 2011
Pengadilan Distrik Dili menyidangkan anggota milisi Besi Merah Putih atas kasus kejahatan berat tahun 1999 – 31 Mei 2011
Dili District Court tries members of the Besi Merah Putih militia for serious crimes committed in 1999 – 31 May 2011 - JSMP habelar prosesu lejizlativu iha Suku Bibileo Distritu Viqueque – 25 Maiu 2011
- Parlamentu Nasionál aprova Jeneralidade Ezbosu Lei Prevensaun Brankamentu Kapitais – 24 Maiu 2011
- Parlamentu Nasionál kestiona relatóriu PNUD ne’ebé akuza PM Xanana sai obstaklu ba dezenvolvimentu – 19 Maiu 2011
Parlemen Nasional mempersoalkan Laporan PNUD yang menuduh PM Xanana menjadi kendala bagi pembangunan – 19 Mei 2011
National Parliament takes issue with UNDP report that accuses PM Xanana of being an obstacle to development – 19 May 2011 - JSMP kongratula tomada de Posse ba Majistradu no Defensór Públiku klase III – 17 Maiu 2011
Estudante Escola Secundaria Avê Maria Suai ho laran kontente tuir treinamentu kona-ba direitu feto no labarik – 16 Maiu 2011 - Evidénsia la sufisiente, Tribunál absolve José Luis Guterres Cs husi alegasaun krime korrupsaun no abuzu podér – 16 Maiu 2011
- JSMP realiza treinamentu iha Suco Uma Uain Kraik, Distritu Viqueque – 11 Maiu 2011
- Parlamentu aprova Alterasaun Lei ba Eleisaun Parlamentu Nasionál – 9 Maiu 2011
- JSMP memberikan pelatihan kepada NGO Luzeiro dengan jaringan kerjanya di Distrik Lautem – 3 Mei 2011
JSMP provides training to the Luzeiro NGO which provides services to the Lautem District – 3 May 2011 - Leitura akordaun ba kazu omisídiu agravadu, hetan pena tinan 14 Prizaun: Progresu ida ba kazu violénsia ba jéneru – 3 Maiu 2011
- JSMP halao treinamentu iha Suco Buibau Distritu Baucau – 3 Maiu 2011
- Komemorasaun aniversáriu JSMP ba dala X – 26 Abríl 2011
Perayaan Ulang Tahun JSMP yang ke X – 26 April 2011
10 year anniversary of JSMP – 26 April 2011 - Tribunál Rekursu tarde halo dezisaun julgamentu kontinua la’o – 19 Abríl 2011
- Kazu omisídiu hasoru nia konjuje ameasadu ho pena tinan 15 prizaun – 14 Abríl 2011
- Rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasionál Nu. 62/II iha potensia hamosu abuzu hasoru Konstituisaun da Republika – 6 Abríl 2011
Resolusi No. 62/II Parlemen Nasional Berpotensi Menyimpang dari Mandat Konstitusi – 18 April 2011
National Parliament Resolution No. 62/II potentially in conflict with the Constitution – 18 April 2011 - Tribunál Distritál Dili hamonu pena suspensaun prizaun tinan tolu ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstika – 5 Abríl 2011
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hamonu pena tinan 7 fulan 9 prizaun, ba arguidu violasaun seksuál – 30 Marsu 2011
- Parlementu Nasionál hahú implementa lian Portugés iha plenária – 24 Marsu 2011
- JSMP lansa relatóriu tolu kona-ba Setór Justisa iha Timor Leste – 18 Marsu 2011
JSMP meluncurkan tiga laporan mengenai Sektor Peradilan di Timor Leste – 18 Maret 2011
JSMP launches three reports on the Justice Sector in Timor Leste – 18 March 2011 - Reuniaun Meza Redonda, Papel Autór Judisiáriu iha implementasaun Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika – 10 Marsu 2011
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba lider komunidade feto iha Suco Lauala Distrito Ermera – 10 Marsu 2011
- JSMP hala’o treinamentu ba autoridade komunitária iha Distritu Viqueque – 9 Marsu 2011
- Staf JSMP eleitu nu’udar Konsellu Opiniaun bá RTTL nian bá Parlamentu Nasionál – 1 Marsu 2011
- Prokuradóra Jerál Repúblika hato’o Relatóriu Anuál iha Parlamentu Nasionál – 23 Fevereiru 2011
- JSMP realiza treinamentu iha Suco Cassa, Distritu Ainaru – 23 Fevereiru 2011
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ba joventunde iha Suco Bahalara – Wain Distritu Viqueque – 22 Fevereiru 2011
- Timor-Leste: Parlamentu Nasionál lakon oportunidade atu fornese justisa ba violasaun sira iha pasadu – 17 Fevereiru 2011
Timor-Leste, Parlemen kehilangan kesempatan untuk memberikan keadilan bagi kejahatan masa lalu – 17 Februari 2011
Timor-Leste: Parliament missed opportunity to provide justice for past violations – 17 February 2011 - JSMP lansa relatóriu julgamentu kazu 11 de Fevereiru 2008 ba komemorasaun aniversariu dala tolu husi insidente ne’e – 8 Fevereiru 2011
JSMP meluncurkan laporan mengenai persidangan kasus 11 Februari 2008 pada perayaan ulang tahun ketiga setelah peristiwa penembakan – 8 Februari 2011
JSMP launches report on 11 February 2008 trial for third anniversary of shootings – 10 February 2011 - JSMP hala’o treinamentu iha Suco Aisirimou, Distritu Aileu – 8 Fevereiru 2011
- JSMP halo audiénsia ba dala rua ho Adjuntu Reprezentante Nasoins Unidas iha Timor Leste – 3 Fevereiru 2011
- JSMP hala’o treinamentu iha Sub-Distritu Laclubar – 31 Janeiru 2011
- JSMP apoiu proposta atu sosa kareta 13 no osan operasionál ba Polísia VPU – 26 Janeiru 2011
- Workshop Atendimentu Profesionál Saúde no Advogadu ba Violénsia Doméstika iha Distrito Suai – 25 Janeiru 2011
- Arguidu ba kazu violasaun seksuál ameasadu ho pena prizaun to’o tinan 15 – 20 Janeiru 2011
Terdakwa dalam kasus pemerkosaan diancam hukuman 15 tahun penjara – 20 Januari 2011
- Sistema justisa Timor-Leste nafatin iha situasaun risku nia laran – 22 Dezembru 2010
