
Mar 24
Mar 20
Mar 06
Mar 06
Feb 17

Komiasun A Parlamentu Nasionál halo konsulta públiku ba Esbosu Lei Podér lokál no Desentralizasaun Administrativa no Lei Eleitorál Munisipál

Komiasun A Parlamentu Nationál (PN), iha Kinta-Feira 13 Fevereiru 2020 halo konsulta públiku ba Esbosu Lei Podér lokál no Desentralizasaun Administrativa no Lei Eleitorál Munisipál iha Munisipíu Covalima. Konsultasaun ne’e hetan partisipasaun hosi autoridade lokál, diretór munisipál, xefi suku, reprezentante emprezáriu no reprezentante partidu polítiku sira iha munisipíu refere. Tetum…
Feb 17
Feb 17
Jan 31
Jan 20

Call for Applications : 30th Annual Human Rights and People’s Diplomacy Training for Human Rights Defenders from the Asia-Pacific Region August 2020, Timor-Leste

The Diplomacy Training Program (DTP) is calling for applications for its 30th Annual Human Rights and People’s Diplomacy Training Program for Human Rights Defenders from the Asia-Pacific Region and Indigenous Australia. The program is a partnership between leading civil society networks in the Pacific (PIANGO) and Asia (FORUM-ASIA), working with…
Jan 16