Sistem hukum Timor-Leste masih di persimpangan jalan – 22 Desember 2010
Timor-Leste’s legal system still at the crossroads – 22 December 2010 - JSMP Hala’o Treinamentu Iha Distritu Manufahi – 14 Dezembru 2010
- JSMP hala’o treinamentu ba Lider Komunitària iha Distritu Bobonaro – 13 Dezembru 2010
JSMP mengadakan pelatihan kepada Autoritas Lokal di Distrik Bobonaro – 13 Desember 2010
JSMP organizes training for local authorities in Bobonaro District – 13 December 2010 - JSMP hala’o diskusaun aberta kona-ba knaar Parlamentu Nasionál – 12 Dezembru 2010
- Sorumutu Rede Advogada Feto ho Autoridade Judisiáriu Feto – 11 Dezembru 2010
- Governu atende urjente pedidu husi Parlamentu Nasionál relasiona ho kestaun elektrisidade iha Óspital Nasionál – 16 Novembru 2010
- JSMP kontinua organiza workshop kona-ba papél Parlamentu Nasionál iha Suku Lahane, Aileu – 26 Novembru 2010
- JSMP halo audiénsia ho Prokuradór-Jeral da Repúblika – 5 Novembru 2010
JSMP mengadakan pertemuan dengan Jaksa Agung Republik Timor Leste – 29 Oktober 2010
JSMP meets with the Prosecutor-General of Timor-Leste – 29 October 2010
- Arguidu ba kazu omisídiu agravadu hasoru nia konjuje hetan pena tinan 21 prizaun – 29 Outubru 2010
- JSMP marka audiénsia ho Prezidente Repúblika – 22 Outubru 2010
JSMP mengadakan pertemuan dengan Presiden Republik Timor-Leste – 22 Oktober 2010
JSMP meets with the President of Timor-Leste – 22 October 2010 - Julgamentu kazu maus tratus ba konjuje, arguidu no lezada hili uza direitu atu nonok – 22 Outubru 2010
- Timor-Leste: Political Will Needed for Justice and Accountability – 14 October 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hala’o julgamentu ba kazu abandona obrigasaun alimentar ba oan – 14 Outubru 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau hala’o julgamentu ba kazu maus tratus ba konjuje – 14 Outubru 2010
- JSMP realiza treinamentu ‘Kódigu Penál’ ba estudante EPS Dais no Autoridade Suku Camanasa – 13 Outubru 2010
- JSMP hato’o submisaun kona-ba indultu ba Ministériu Justisa – 8 Outubru 2010
JSMP menyerahkan usulan laporan mengenai Grasi kepada Kementerian Kehakiman – 8 Oktober 2010
JSMP submits report on pardons to the Ministry of Justice – 8 October 2010 - Tribunál Distritál Suai hamonu pena tinan 10 no selu indemnizasaun $600 bá arguidu kazu violasaun seksual – 8 Outubru 2010
- JSMP marka audiénsia ho Adjuntu Reprezentante Nasoins Unidas iha Timor-Leste – 5 Outubru 2010
JSMP mengadakan pertemuan dengan perwakilan PBB di Timor Leste – 5 Oktober 2010
JSMP meets with the UN representative in Timor-Leste – 5 October 2010 - JSMP realiza workshop kona-ba atendementu husi profesional saúde no advogadu ba asuntu Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika – 1 Outubru 2010
- Pengadilan Distrik Dili membebaskan para terdakwa atas kasus penyerangan di Fatu-Ahi – 20 September 2010
Dili District Court acquits defendants in case of attack in Fatu-Ahi – 20 September 2010 - JSMP hala’o Fokus Grupu Diskusaun kona-ba ezbosu Lei Kódigu Sivíl, Parte “Direitu Familia Nian” – 20 Setembru 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Suai halo julgamentu ba kazu violasaun seksuál – 15 Setembru 2010
- Tradutór la iha, prosesu julgamentu iha tribunál la’o la efetivu – 14 Setembru 2010
- Arguidu ba kazu tentativa violasaun seksuál hetan pena tinan 5 prizaun – 8 Setembru 2010
- Vítima Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin ezije harii Museum kompleita ho seguransa – 8 Setembru 2010
- JSMP organiza tradusaun lian Tetun husi livru IV Ezbosu Lei Kódigu Sivíl – 8 Setembru 2010
- JSMP hala’o treinamentu Kódigu Penál Timor-Leste ba membru polísia iha Distritu Bobonaro – 1 Setembru 2010
- JSMP hala’o treinamentu ba estudante no lidér komunitária iha Distritu Covalima – Setembru 2010
- JSMP hala’o workshop kona-ba prosesu lejislativu iha Suku Taiboco Distritu Oecusse – 31 Agostu 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Dili halo julgamentu ba kazu tentativa violasaun seksuál – 25 Agostu 2010
- Kestaun podér Prezidensiál ba indultu: Entre direitu prerogativu no kredibilidade sistema judisiáriu – 20 Agostu 2010
Kompetensi Presiden atas pengampunan: Antara hak prerogatif dan kredibilitas sistem peradilan – 20 Augustus 2010
Competency of the President to grant pardons: Prerogative right versus credibility of the justice system – 20 August 2010 - JSMP hala’o workshop no fahé informasaun iha Distritu Suai – 3 Agostu 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Dili absolve arguidu bá kazu 28 Abril 2006 – 28 Jullu 2010
Pengadilan Distrik Dili membebaskan terdakwa kasus 28 April 2006 – 28 Juli 2010 - Julgamentu bá kazu Atake 28 Abríl 2006 la hetan tradusaun sufisiente – 23 Jullu 2010
Persidangan atas kasus penyerangan 28 April 2006 tidak mendapatkan terjemahan yang memadai – 14 Juli 2010
Poor interpretation during trial of the perpetrators of the 28 April 2006 attack – 14 July 2010 - Komisaun A PN aprova relatóriu paraser ba Lei Instituisaun Memória no Lei Reparasaun – 21 Jullu 2010
Committee A approves report recommending draft laws on a Memorial Institution and Reparations – 21 July 2010 - JSMP rekomenda ba PM Australia atu respeita ba Konstituisaun – 8 Jullu 2010
JSMP urges Australian Prime Minister to respect Timor-Leste’s Constitution – 8 July 2010 - Vítima sira mai Dili hodi Parlamentu rona sira nia lian kona-ba justica no lei foun rua – 5 Jullu 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau hala’o julgamentu ba kazu ameasa – Jullu 2010
- JSMP organiza Semináriu Nasionál ba asuntu Ezerse Podér Prezidensiál ba Indultu – 29 Juñu 2010
- JSMP halo diseminasaun informasaun ba estudante 136 iha Distritu Oe-Cusse – 24 Juñu 2010
- Inaugurasaun rezidénsia ba Prokuradór no Ofisiál Justisa iha Distritu Oe-Cusse – 22 Juñu 2010
- Ministériu Justisa lansa planu estratéjiku setór justisa nian ba periodu tinan 2010-2030 – 21 Juñu 2010
- Tribunál hamonu tinan 18 prizaun ba arguidu ne’ebé mak oho nia kónjuje – 21 Juñu 2010
- Língua Portugés difikulta membru Parlamentu Nasionál balun iha debate kona-ba Proposta Lei Kódigu Sivíl – 4 Juñu 2010
Use of the Portuguese language makes it hard for a number of parliamentarians to debate the draft civil code – 4 June 2010
- Lansamentu ba programa treinamentu Kódigu Penál no Kódigu Prosesu Penál Timor-Leste ba staff JSMP – 28 Maiu 2010
- Pro Kontra Deputadu PN kona-ba konsultasaun Primeiru Ministru iha Distritu – 27 Maiu 2010
- Deputadu husi Aliansa Maioria Parlamentu halo krítika hasoru Governu – 24 Maiu 2010
- Tribunál omuloga akordu ba dame entre parte ba kazu ofensa integridade fízika konjugál – 21 Maiu 2010
- Arguidu no vítima maus tratus kónjuje hato’o sira nia deklarasaun iha Tribunál – 19 Maiu 2010
- JSMP hato’o submisaun ba Ezbosu Lei Justisa Juveníl ba Ministériu Justisa – 11 Maiu 2010
- Arguidu ba kazu violasaun seksuál kontra labarik minoridade, hetan sentensa tinan 12 kadeia – 12 Abríl 2010
- Loron daruak, debata Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika iha Komisaun A la realiza tanba quorum la to’o – Abríl 2010
- Arguidu tentativa violasaun seksuál hetan multa no sentensa tinan tolu kadeia suspende ba tinan tolu – Abríl 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse la funsiona ho maksimal tanba juiz la hela permanente iha jurisdisaun refere – Abríl 2010
- Ofisial ne’ebé akompaña testamuña ba Kazu Krize 25 de Maiu 2006 halo protesta hasoru Tribunál ba orariu julgamentu ne’ebé la konsistente – Abríl 2010
Perwira yang mendampingi saksi untuk kasus krisis 25 Mei 2006 melakukan protes atas jadwal sidang yang tidak konsisten – April 2010
Officer accompanying a witness in a case relating to the events of 25 May 2006 complains about inconsistent trial schedule – April 2010
- Ringkasan Persidangan Kasus Tindak Pidana di Pengadilan Distrik Dili – Maret 2010
- Proposta Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika pasa iha generalidade ho votus marioria – Marsu 2010
- Prezidente Parlamentu bolu atensaun ba deputadu sira atu hala’o sira nia knar nu’udar reprezentante povu ne’ebe di’ak – Marsu 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse hamonu sentensa kastigu fulan sia kadeia suspende ba tinan rua ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstika – Marsu 2010
- Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa (PDHJ) Reeleitu ba Segundu Mandatu – Marsu 2010
- JSMP Lansa Programa Foun ba “Projeitu Observasaun ba Parlamentu” (POP) – Marsu 2010
JSMP Launches New Program “Parliament Watch Project” (PWP) – March 2010 - Timor-Leste kandidata Sra. Milena Pires atu sai membru Komite CEDAW iha onu hodi reprezenta feto Timor-Leste – Marsu 2010
- Desizaun finál Kazu 11 Fevereiru, Tribunál la prova autór tiru Prezidente Repúblika – Marsu 2010
Putusan akhir dari Pengadilan atas kasus 11 Februari tidak dapat membuktikan pelaku penembakan atas Presiden Republik – Maret 2010
Final decision issued by court in 11 February case fails to prove who shot the President of the Republic – March 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau absolve akuzasaun ba kazu violasaun seksuál tanba la iha evidénsia – Fevereiru 2010
- Unidade Justisa ba Feto hala’o treinamentu iha Sub-Distritu Iliomar, Distritu Lautem – Fevereiru 2010
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hamonu sentensa ba autór tiruteius iha Krize 2006 iha Merkadu Lama Dili – Fevereiru 2010
- Tribunál Rekursu ofisialmente lansa livru Kódigu Penál – Fevereiru 2010
- Kontinuasaun rona testemuña na’in ha’at ba kazu Krime Grave 1999 ho Arguidu DM – Fevereiru 2010
- JSMP lansa Relatóriu Observasaun Jerál Setór Justisa tinan 2009 – Fevereiru 2010
- Komisáriu ba KAK eleitu ona liu husi votasaun iha plenáriu Parlamentu Nasionál – Fevereiru 2010
- Arguidu ‘EF’ ba kazu abuzu seksuál kontra labarik hetan pena prizaun durante tinan sia – Janeiru 2010
- Timor-Leste koke fali julgamentu ba kazu krime graves 1999 – Janeiru 2010
- Iha inísiu fulan Janeiru 2010 Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse la hala’o julgamentu – Janeiru 2010
- Julgamentu kazu 24 Maiu 2006 hahu loke ika Tribunál Distritál Dili – Janeiru 2010
- Atór krime omisídiu tentativa hetan pena sentensa tinan 6 – Dezembru 2009
- Komemora loron 16 aktivismu violénsia kontra feto – JSMP hamutuk ho Fokupers lansa relatóriu artigu 125 Kódigu Prosesu Penál – Dezembru 2009
- Julgamentu adia tanba juiz nia kondisaun saúde la permite – Dezembru 2009
- Tribunál Distritál Suai hala’o julgamentu ba kazu violasaun seksuál – Novembru 2009
- Persidangan kasus penyerangan seksual ditunda – November 2009
- Kontroversiu substituisaun equipa advogado ba kazu ‘Atentadu 11 de Fevereiru’ – Novembru 2009
- Debate orsamentu anuál 2010 iha nivel komisaun – halo sala de plenáriu mamuk – Novembru 2009
- Tribunál Distritál Dili rona ona testemuña na’in 52 ba kazu attentadu husi testemuña na’in 175 ne’ebé rezistu ona – Novembru 2009
- Terdakwa Railos dan Leandro divonis 2, 8 dan 1, 6 tahun penjara – Oktober 2009
- Juiz tuir treinamentu – Julgamentu iha Tribunál Distritál Suai adiadu – 25 Outubru 2009
Hakim Mengikuti Pelatihan – Persidangan di Pengadilan Distrik Suai kembali tertunda – Oktober 2009 - Mosaun sensura la pasa iha plenáriu Parlamentu Nasionál – Outubru 2009
- JSMP independentemente hatama keixa konstitusionál ba Tribunál de Rekursu – Outubru 2009
- Tribunál Distritál Dili kontinua rona testemuna Kazu Atentadu 11 Fevereiru – Setembru 2009
Pengadilan Distrik Dili Melakukan Sidang Lanjutan Guna Mendengarkan Saksi Kasus 11 Februari – Setember 2009 - Asesór militár ba Prezidente fó depoimentu iha julgamentu kontinuasaun ba Kazu 11 de Fevereiru 2008 – Setembru 2009
Penasehat Militer Untuk Presiden Memberikan Kesaksian Pada Sidang Lanjutan Kasus 11 Februari 2008 – Setember 2009
- Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse hala’o julgamentu ba kazu abuzu seksuál ne’ebé akontese iha tinan 2001 – Agostu 2009
Pengadilan Distrik Oe-Cusse baru menyidangkan kasus pencabulan yang terjadi pada tahun 2001 – Augustu 2009
Oe-Cusse District Court tries case of obscene behaviour that occurred in 2001 – August 2009 - Julgamentu ba Kazu Krize 2006 hasoru arguidu ho inisial ‘OK’ adiadu tan – Agostu 2009
Persidangan atas Kasus Krisis 2006 dengan terdakwa berinisial ‘OK’ kembali ditunda – Augustus 2009
- WJU hala’o treinamentu primeira etapa iha Maliana – Jullu 2009
- Julgamentu primera-vez ba Kazu Attentadu 11 de Fevereiru 2008 – Pasu positivu ida ba oin nomós dezafiu ida ba setór judisiáriu Timor-Leste – Jullu 2009
Persidangan Perdana atas Kasus Penyerangan 11 Februari 2008 – Suatu Langkah Positif Sekaligus Tantangan Dalam Sektor Peradilan Timor Leste – Juli 2009 - Desde terseiru dia julgamentu ba Kazu 11 de Fevereiru 2008, Arguidu balun la hetan asisténsia legál husi sira ninia advogadu – Jullu 2009
Sejak hari ketiga persidangan Kasus 11 Februari 2008, Beberapa Terdakwa Tidak Didampingi oleh Pengacara – Juli 2009 - Kontinuasaun rona depoitmentus ba testemuña akontesimentu 11 Fevereiru presiza durubassa ho di’ak – Jullu 2009
- Tribunál Distritál Dili hatún estatutu ‘Termu Identidade da Rezidensia/TIR’ no prende Ddkumentu passporte arguidu FG ninian – Jullu 2009
Pengadilan Distrik Dili memberikan status tahan rumah (Termu Identidade de Rezidensia/TIR) dan menahan dokumen pasport tedakwa FG – Juli 2009 - Prezensa George Barbosa nu’udar grupu defensores iha julgamentu Attentadu 11 de Fevereiru 2008 sai debate – Jullu 2009
Kehadiran George Barbosa selaku team pengacara dalam sidang kasus Penyerangan 11 Februari 2008 menjadi perdebatan – Juli 2009 - Akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku La Forte, Arguida Kazu Omisídiu Infantile Hetan Liberdade Totál – Jullu 2009
Dakwaan Jaksa Penuntut Umum Tidak Kuat, Terdakwa Kasus Pembunuhan Anak Dibebaskan – Juli 2009
- 28 April cases relating to damage to property adjourned again – June 2009
Kasus pengrusakan yang terjadi pada tanggal 28 April kembali ditunda – Juni 2009 - Prokuradór Substitutu la Marka Prezensa, Julgamentu Adiadu – Juñu 2009
Substitute Prosecutor Absent, Hearing Postponed – June 2009 - Arguidu na’in tolu husi kazu Watu-Lari hetan kastigu pena prizaun no na’in rua hetan absolvisaun – Juñu 2009
Tiga orang terdakwa kasus Watu-Lari divonis penjara dan dua terdakwa lainnya bebas dari tuntutan hukuman – Juni 2009
Three defendants in the Watu-Lari case sentenced to imprisonment, two defendants acquitted – June 2009
- Aktividade julgamentu iha Tribunál Baucau iha fulan Maiu – Maiu 2009
Aktivitas persidangan di Pengadilan Baucau pada bulan Mei – Mei 2009
Hearings conducted at the Baucau District Court during the month of May – May 2009 - Kontinuasaun Julgamentu ba Kazu Ataca iha QG Taci-Tolu Adiadu Tan – Maiu 2009
Kelanjutan persidangan atas kasus penyerangan di Tasi Tolu kembali ditunda – Mei 2009
Trial of case relating to attack in Tasi Tolu postponed again – May 2009 - Tomada de Posse Segundo Periodu ba Ator Judisiáriu, Passu Positivu ba Dezenvolvimentu Sistema Judisiáriu Timor-Leste – Maiu 2009
Second batch of judicial actors sworn in – a positive step for the development of the Timor-Leste judicial system – May 2009 - Ministeriu Publiku alega no akuza ator Kazu Dano Watu Lari nian iha tinan 2007 – Maiu 2009
Kejaksaan Mendakwa dan menuntut aktor Kasus Watu-Lari pada tahun 2007 – Mei 2009
Prosecution makes final recommendation of sentence against defendants in Watu-Lari case from 2007 – May 2009
- Julgamentu no leitura sentensa ba kazu krime sira – Abríl 2009
Sidang dan pembacaan putusan kasus-kasus tindak pidana – April 2009
Hearings and the announcement of decisions in criminal cases – April 2009 - Tinan 8 JSMP – Entre Progresu no Dezafiu – 28 Abríl 2009
Anniversary of JSMP – Progress and Challenges – 28 April 2009 - Desizaun Tribunál ba kazu omisídiu no tentativu omisídiu – Abríl 2009
Putusan pengadilan dalam kasus pembunuhan dan percobaan pembunuhan – April 2009
Court decision in case of murder and attempted murder – April 2009 - Planeamentu Stratejiku Ministériu da Justisa – pasu ida ba oin atu dezenvolve setór judisiáriu – Abríl 2009
Strategic Planning Kementerian Kehakiman – satu langkah ke depan dalam membangun sektor peradilan – April 2009
Ministry of Justice Strategic Planning – a positive step towards developing the justice sector – April 2009 - Adiamentu dala ida tan ba Kazu Assaltu QG F-FDTL – Abríl 2009
Kasus Penyerangan Markas F-FDTL kembali ditunda – April 2009
Case of Attack on F-FDTL HQ is adjourned once more – April 2009
- Tribunál Distritál Baucau Julga no Lee Leitura da Sentensa ba Kazus Krime – Marsu 2009
Pengadilan Distrik Baucau Mengadili dan Membaca Putusan Kasus-Kasus Pidana – Maret 2009
Criminal cases tried and decisions issued by the Baucau District Court – March 2009 - Klausula exepsaun ba kriminalizasaun abortu iha ezbosu Kódigu Penál Timor-Leste – Marsu 2009
- Baucau District Court tries cases involving violence against women – March 2009
Sidang kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan di gelar oleh Pengadilan distrik Baucau – Maret 2009 - Arguidu Abuzu Seksuál Hasoru Labarik Minoridade Hetan Liberdade Kondisionál – Marsu 2009
Terdakwa Percabulan Terhadap Anak Dibawah Umur Dinyatakan Bebas Bersyarat – Maret 2009
Defendant charged with committing obscene acts against a minor has been granted conditional release – March 2009 - Julgamentu Kazu Krime Kolektivu iha Tribunál Distritál Suai – Marsu 2009
Persidangan Kasus Pidana Berat Pada Pengadilan Distrik Suai- Maret 2009
Trials of Serious Criminal Cases at the Suai District Court – March 2009 - Saude juiz la permite julgamentu ba Kazu 11 no leitura da sentensa rua kansela – Marsu 2009
Kesehatan Hakim terganggu Persidangan 11 Kasus dan dua Acara Putusan dibatalkan – Maret 2009
Poor health of judge results in the cancellation of 11 hearings and two decisions – March 2009 - Kazu violasaun seksuál no frutos hetan alegasaun finál – Marsu 2009
Kassus kekerasan sexual dan pencurian mendapat tuntutan akhir – Maret 2009
Final recommendations of sentence made in case of sexual assault and case of theft – March 2009 - Prosesu adia tanba iha indikasaun juiz ho vítima sei iha relasaun família – Marsu 2009
Persidangan ditunda Karena ada Indikasi Hakim dengan Korban Masih ada Hubungan Keluarga – Maret 2009
- Inaugurasaun Edifísiu Prokuradoria-Jerál – Fevereiru 2009
Peresmian Gedung Kejaksaan Agung – Februari 2009
Official Opening of a new Office of the Prosecutor General – February 2009 - The Suai Police Investigations Unit is not cooperating effectively with the Court – February 2009
- Tribunál Baucau hamonu pena tinan 3 cadeia ba autór tentativa omisídiu – Fevereiru 2009
Pengadilan Baucau menjatuhkan vonis 3 tahun penjara atas pelaku percobaan pembunuhan – Februari 2009
Baucau District Court sentences defendant to 3 years imprisonment in case of attempted murder – February 2009 - Presiza separasaun prosesu julgamentu – Fevereiru 2009
Perlu diterapkannya Pemisahan Persidangan – Februari 2009
Need for separation of proceedings – February 2009
- Viajen juiz ba estranjeiru halo ajenda julgamentu pendente – Janeiru 2009
Kunjungan hakim ke luar negeri menyebabkan tertundanya agenda persidangan – Januari 2009
Judge’s scheduled visit overseas causes delays in court hearings – January 2009 - Julgamentu Adia Tanba Arguidu la Marka Prezensa – Janeiru 2009
Sidang Ditunda Karena Ketidakhadiran Terdakwa – Januari 2009
Hearing adjourned due to non-attendance of defendant – January 2009
- Statement from women in land of conflict – November 2008
- Timor’s courts silence women victims – November 2008
- Victim and foetus die from abortion – November 2008
- Defendant is the father of the victims – November 2008
- Cases of maltreatment and property damage in Baucau – October 2008
- The implication of court costs in the law on civil procedure – October 2008
- Draft Penal Code needs final adjustment – October 2008
- Penerapan prinsip ‘ne bis idem’ dal am proses peradilan pidana – Augustus 2008
- Oecusse District Court – August 2008
- President’s crisis amnesty scheme flawed – July 2008
- Obstacles encountered by the Suai District Court in the processing of criminal cases – July 2008
- Case delays at Suai District Court – July 2008
- Dili District Courthouse officially reopened – June 2008
- National Parliament approves law on Private Lawyers – June 2008
- Dili District Court issues suspended sentence in domestic violence case – 3 June 2008
- Call for further action on domestic violence law – 23 May 2008
- Presidential clemency devalues court process – 23 May 2008
- Vote-buying case heard by Circuit Court – 16 May 2008
- PNTL officer maltreated in Oe-Cusse – 12 May 2008
- Court issues decision in case of crime against public authority – May 2008
- Summary of criminal trials at the Suai District Court in May – May 2008
- Mentally ill defendant sent to prison – 4 April 2008
- Summary of criminal cases heard at the Baucau District Court – April 2008
- JSMP monitoring of hearings at the Oe-Cusse District Court – April 2008
- Prosecution and adjudication of cases relating to domestic violence – 27 March 2008
- Appointment of the second group of court actors is a positive step forward – 14 March 2008
- Hak Terdakwa untuk Diam Selama Proses Persidangan Berlangsung – 3 Maret 2008
- Legal proceedings in Oecusse – 29 February 2008
- Women’s Justice Unit conducts monitoring and training in the District Court of Oe-Cusse- 4 February 2008
- Baucau District Court hands down decision in case of gender based violence – 29 November 2007
- Gender based violence cases in the Baucau District court – 22 November 2007
- Pernyataan saksi bertanda meringankan hukuman bagi terdakwa neto moq- 26 Oktober 2007
- Lemahnya Keterangan Saksi Dalam Kasus 25 Mei 2006 – 19 Oktober 2007
- Depoimentu sasin argued membru F-FDTL nian ba kazu 25 Maiu 2006 – 19 Outubru 2007
- Saksi Jacinto Roberto Merasa Takut Ketika Menyampaikan Kesaksiannya di Pengadilan – 12 Oktober 2007
- Saksi Tidak Mau Diambil Gambarnya Ketika Memberikan Kesaksian di Pengadilan Distrik Dili – 11 Oktober 2007
- Sidang Pebuktian Untuk Kasus 25 Mei 2006 – 10 Oktober 2007
- Commission of Truth and Friendship hearings in Dili – 2 October 2007
- Progress of the 2006 F-FDTL PNTL case – 1 October 2007
- Oecusse District Court convicts one defendant for manslaughter and acquits a separate defendant on charges of rape – 22 August 2007
- 2007 judicial vacation in Timor-Leste – 21 August 2007
- Defendant in murder case acquitted because she is suffering from psychotic depression – 18 August 2007
- Abilio ‘Mausoko’ sentenced to four years jail, co-defendants sentenced to one year six months jail – 13 August 2007
- Trial starts in shooting case involving Afonso ‘Kuda Lai’ – 3 August 2007
- Sale of chest ornament results in death – 26 July 2007
- Prosecutor Felismino Cardoso, we hold trials to respect human dignity – 11 July 2007
- Mobile voting in prisons and hospitals for the Parliamentary Election, 30 June 2007 – 9 July 2007
- Perpetrator of alleged murder of victim Joao Barreto is acquitted pursuant to the principles of in dubio pro reo – 5 July 2007
- Husband given 9 month suspended sentence for assaulting his wife – 5 July 2007
- Psychotic depression causes a young mother to kill her children – 5 July 2007
- Paulo Martins and Leandro Isaac appear as witnesses in case of attack on residence of Brig. Gen. Taur Matan Ruak in 2006 – 28 June 2007
- Stop torture, consolidate justice in Timor-Leste – 27 June 2007
- Witness do not have knowledge about the involvement of Abilio Mausoko and co-accused in attached on resident of Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak – 21 June 2007
- Court convicts defendant in defamation case, applies different articles to those contained in the indictment – 18 June 2007
- Persidangan lanjutan dal am kasus penyerangan terhadap kediaman BrigJen Taur Matan Ruak – 8 Juni 2007
- Witness not sure if defendants were involved in shooting at the residence of General Taur Matan Ruak- 11 June 2007
- Dili District Court conducts hearing in case of Abilio Mausoko and others – 7 June 2007
- Audiénsia ne’ebé CVA hala’o iha Jakarta la fó resposta ba ejizénsias vítima sira nian- 8 Juñu 2007
- Inauguration of new court actors provides hope for the future of the justice system in Timor-Leste – June 2007
- A victim’s failure to give testimony in court results in him being charged as a defendant – 30 May 2007
- Oe-Cussee District Court Conducts hearing in corruption cases – 29 May 2007
- 44 perpetrators involved in the riots of 20 May 2007 temporarily detained in Becora prison – 28 May 2007
- Appeal decision in case of Rogerio Tiago Lobato – 17 May 2007
- Courts of Timor Leste in 2007 – 27 April 2007
- Training on criminal investigations from gender perspective – 4 April 2007
- The perpetrators of a shooting that occurred in the Jardim IDP camp in 2006 are acquitted – 30 March 2007
- Alfredo Goncalves sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for murder – 27 March 2007
- Dili District Court hands down five day sentence against five defendants charged with illegal possession of weapons – 22 March 2007
- 2005 rape case involving member of police (PNTL) – 20 March 2007
- Dili District Court postpones hearings in trials related to domestic violence and sexual abuse – 20 March 2007
- Dili District Court holds proceedings to interrogate a member of Alfredo Reinado’s associates – 13 March 2007
- Baucau District Court decides to repatriate a former Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) member to Indonesia – 12 March 2007
- JSMP regrets statement by Xanana Gusmāo about state of emergency – 9 March 2007
- Rogerio Tiago Lobato sentenced to 7 years 6 months prison – 8 March 2007
- Reflections on International Women’s day – 8 March 2007
- Suai District Court in the post-crisis period – 3 March 2007
- Prosecutor’s recommendations of sentence for defendant Rogerio Tiago Lobato and co-accused in the arming of civilians case – 17 February 2007
- Taur Matan Ruak latest witness in civilian gun distribution case in Timor – 12 February 2007
- Court removes father Geovanio De Sousa from witness list in Rogerio Lobato case – 12 February 2007
- Women Justice Unit and VSS attent “Fokus Networking Conference” Thailand 2007 – 10 February 2007
- Prime Minister to testify at hearing in connection with the case of alleged arming of civilians – 6 February 2007
- Former Vice-Minister of the Interior asked to testify in connection with criminal case of alleged arming of civilians – 1 February 2007
- Witness Paulo de Fatima Martins justified the issuing of F2000 automatic guns by defendant Rogerio Lobato – 30 January 2007
- Court ordered prosecutor to launch criminal investigation against Railos and Liquica District PNTL Commander – 27 January 2007
- Majority of top government officials asked to be present as witnesses in case against defendant Rogerio Lobato – 23 January 2007
- Commission of Truth and Friendship will make a big mistake if it recommends amnesty to perpetrators of crimes in Timor-Leste – 20 January 2007
- Fourth hearing in trial of Rogerio Lobato – 16 January 2007
- Member of Laksaur Militia appears before panel of judges in Dili District Court – 15 January 2007
- First judicial inquiry for eleven members of F-FDTL and one PNTL held in Dili District Court – 13 January 2007
- Court orders Ministry of Justice and UNPOL to provide physical protection to witnesses in case of defendant Rogerio Lobato and his co-accused – 12 January 2007
- Hearing of evidence in trial of defendant Rogerio Lobato and other co-accused – 11 January 2007
- Court proceedings in the case of Rogerio Lobato and co-accused – 10 January 2007
- Defendants involved in death of PNTL member given suspended sentence of 1 month, 15 days – 19 Dezembru 2006
- JSMP selebra loron dizaseis dias kampanha kontra violénsia iha Restaurante Maubere – 6 Dezembru 2006
- Training in the laws of criminal procedure for Timor-Leste’s lawyers – 8 September 2006
- First judicial questioning of a suspect in the shooting of civilians in Kolmera – 6 September 2006
- Suco Chief sentenced for assault – 5 September 2006
- Departure of international judges and prosecutors causes problems in Timor-Leste judicial system – 22 August 2006
- First judicial questioning in the case of the suspect ‘Oan-kiak’ – 22 August 2006
- More support and consideration required for continuation of serious crimes trials – 13 September 2005
- Dili District Court grants application of habeas corpus in case of suspect detained in excess of 6 months – 9 September 2005
- Conviction of an ex-militia member for plan to attack Timor-Leste – 8 August 2005
- War crimes suspect returns to Timor-Leste – 8 August 2005
- Penal Code to be passed as a Government Decree Law – 3 August 2005
- Parliament passes revised Draft Demonstration Law – 19 July 2005
- Men arrested on complaint of member of parliament – 13 July 2005
- JSMP welcomes court clerk training – 12 July 2005
- Concerns over legal representation for outstanding SPSC appeals – 27 May 2005
- Government seeks to regulate private lawyers – 27 May 2005
- Prosecutors and Public Defenders fail their evaluations – 26 May 2005
- Justice for victims still elusive – 24 May 2006
- Judge applies customary law in a criminal case – 19 May 2005
- The Serious Crimes Unit conducts community outreach sessions – 29 April 2005
- Judge applies invalid law – 25 April 2005
- Dili District Court acquits three PNTL officers in rape case – 13 April 2005
- Victim support service for women victims of violence commences at JSMP – 11 April 2005
- Appeal in murder case highlights lack of coordination between Court of Appeal and District Courts – 7 April 2005
- Suai District Court functioning again – 15 March 2005
- Commission of Truth and Friendship seeks to end the search for justice whilst Commission of Experts keeps it alive – 14 March 2005
- JSMP’s report on the Draft Penal Code – 7 March 2005
- Case determined to be political not criminal – 2 March 2005
- JSMP welcomes UN’s announcement of appointment of Commission of Experts – 22 February 2005
- Decrease in the volume of cases heard by the district courts – 15 February 2005
- Announcement of results of preparatory phase of training for court actors – 26 January 2005
- Results of judges’ evaluations released – 26 January 2005
- Indonesia- East Timor ‘Truth and Friendship Commission’ – More friendship, less truth, impunity from the law – 14 January 2005
- Pengadilan Distrik Dili menjatuhkan satu putusan lagi terhadap kasus lekerasan sexual – 13 Januari 2005
- Public access barred to decisions from district courts – January 2005
- Participants in conference call for establishment of International Tribunal – September 2004
- Conference on the future of the Serious Crimes Process for Timor Leste – September 2004
- Indonesian Court holds retrospective prosecution for East Timor – 27 July 2004
- East Timorese civil society demand the creation of a Commission of Experts – 19 July 2004
- JSMP welcomes judges’ return from Portugal – 15 July 2004
- Limited progress in the work of the Special Panel for Serious Crimes – 12 July 2004
- The Wiranto Warrant political interference in the Serious Crimes Process – 22 June 2004
- Dili District Court releases detention decision in rape case against PNTL Officers – 3 June 2004
- Special Panel refuses the General Prosecutor’s motion to review and amend the Wiranto Indictment – 18 May 2004
- Parliament gives preliminary approval to Amnesty Law – 7 May 2004
- Courts cannot function due to budget bungle – 7 May 2004
- UN Sacrifices Justice For Dollars – 6 May 2004
- Three more decisions handed down by Special Panel For Serious Crimes – 24 February 2004
- UN Security Council must support the serious crimes process in East Timor – 24 February 2004
- Charges of Crimes Against Humanity Withdrawn – 13 February 2004
- Special Panels in Dili finally releases illegal detainee – 22 October 2003
- Special Panels for Serious Crimes face further setback as international judge called home – 20 October 2003
- JSMP disappointed with passing of unconstitutional Immigration and Asylum Law – 1 October 2003
- East Timorese Parliament passes new legislation on the Applicable Subsidiary Law – 1 October 2003
- Domingos Mendonca, Ex-Commander of Ablai militia is sentenced for 10 years and 6 months imprisonment by Special Panel – October 2003
- New Internal Security Act may be unconstitutional – 27 August 2003
- Court in Jakarta completes theatrical performance – 6 August 2003
- Special Panel delivers its own decision on the applicable law – 24 July 2003
- JSMP expresses concern about personal attacks upon Court of Appeal Judges – 23 July 203
- East Timor’s Court of Appeal renders three further decisions applying Portuguese Law – 22 July 2003
- Court of Appeal decision raises national and international concern – 17 July 2003
- Ablai militia leaders sentenced for crimes against humanity – 16 July 2003
- Special Panel dismisses indictment against alleged Aitarak Militia Members – 15 July 2003
- Foreign businessman released from detention in East Timor – 11 July 2003
- Ablai Militia leaders plead guilty to Crimes Against Humanity – 3 July 2003
- Court of Appeal recommences in Timor-Leste – 2 July 2003
- JSMP applauds Court of Appeal decision on Immigration Law – 1 July 2003
- Sakunar Militia Leader in East Timor Pleads Guilty to Crimes Against Humanity – 22 May 2003
- JSMP reviews justice in Dili District Court – 15 May 2003
- Ablai Militia member conditionally released – 24 April 2003
- Lolotoe case finalized as former militia commander sentenced to 12 years for Crimes Against Humanity in East Timor – 5 April 2003
- East Timor crimes against humanity perpetrator released, recaptured and released again – 18 March 2003
- Ex-Los Palos militia conditionally released – 3 March 2003
- JSMP Comments on Jhoni Franca case – 31 October 2002
- More delays hamper Lolotoe trial – 28 October 2002
- East Timor urgently needs Court of Appeal to guarantee fundamental human rights – 14 October 2002
- East Timor Special Panels for Serious Crimes – more postponements than hearings – 11 October 2002
- Ex-Indonesian soldier convicted of negligence causing death – 16 September 2002
- Timor serious crimes panel hands down first rape conviction – 12 September 2002
- Court sentences Liquica militia member to 20 years jail – 10 September 2002
- New Judicial Magistrates Law passed but concerns ignored – 5 September 2002
- East Timorese Government proposes amnesty law – 31 May 2002
- What will be the effect of the draft Amnesty Law? – May 2002
- JSMP releases report on the Los Palos trial – 15 April 2002
- Special Panel accepts two guilty pleas – 5 April 2002
- Lolotoe trial continues and mahidi militia member convicted – 27 March 2002
- JSMP and IPJET legal observers to be present at Indonesian Ad Hoc Court trials – 5 March 2002
- Lolotoe trial commences in Dili – 8 February 2002
- Trial begins against East Timorese Former TNI Soldier – 5 February 2002
- Court of Appeal reduces FALINTIL member’s sentence to 5 years – 29 October 2001
- United Timorese NGOs calls for an international ad hoc tribunal – 18 October 2001
- Halilintar militia convicted of Maliana murder – 1 October 2001
- JSMP Comments to the Sergio Lobo interlocutory appeal – 27 July 2001
- Militia member convicted of UNAMET staff murder – 16 July 2001
- Team Alpha militia members testify to Kopassus links – 13 July 2001
- First Crimes Against Humanity trial begins – 10 July 2001
- Los Palos case to start next week – 3 July 2001
- Court of Appeal dismisses final appeal by militia member – 2 July 2001
- First appeals from Special Panel for Serious Crimes heard – 26 June 2001
- First Serious Crimes appeal cases start on Monday – 21 June 2001
- Former Ablai militia sentenced to four years imprisonment – 14 June 2001
- Francisco dos Santos Laku – 8 years for murder – 13 June 2001
- Indonesian Attorney General “dismissed with honor” – 4 June 2001
- Second TNI case, former soldier pleads guilty – 31 May 2001
- TNI trial underway in Dili Court – 30 May 2001
- Jose Valente sentenced to 12 years and 6 months imprisonment – 30 May 2001
- Former Laksaur militia sentenced to 13 years imprisonment – 29 May 2001
- Militia member sentenced to 15 years and 6 months imprisonment for murder – 15 May 2001
- Dili Court increases pressure on Indonesia – 10 May 2001